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One Catches More Flies With Honey Than With Vinegar

Discussion in 'Stories (Fiction)' started by Thyagarajan, Oct 10, 2021.

  1. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    One Catches More Flies With Honey Than With Vinegar
    A farmer had a neighbour who was a hunter, and who owned ferocious and poorly trained hunting dogs.
    They jumped over the fence frequently and chased the farmer's lambs. The farmer asked his neighbour to keep his dogs in check, but this fell on deaf ears.
    One day the dogs again jumped the fence, attacked and severely injured several of the lambs.

    The farmer had enough of his neighbours negligence. He ‎went to town to consult a judge who listened carefully to the story and said: "I could punish the hunter and ‎ instruct him to keep his dogs chained or lock them up. But you would lose a friend and gain an enemy. Which would you rather have, friend or foe for a neighbour?"

    The farmer replied that he preferred a friend. “Alright, I will offer you a solution that keeps your lambs safe, and which will keep your neighbour as a friend."

    Having heard the judge's solution, the farmer agreed.
    Once at home, the farmer immediately put the judge's suggestions to the test.
    He took three of his best lambs and presented them to his neighbour's three small sons, who were overjoyed to receive such lovely pets and began to play with them.

    To protect his sons newly acquired playthings, the hunter built a strong kennel for his dogs. Since then, the dogs never again bothered the farmer's lambs.

    Out of gratitude for the farmer's generosity toward his sons, the hunter often shared the game he had hunted with the farmer.
    The farmer reciprocated by sending the hunter, lamb meat and cheese he had made. Within a short time the neighbours became good friends.

    One can win over and influence people the best with gestures of kindness and compassion.
    You know one catches more flies with honey than with vinegar.

    Keeping peace and good relations between people ( NOT NATIONS LIKE PAKISTAN & CHINA) helps construct strong nation as quarrels and bad feelings destroy mankind.”

    courtesy - WhatsAp

  2. Tamrakshar

    Tamrakshar Platinum IL'ite

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    Good diplomatic lesson for the national leaders! Your rider regarding Pakistan and China cannot be disputed much because of the myriad betrayals meted out to us by these two countries. The doves of peace advocate that business and cultural relationship can normalize relationship between the rival countries.

    Regarding Pakistan, they never reciprocated the unilateral MFN status granted to them by India. Their hatred towards India is so deep rooted that they will never rest in peace until they see India broken into pieces.

    As far as China is concerned, it's a completely different story. They know business very well, but their corporate giants are misused to spy on other countries.
  3. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    Thank you Sir for your very thoughtful & more appropriate comments.
    God Bless.
  4. umaakumar

    umaakumar Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Sir,

    A very good one. Most times we just forget we need friends and do the mistake of picking up quarrels. I have seen this happen a lot in an around the places I have lived. This was really nice. I can use this in my story telling for children.

    Thanks for sharing

  5. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan IL Hall of Fame

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    While handling a huge staff in an office, one need to strategise to ensure cooperation of every single individual joins to strive to achieve the set goals for the office with speed efficiency uppermost in mind.

    While overseeing this large day to day operations, I can’t afford to have enemies working under me nor I should turn their reasonfor attrition.

    In such an atmosphere, one has to survive by his or her wits alone. One enemy or disgruntled employee can derail the entire arrangement irretrievably causing huge loss and mental agony for others.

    India has neighbours and our relationship with them got to be cordial. They may look small yet if they choose to be our enemy - it can sap entire nation’s energy directly & indirectly.

    That’s why we liberated earstwhile east Pakistan citizens in war of dec 1970 and brought a new nation Bangla Desh upon this continent. One has got to be cautious of small battles which has potential to turn into huge wars.

    Iran and Iraq for months on end but eventually What they achieved except both sides lost lacs of their men & women and kids. Wars have brought more wars. After fighting nearly two decades, US in Afghanistan achieved nothing. The afghans back to square one. A regressive society being created.

    Thanks and Regards.

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