Discussion in 'Education & Personal Growth' started by Thyagarajan, Mar 15, 2024.

  1. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    There is a beautiful saying.

    Warriors don't always win wars.

    On the other hand, the one who keeps on fighting will win. See how Real the truth is.

    There are many people who say, "I tried everything, I couldn't do it.. I gave up.. No matter what, I won't let it go without achieving it. You can count the people who keep trying and succeed.
    Actually the true warriors are the conquerors who belong to this second category.
    I knocked on the door and it didn't open.. so I can't say I stopped knocking.

    That's why it's smart to keep knocking on that door or find an alternative way. As if effort pays off, the person who keeps trying succeeds in life. Why didn't I think that this deed would not come to me, why didn't that deed come to me?
    Can we ride a bicycle in the first attempt? Can not. The joy of riding a bicycle after many attempts and getting up after being knocked down is unique.

    If you stand aside wondering if you have fallen off your bicycle once, you are a walker forever. If we try again and again we can definitely achieve that. No one succeeds in the first attempt. Swimming AGAINST the current is sometimes the only way to win.
    Young children do not know how to read properly when asked to read first. If the child thinks that "I don't want to study, I will not study",
    it will never be able to study. That is, the child can read only if we try and make him read again and again.

    If you swim like a spider, you can be successful in your personal life. Anyone who thinks I can't do it can't achieve anything. One has to try until s/he reach success.
    Just like the tides never rest, one has to keep trying to succeed. Struggle not once but many times with the belief that one can do it and only that person can do it and victory is his or hers.

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