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On selecting IDs and Avatars!

Discussion in 'Cheeniya's Senile Ramblings' started by Cheeniya, Sep 8, 2007.

  1. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Viji
    It was just fun competition and not an official one of IL. That was the year I joined IL and I had to tread my path carefully. Of course, you would have guessed all the answers correctly and walked away with the prize!
  2. PriyaKat

    PriyaKat Silver IL'ite

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    Our gods have no dearth of Handles . They have sahasranamams to dip into !

    we mortals of the digital age are also getting close to that score as each one of us has at least one dozen usernames for use in the dozens of sites we get registered into. Multiple personality disorder is rampant !

    Real life is only a shade better. Though our "username" is chosen by parents, our Avatars are all of our own choice. we are to people what we want them to think of us. We are perceptions . We are Handles. The real"us"sits concealed , manipulating the perceptions , in safe anonymity.
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  3. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Priya
    There was a very erudite exponent of Harikatha by name Mukkur Lakshmi Narasimhachariar who once lectured on each name of Vishnu and he covered all the 1000 names over a period of three months in Asthika Samajam in Chennai. I had listened to him with awe. I am mentioning this to tell you that each handle of gods has a great story behind it unlike the humans'. I do not think we are half as imaginative in picking our handles!

    Hearing you talk about the real "us" sitting concealed, I remember the horror movie "Mirrors" in which the mirror image turns the killer of the real one. Very spooky!
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  4. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    I attended a Satsang a few years back and one of the speakers told me that God could never travel to the United States because of a specific reason. Every one was breaking their head for a while and finally he gave away the reason. US Visa application asks the name, surname and aka names as well. Since God has hundreds of thousands of name, it would be impossible to list them all and hence US immigration would never grant Him the visa. Your user IDs for Gods reminded me of this Satsang.

    My user ID is Viswamitra and Viswam mean "Universal" and Mitra means, "Friend". Therefore, my user ID could be considered as universal friend. I feel it is a perfect user ID to interact through IL. The real reason for that ID is to use the name of the famous Rishi. I am still keeping my real name secret but I can give a clue that my real name means, "Possessor of wealth" and it is one of the 12 names used for Lord Vishnu. May be that is the reason why my dad asked me to become a Chartered Accountant in a family of engineers. My grand father, uncle, father, brother, cousins, brother's children, cousins' children and my son are engineers.

  5. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Viswa
    In my very first communication to you, I had addressed as 'Friend of the Universe' I do not know if you recall it. The Rishi of that name had a chequered career as he had a tendency for a bit of conceit. The Trisangu affair, his affaire d` amor with Menaka are some of his classic follies. But despite all his aberrations, he did earn the sobriquet of 'Brahmarishi' from the 'mouth' of none other than Vasishta. Thereby he did establish what heights perseverance could take a person to.

    I too had a few names going:
    My grandma: Paappa
    My schoolmates: Cheenu
    My Bank colleagues: TVS
    One special friend: cheeniya
    My maternal uncle: cheemachu
    My grandchildren:Thaaths
    So even I may not get my US Visa!

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