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Of This And That!

Discussion in 'Cheeniya's Senile Ramblings' started by Cheeniya, Feb 13, 2024.

  1. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Sorry to know that Anna. Still you are typing. You are great..God bless you with good health
  2. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Cheeniya Sir,
    Only yesterday I read all your ramblings at a stretch and enjoyed a lot.
    Your latest take on Robert
    Browning 's poem had a lot of impact on me.
    While nature provides sufficient intelligence to all living beings to choose
    their own habitat ,now a days children want to bring up
    their own pets at home.They dont wait for the snail or lark.
    I am reminded of my grandson in US.
    Ten years back he decided to bring up a Guinea pig at home
    much against my son's wishes..TWO guinea pigs along with a metallic tent
    arrived on an auspicious day..It was filled with wooden scrappings and with
    sheets of big Tissue paper.Carrots,apples and nuts were provided
    within the net along with a water dispenser from which the pigs could take
    in water.Every half an hour there were droppings.
    He was advised not to give bath often,but only four times a year.While I hesitated to
    go near the pigs,my grandson happily kept the pigs on his lap.He never hesitated to remove the droppings,clean the cage and provide tissue
    beddings to the pets.My grandson aged 7 ensured
    rest and sleep in comfort to his pets.Assured them food and drinks.
    exercise and safely
    provided shelter from the weather including wind, cold, rain and sun
    The lines of DR.Browning
    “The year's at the spring

    And day's at the morn;

    Morning's at seven;

    The hill-side's dew-pearled;

    The lark's on the wing;

    The snail's on the thorn:

    God's in his heaven—

    All's right with the world”

    enchanted me a lot.

    But my grandson 19 doing second year Engg at Wisconsin is a Carnatic vocalist.He gave two performances in RR SABHA and MYLAPOE FINE ARTS in Jan this year.
    He does not need Robert Browning's persuasion to see the lark or snail,having had rich experience himself.
    Thank you very much for winding up my memories Jayasala 42
    Cheeniya and Thyagarajan like this.
  3. shyamala1234

    shyamala1234 Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear Cheeniya sir,
    Your snippets itself is like a kaleidoscope! Touched so many topics ranging from music, poetry ,lark and even snail!!! Other feed backs also are Kaleidoscope ! I saw snails moving slowly but never on a thorn.
    I love music, but only soft music....mostly semiclassical. Going back to nostalgia sitting anywhere in the world is great! Without nostalgia...always thinking about the present...how boring would be life!
    I am an early bird sipping coffee and doing wordle. Never observed lark praying or snail on the thorn! Sometimes hear cuckoo's sweet voice. All is well with the world...optimistic view and contentment too.
    Great determination to type with your aching finger. You main plus point is superactive mind which motivates to type.
    Cheeniya and Thyagarajan like this.
  4. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    Regarding 80 + is < = 18, i find in IL many of very active members are lady Markendayas of indian origin. They have perineal energy of River Ganga and their flowing jottings here in the form of posts and FBs are always comprehensive and solution oriented with words of comfort wherever necessary. Awesome members serving elixir or and ambrosia providing nuggets for managing life situations especially for who still who wet behind their years .

    God continued to Bless this Community .
    Cheeniya likes this.
  5. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear jayasala madam
    I feel thrilled with your response to a blog of mine. There was a time when I used to flood IL with my blogs on a regular basis and I had dedicated followers who never failed to respond to my blogs.
    I gradually reduced my blogs as many of my friends left the site. I had health issues too which affected my focus. But I realised that my limiting my exposure here only added to my misery! I decided to resume writing in a smaller way more to keep myself active mentally than to be in limelight as in the past.
    Thank you madam for stepping in and responding to this blog. Your grandson's decision to go for a pig as pet reminds me if Wodehouse's novels featuring a fat and jolly pig named Empress of Blanding. In India pigs are seen generally in the streets particularly in villages and small towns and lunching on things that make our stomach turn. But in Western countries they are taken well care of for pork which is a delicacy for them.
    I am happy to note that your grandson is a carnatic singer. A decade back, I was Vice President of two sabhas, Kartik Fine Arts and Parthasarathy Swamy Sabha:blush:
    Thanks once again for your response madam!
    kiran82 and Thyagarajan like this.
  6. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    My dear Syamala
    The most endearing thing about you is your frankness and simplicity. In this make-believe world, most people tend to present a rosy picture of themselves and we never can get a chance to break through their facade.
    I too have no in depth knowledge of classical music particularly Hindustani music. Several decades back, I had attended concerts by Bhimsen Joshi, Ravi Shankar, Bismillah Khan et al. We sat on the floor and would listen to them the whole night!
    What is required to love music is not any in depth knowledge of Raghas and Talas but an appreciative ears!
    kiran82, iyerviji and Thyagarajan like this.

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