Dear all, I was absolutely horrified to see the video clipping of the hanging of Saddam Hussain on all our TV channels. How can they make such a tamasha of a man's death , even if he was the blackest villain ? Doesnt he, a human being after all, deserve dignity in death ? So ok, they wanted to show an important "news-item", but was it necessary to repeat it one hundred times ? Have we all become so insensitive as to sit and watch a man dying ? Absolutely disgusted VS
I am with you. Dear Vidyasarada, I share your sentiments. I was very saddened and it was in bad taste to begin a new year this way. I was trying to avoid the news channesl because of this, but it is almost impossible. Humanity will not wake up I guess. All the same, let's hope for the Best in the New Year. L, Kamla
Me too.... Hi I too felt very sad when they r braodcasting the scene. Americans thought not to take him to one more year, and so he was sentenced to death. But, after all, he is also a human being. How can they kill a man who is alive? And as Vidyasarada told, they were repeatedly showing the same news in every channel. Its not in our hands to avoid watching it. Any way, hope for the best atleast in future. Gayathri.
Pathetic Death Indeed... Hi All, I too agree with the way Saddam's death was broadcasted in the channels... He may have commited big crimes, but that doesn't mean that his death should be telecasted as a big event, that too repeated telecast on the day of New Year. Not only that, I felt bad that he was executed on the very first day of Eid. It must have hurt many muslims across the world and their sentiments...What a way to start bakrid...! We have heard only animal slaughter on such days, a man slaughter is the first time am hearing on the day of Eid...Americans should have respected atleast the muslim's spiritual sentiments and could have waited for few more days to carry out the execution...Am sure Americans cannot bear the slaying of their national leader on the day of Christmas, in the same sense, they should have reacted when handling the death sentence of Saddam. When alive he must have arouse many hatredness among people, but when dead, atleast after watching those grotseque scene, it aroused only sympathy for him. Iraq is sure to see more bloodshed in the future...Killing of Saddem has made Iraq history no better ! Love, Preethi
Did you note?? Friends, Did you note the poetic justice though?? Gerald Ford died and all the Americal flags were at half mast at this wonders!!?? L, Kamla
really nauseating Dear kamla, I wasvtoo horrified tosee thevideo and Iwillnever forget theexpressiononhis face.Veryshocking is the later news of the video taken by a witness Regards, Meenu
Hello, I too felt bad to watch a man being hanged. He may be a dictator, but he would have found his end when people woke up. America had no business to capture Iraq and now kill Saddam like this. It is becoming a bully to the other countries now. More horryfying is the video clipping of the killing of the Indian engineer by the Taliban some time back. We received it by email and I did not have any idea, so had to watch it. It was very gory, the men cutting the head just like it was a vegetable. Oh, I don't want to explain and make you all miserable.