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Once broken heart and trust; Can this marriage survive?

Discussion in 'Married Life' started by desposhwetha, Nov 18, 2013.

  1. desposhwetha

    desposhwetha Gold IL'ite

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    Well, my first post here though been fol lowing most of the threads; My story in short ; Married for 18 months of which 11 months am living alone:( arranged marriage wen i was 23 . Engagement was kewl but marriage was such a chaos and cry as he has two elder sis who did not like him getn mard early (he was 27 and his sis got married at 31+)We did speak before wedding but def didnt bond as we two didnt have anythn in common but as always he sorta tried convincing me dat e likes all my tastes; after marriage v lived alone; he is a s/w prof but has hardly saved any money ; so life was so miserable interms of finance as my parents gave all amenities but he still found it difficult to live in a rented house, without AC I was so irritated cos all the time outing acc to him was wen he took me out to see real estates wen v had no money; i tried my best to contain but couldnt make him understand the ground realities;
    After two months he said we have to move back to his parents place. I had no choise. There the whole scenario changed. Every sec all he did was to insult me and my parents infront of his mother. From morning till eve; Infact every night he slept with his mom.He found so much happiness wen i cried and made me do so atleast thrice a day. My parents couldnt bare this and brought me back home.
    After 20 days he came and spoke to my parents. Not changed a bit. In this 20 days his mom had influenced him so much. He was rude as usual. Shouted , screamed and all. My parents felt its my life so cant leave it just like dat. So i went back to his place.
    It was the same sitiation again. I waited patiently if things would change. But 2 months was hell. Nothing changed. This time my parents took me out again but he made me write down dat I will apply for divorce, lot of abuses,blah, blah....
    Dead and depressed i came out. Dad was a pillar for me. I slowly came out and started working. Got a decent job. He came after 2 months with local rowdy to threaten me and my fam.ily ro send me back. Actually he couldnt find any resons to get a smooth divorce so has gone to a goon . We managed it somehow. After knowing I have a good job he called my parents again and threatened dire consequences if I dont return. In two days he consumed poision and called my parents. We rushed to hospital and wer by his side for 3 days. Only wen i came home I knew it was a drama to just bring me to his place.
    1. He has gone bad mouthing about me to all his colleagues, friends, relatives, and infact our family enemies
    2. He is IMPOTENT
    3. He is terribly sadistic and in fact his family is the same way(my co-sis has also left her hubby citing same psychological trouble; both bro are same; mom's influence)
    4. My sil's are working in US so controlling both their bro by money
    5. I dont know how to say this but my fil is dead and my mil still wears her mangalsutra. But we dil have to follow all the traditions; My hubby is siding with his mom; and none of the relatives dare qn her
    6. We have nothing in common and I cant stand him or any of his activities ;
    7. This irks me a lot. He is such a womaniser that everytime we go out I cant stand it wen openly comments about other women
    8. From all prev exp he is a mumma's boy who ll never change is what i get
    9. Since am earning good deal he wants to get max of it as much as he could
    10. His mother has insulted all women in my family which am inable to digest

    I know its over as I dont want to see him or even think of him; But this is so painful. I am so torn and depressed. How do i deal with it? I am just 25 and I have a long road to walk and I am not sure how I can all alone....I have a younger sis who is 20 and my biggest fear is of her marriage life will be affected becos of my current positin....

    Dear all,plz post ur inputs and guide me through

  2. beingloved

    beingloved Gold IL'ite

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    Seems like it would be difficult to spend the rest of life with such a person, as described by you. You can think of separation of there is no emotional attachment left. Don't think too much about life ahead. Life has its own of opening new doors and you will surely get your way.

    Just one advice, continue to be financially independent and consolidate your financial status. It'll bring in lots of confidence in you.

    All the Best!
  3. tulipzz

    tulipzz Platinum IL'ite

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    Do you live in India? Did you hear about women protection cell?

    You are just 25. Get out of this mess, you can definitely find a nice person who can respect you and value your presence in his life.

    Dont waste your life. DON'T PLAN KIDS WITH THIS GUY.
    sindmani, panda2014 and guesshoo like this.
  4. kma

    kma Gold IL'ite

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    Maybe she only means that he makes deregatory comments about other women in bad taste.
    1 person likes this.
  5. sokanasanah

    sokanasanah IL Hall of Fame

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    Shwetha, this is enough reason to get away from him. You do not need any more.

    There are many women here who have done the impossible. Here is one story.
    There are many others. You can deal with it. You are not alone. Your father has stood by you right? You are educated, employed and have family support. This is a good start.

    Don't worry about your sister. I don't think her life will be affected. Besides, she would not want to secure her happiness on a bed of your misery. She would want whatever is best for you and you for her, right? I think people will understand. Focus on your own well-being for now.
    4 people like this.
  6. desposhwetha

    desposhwetha Gold IL'ite

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    @indianguy2013 I knw this wd pop up fnd; bt my point s v cant ve a baby; his sperm count is low ; and after consultation wd a gyn i was asked to look for sperm donors; dats it;i cild oly find d wrd impotent for this; educate me if der s a betr wrd
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2013
  7. desposhwetha

    desposhwetha Gold IL'ite

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    thx a ton; i am mentally traumatised and unable to trust any1 nw; and am scared of all men around me ;
  8. desposhwetha

    desposhwetha Gold IL'ite

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  9. guesshoo

    guesshoo IL Hall of Fame

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    stay strong and don't give the loser another chance. It might be 5% his mums fault but 95% he is at fault. Don't think of it as just having been brain washed by his mum. He is a sick psycho with a psycho family to match. Get a divorce.

    Don't worry about your sister. She'll be fine. If any suitor you see for her refuses to marry her unless you are with your sadist husband, you sis will be better off without such a match..

    Just take care of yourself now. You have your parents support plus you have a good job. They are your biggest assets. Don't bother trying to give the marriage another shot. you deserve much better.

    ps: under no circumstances believe anyone who says bringing a baby into this world with him will make things better.
    sindmani, panda2014 and kma like this.
  10. heron

    heron Platinum IL'ite

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    This ones a gone fuse. He could kill himself to torture you. You coming out must be obvious. Also post his pic in FB and warn others.

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