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ninth standard boy hangs himself with a note

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by sunkan, Mar 9, 2007.

  1. sunkan

    sunkan Gold IL'ite

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    :bangcomp: it is very sad to note that the children so young are ready to take this step which many would fear, he has the page of which all the remarks by his class teacher has been derogatery and no positive at all...so he says to his dad i am going to put an end to this daily diary of mine, the father not knowing what he would do finds the child hanging upstairs when he went to call him for dinner, where is the human in a teacher, they are the parents in school, wish they had taken a psychological stand and now the school says it is not our fault, then whose fault is it? when the child has that as a proof with him along with his note that his teacher is at fault....
    sindmani likes this.

  2. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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  3. mahila

    mahila New IL'ite

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    yeah shanvy i feel the same too . we should make our children bold enough to face anything in life .din't we face all these derogatory remarks in our childhood and tried to get better instead of taking this extreme step?I feel parents show too much improtance on how they should behave with children and learn to better themselves more rather than educating the child with discipline and not punishment. a child needs both love and discipline.otherwise he won't be able to face life's challenges with courage.Its a sad state reading these suicides about children nowadays.who are to be blamed ,adults or children?:cry:

  4. radhavenkatesh

    radhavenkatesh Silver IL'ite

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    a child in 9 th std is in his early teens and has hot flushes and gets to undecisive his thoughts r in extremes bcz they give importance to things which we dont consider r important and for him his peer group is v imp parents when their children start entering their teens should have a look out on how his child fairs in studies which sort of frns hes making wot his likes and dislikes r getting a little friendly wht him and asking him his problems and if he has some other ill feelings abt any issue many times we ourselves dont give so much time to our kids we just command them wot to do and dont listen to them
    parents teachers and his friends play a vital role and all should understand a growing child
    many times i see somuch impatience in teachers bcz they have to deal wht a number of children of different age groups classes and I Q levels also
    they have their own tensions lesson plans to complete and acheivements to make to stick to their own problems is a great mess But whn a child commits suicide just bcz of his school teacher one needs to look into it in different angles
    Children have so much stress and strain imagine they go to school early in the morng at 8 and r back around 6 no child has time to play and enjoy their childhood and frm then they have homeworks,tutions and projects and wot not to finish i find my child in his reading room frm 7 pm to 11 pm sometimes needs to sit up early in the morng also to finish his homeworks and his other activites i feel sorry for him but as a mother i tend to sit wht him for sometime and help him in his work and inquire him slowly abt his frns his school bcz he shdnt feel tht i am inquisitive abt his work but i really pity him so much i havent worked so hard all my life till now but he has to strive for the heavy competition which waits for him from few years now
    I feel as a parent we should stop forcing all our ideas and or wishes on our kids and let them decide wot they want to become and not restrict them too much maybe we can guide them but we need to give them space also.
    sindmani likes this.
  5. arshi1611

    arshi1611 New IL'ite

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