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One Step At A Time

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by satchitananda, Mar 31, 2023.

  1. satchitananda

    satchitananda Finest Post Winner

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    A quarter of 2023 is already gone by. No, i am not thinking of the passage of time in any philosophical manner. It is just that as the year wears on I go into a sort of panic mode. A very existential crisis stares me in my face. I have to get 12 photographs - either birds or animals or flowers - ready for a calendar for the coming year. The last couple of years have been particularly challenging given that there was no question of travelling to look for fresh pictures. The proverbial travel bug was biting me really hard - hard enough to give me weals.

    Anyway, last year was challenging for me in yet another way - it was what the late Queen would have woefully described as her 'annus horribilis'. Being the queen of my own life, I have no hesitation in referring to it in the same manner. My body seemed to hate me, but I was determined to shut it up. So when a friend announced that she and her friends were going to Kedarnath and Badrinath, I jumped at the opportunity and went off well stocked with all potentially essential medications. Unfortunately I could not visit Kedarnath as I did not get a helicopter seat. But I did visit Badrinath and after some spiirited exchanges with the others who were trying to dissuade me, managed to climb up to Ganesh gufa and Vyasa gufa in the last Indian village before China. That I came back with a pneumonia (I did not realize it was that for more than a month after) is a different matter. So i went on a trip to Masinagudi with some friends for 4 days and managed to play table tennis with a 14 year old for a good quarter of an hour - the first time since I left school. Am delighted to realize in retrospect that even pneumonia did not stop me from doing that!!!

    Then I got a message from a friend (meeting after 30 years) saying she was coming to India in February and we went to Coorg and Wynad. Wynad was a wonderful experience. I pushed myself to climb - almost on all fours, one step at a time - a 400 ft mountain (Edakkal). The incentive was an ancient cave with petroglyphs on the top. Man, was I proud of myself! The bonus was the breaks in between where I made friends and some monkeys took a tremendous fancy to me, and came and posed by my side for a picture!!! :-D I also went zip lining for the first time in my life. I came back on a high and could not stop watching the video for an entire week!

    Age, I have been heard and have always believed, is just a number. Some numbers are particularly attractive and despite all other troubles of the last year, I was happy to have set them aside and entered the haloed portals of the senior citizens' club with a bang! Numbers have the good effect of pushing one to enjoy whatever time one has to the maximum - before life or the body give up completely on one.

    All the travel have certainly done me a lot of good and not to forget - I have got more pictures for the calendar of 2024.

    Devprayag - IL.jpg

    Devaprayag - Confluence of the Bhagirathi and Alakananda rivers to form the Ganga

    Charkhamba - IL.jpg
    Charkhamba at sunset

    Evolving - IL.jpg


    From the top - IL.jpg

    Waynad - From the top of Edakkal
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2023
    Rihana, Scorpio707, Cheeniya and 6 others like this.

  2. Laks09

    Laks09 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Satchi - welcome back! And what a beautiful come back this is.
    I have always admired your way with words. It’s like a story. You weave it all so well together.

    The pictures, they say a thousand stories themselves. Thank you for sharing with us.

    I hope you are feeling better. Here is wishing you a lot more travels and adventures for the rest of 2023!
    Thyagarajan and satchitananda like this.
  3. satchitananda

    satchitananda Finest Post Winner

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    Thanks a lot Laks. Yes, am looking forward to travelling as much as possible. Planning to travel in winters and work rest of the year round. Visited Pune after 5 years to visit sis and bil. The city has changed so much, but it was wonderful meeting friends and spending time with them.
    Thyagarajan and Laks09 like this.
  4. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Satchi,

    It is oddly one step at a time with so much activities in such a short time! You are setting up an example for senior seniors here in IL as what we should attempt to do. There is no classification as seniors for women! Badrinath! Wow! What a delight to read that you had visited Badrinath and the last villages before one enters Chinese territory!

    You have shared some wonderful copyrighted photos in this snippet especially the confluence of Bhagirathi and Alakananda and Charkamba at the sunset!

    Vynad and Coorg are beautiful part of India one should always visit! Coorg is always in my list as I heard that it is one of the territories that would remain after 90% of land mass will be destroyed during Pralaya. You can be the guide to take whoever is left at that time to take them safely to Coorg.

    Please take care of your health! I hope you are completely out of Pneumonia.

    I am so glad @Laks09 rightly nominated your thread announcing your arrival back in IL!

    I look forward to your calendar 2024! :banana:
    Thyagarajan, Laks09 and satchitananda like this.
  5. satchitananda

    satchitananda Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Viswa,

    So wonderful to hear from you. As for "It is oddly one step at a time with so much activities in such a short time!", one season of travelling is one step. Yes, am mercifully over the pneumonia and this year has started out well for me. Am so grateful for that. Every such good phase boosts up my confidence to travel - have not done so much in more than a decade now. Looking forward to the next round Sep/Oct - Jan/Feb. Good time to travel in India. Every good phase that life throws my way will be made the most of and used for travel.
    Thyagarajan and Viswamitra like this.
  6. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    Beautiful pictures!
    Thyagarajan and satchitananda like this.
  7. satchitananda

    satchitananda Finest Post Winner

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    Thanks a lot, sir!
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  8. Anisu

    Anisu Platinum IL'ite

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    The photos clicked by you are amazing Satchi....
    Please increase your target for the calender from 12 to 48...4 pictures for each month...
    We encourage you to travel more.....
    Thyagarajan and satchitananda like this.
  9. satchitananda

    satchitananda Finest Post Winner

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    Thanks a ton, Anisu. If I have 4 pictures for each month, i sure will by necessity have to travel more. :-D
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  10. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    Dear sister @satchitananda
    What an enjoyable read of your tour jottings here!
    Like a breath of fresh air you had returned here after a long hiatus posting your sweet tour notes and photos of panaroma - glittering hills across our borders almost proximate to lake Manasorover.
    But then I wonder how could you carry on tour with pneumonia for company.
    Do you regret for not getting a seat in copter that deprived you visit to shrine at kedarnath? Do not take it to heart. Right time Kedar would provide you yet another opportunity to visit Him.
    Hill-photos remind me of cameras Cannon XL and Nikon . These two Japanese brands known for bringing out annual 12 sheet glossy 3'x2' calendars with moments that stay only for few hundredths of a second. My friend ex japan used to send me every year those calendars for almost a decade. I preserved it for over a decade & half. My home walls and staircase used to be decorated with their calendar photos in golden looking frames.
    Hill shrines remind us of steep crude steps. Ascending and descending these hill-steps in soft ochre or yellow shining day break or dusk sun, one step at a time bestows the person inexplicable
    joy provided one is not hungry.
    God Bless.
    satchitananda likes this.

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