Online Dance Class From India For Kids In The Usa

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by gknew, Aug 9, 2023.

  1. gknew

    gknew Gold IL'ite

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    My kid is 9 years old. He never joined in any dance class or studio before. He wasn't that interested until 6. When he is 6, he's joined a group of friends to perform a dance for school show. Then COVID and virtual school, he didn't show up any interest in dance.

    Since last year, he is very much interested in dance. he just jumps and do his own stomping by playing songs in the TV. I tried to enroll him in a dance class here in a studio. He went for few classes and it's a Bollywood class, so they played Hindi songs. He dance for Tamil songs at home. He also listen to English songs but don't know any Hindi songs.

    He didn't show up any interest for this dance class and stopped going to the sessions. I told that it's ok to learn dance for any language songs but he is not listening. I don't want to force him to attend the classes.

    Since he shows up interest, I just tried to enroll, so that be can learn the skill properly from a professional.
    That didn't work out. I am trying to see if any dance teachers or dance studios from India teach dance online to kids here?

    Any of you know or heard anything like that? Please share if you know about info.

    Admin, if this post is not relevant in this category, please move it to the right forum.

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