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No Need For Java & C - Kids No Need To Code

Discussion in 'Interesting Shares' started by Thyagarajan, Mar 2, 2024.

  1. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    :hello:No Need For Java & C ​
    • Nvidia CEO says everyone is a programmer with AI.
    • He says the kids don't need to learn how to code.
    • He said that we need to upskill everyone.
    When OpenAI unveiled ChatGPT in November 2022, people were left amazed by its capabilities. From asking it to compose music and poetry to using it to debug and write code, people found all sorts of uses for the AI chatbot. With ChatGPT, the popularity of generative AI reached new heights and companies like Google and Microsoft also shortly unveiled their own chatbots, Bard (now Gemini) and Bing.

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