October 2014 Due date club

Discussion in 'Due Date Clubs' started by devikr, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. Sandhya13

    Sandhya13 Gold IL'ite

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    I just got my blood results and came to know that I am anemic. My iron level is only 10.3. So, I have to start taking iron supplements. Could you suggest good veg iron sources which are okay for gestation diabetes? Again this is something I never expected as I had never been anemic :-(
  2. soumya234

    soumya234 Platinum IL'ite

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    Sandhya include ragi(finger millet) or other millets if you have gestational diabetes. I only know ragi dosas with chopped onions and a bit of salt. There are many recipes for using it. Check this thread where our members discuss healthy recipes that avoids rice http://www.indusladies.com/forums/k...hape/241203-indian-lunch-ideas-sans-rice.html .

    Check this link too and confirm with your nutritionist on the list.

    Stay well.
  3. reachsmith

    reachsmith Senior IL'ite

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    @ sandhya
    Do not worry, abt GD..these days its become so common among people, try to control it through your diet and i know you can do it, as u know we all can do anything for the well being of our LO's...so many IL's have discussed about GD diet in previous threads may be you can search in this forum, u will get some good idea abt what to eat and what to avoid..
    As far as anemia, its again most common in pregnant women, even i am anemic and i started my supplements from 13 wk itself, dont worry HB count will come to normal range dont skip ur supplements and increase iron rich food, and also fibre rich vegtables and fruits to avoid constipation from iron tablets, and keep yourself hydrated.
    My update... Had been to doc, regarding hip pain she told its called sciatica and its because of growing uterus, n that it will gradually go away by itself until then need to do some gentle stretch exercises, have to get my glucose, hb test in other 2 weeks, hope everything to be normal this time
    Regarding my baby shower, it will be after parents arrive here and for that still there is time, anyone else having baby shower in coming days? it will be exciting though..:)
    How frequent are you feeling your baby move?
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2014
  4. arathik

    arathik New IL'ite

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    @Sandhya13 - GD is common in pregnancies. I am diabetic and have been following a special diet since week 9 of my pregnancy. Protein can be included through cheese, eggs, meat. If you are vegetarian, legumes like kidney beans, chickpeas, lentils, etc. i eat breakfast, lunch and dinner and in between 3 snacks. So essentially it is 6 small meals. If you want I can share my diet plan. Also eat lots of nuts. I check my sugar levels 4 times a day. So am able to find out which foods work and which don't.
  5. Sandhya13

    Sandhya13 Gold IL'ite

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    @soumya234 - Thank you so much for the links! It is very helpful.

    @reachsmith - yeah, after reading about GD I too came to know that it is quite common these days. It was a big shock initially but I am okay now. I also came to know that my sister, my SIL and many of my friends too were anemic when they were pregnant, esp in third trimester. Looks like baby is taking up our iron reserves and that is okay. Anything for the LO :)
    I hope your hip pain goes away soon. Take good care of yourselves and dont overdo anything in terms of exercise. Take it slowly and I am sure you will feel better soon!! Good luck for your glucose and hb test :)

    @arathik - Thank you for your reply! Could you please share your diet plan? It will be very useful for me. I too have been checking my sugar levels 4 times a day for the past few days. I am trying to determine which diet works for me through trial and error. There were a few hits and misses. A couple of times my levels were above 200. But atleast I came to know which works for me and which doesnt. Now my sugar levels are pretty decent throughout the day. Lunch and dinner are good. And I am taking snacks regularly. It is my fasting sugar (mine is between 100 and 110) and my 1 hour post breakfast (mine is between 140 and 180) that are pretty high. I would be very grateful if you have any suggestions for me for breakfast. I am a vegetarian.

    I have Dr appointment on 5th and if nothing works for controlling my morning sugar, then I'll ask my Dr to prescribe a pill which I will take in the middle of the night. I am doing good for the rest of the day. My Dr too told me to try to control through diet in this one week and then she wants to decide based on my past week sugar levels.
  6. yellowglass1

    yellowglass1 Junior IL'ite

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    anyone from mumbai here
  7. Everliking

    Everliking Bronze IL'ite

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    hi buddies, back to the club after a long time.. even i had my blood test done and came to know that am anemic... doc suggested me to include Meat, dates.. now they have stopped scanning and started checking the baby's position, growth by touching my baby bumb & a device to check the heartbeat...

    even i have severe back pain, am using pillows to support while sitting in the chair but its not helping me.. do any one have any other suggestions to get rid of it?

    when are you going to have your baby shower????
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  8. arathik

    arathik New IL'ite

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    @Sandhya13 - I sent you a private message.
  9. reachsmith

    reachsmith Senior IL'ite

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    Hi all
    Had an appt with hematologist today for hb, my count is 12.9 which is in normal range and doc was quite happy with it and he said m no more anaemic and i can reduce my dosage of iron tablets to taking it once a day (was taking 2 tablets from 3 months pheww) I have sugar test next hope i pass in that too...
    Having stuffy nose and mild sore throat :roll: feeling irritated, hope it goes away by home remedies
    My belly is not that huge or am the one who feels just like that or anyone else feeling the same, i always wonder from which week the baby starts putting on weight? any inputs on this ladies?
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  10. happygolucky22

    happygolucky22 Silver IL'ite

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    Hello friends, m back after a long time...just been very busy...have lots of things to do before the baby arrives...how are you all doing? Did u start shopping for baby stuffs like strollers, car seat, cribs etc...those of us who are in US lets discuss the options here :)

    I have been searching for a perfect diaper bag and have narrowed down to 3 choices - Storksak Kate my first preference, Timi and Leslie Dawn my second pref and finally Skiphop Versa. Will be deciding finally in a day or two. Please share your choice of diaper bags.. I love designer bags and would like recommendations other than the above if you have any.

    I had my blood tests and sugar test few weeks back..I am thrilled to say everything came normal..since GD is on a rise these days I was very concerned but m glad I passed.

    @Sandhya: do bot worry dear its very common these days..just follow good diet and walk or exercise. My obgyn said to lessen the intake of carbohydrates and increase protein for those who have GD or diabetes in general. I know you already must be taking plenty of precautions these are just my two cents :)

    Friends lets be more active here and it applies on me as well :) its always good to share and know what others are feeling and doing these days :) take care all of you !!

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