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New Year resolution!

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by PushpavalliSrinivasan, Dec 31, 2011.

  1. PushpavalliSrinivasan

    PushpavalliSrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Mr Cheeniya,
    Thank you for your sweet words.

    Cheeniya;2063973]Dear PS
    A timely and excellent post. Kamalji would perhaps add 'as only you can write'.

    Kamalji may or may not write those words in his fb, even if he writes I will feel humbled. There are many seasoned and veteran writers like you and many others in IL. I am just like a mole in front of a mountain before them.

    My favourite writer Oscar Wilde has the right thing to say about resolutions. "Good resolutions are simply cheques that men draw on a Bank where they have no account?"

    Oscar Wide has hit the nail perfectly on the head!

    Please note that Oscar Wilde talks only about 'good' resolutions. We all know that a resolution has to be about something that is expected to make our lives better. That's why we find it so hard to keep up. If one wants to be better, he would go about it silently. He won't declare it in the loudest possible tone and make an ass of himself by breaking it the very next day!

    That's a very good and sound advice to the resolution makers.

    The interesting thing about a resolution is that it is an open acknowledgement of a negative habit of ours which we have been following all our lives and an effort to break free from it. So by making a resolution, we only lay bare before the public some lousy aspect of ours!

    Oh my God! I never even thought about it in this angle!

    Wish you a 'Resolution Free' Happy New Year!

    Only resolution free New Year will be enjoyed by all! Even if we make a resolution silently and then break it our conscience will keep pricking us.

    I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am writing.


  2. PushpavalliSrinivasan

    PushpavalliSrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Geetha,
    A very good resolution indeed! May God be with you and Bless you in fulfilling your resolution!
  3. PushpavalliSrinivasan

    PushpavalliSrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Let me first wish you A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year. [​IMG]

    Thank you dear!

    Women in India already have a lot of physical and spirtual exercise and discipline enforced on them in their daily routines. So where is the need to add to those anyway? Glad you did not impose these on yourself.

    The reason for not imposing is that controlling the mind seems to be a herculean task.

    shock Nooooooooooo........ how can you afford to lose out one of the good flavours in life? What crime have you done to punish yourself like this?

    That one of the good flavours in life only made me to kill the idea!

    What????? And cut off one source of interesting snippets? How could you even think of doing this to us????? [​IMG]

    I am very much humbled to hear this from an accredited writer of IL.

    Does that mean that you are going to break this year's resolution and go ahead make one nonetheless??? :confused

    N... ooooooo not at all....I am determined on that.

    Since I am in severe need of exercising my brain cells, I am still racking them on this matter. The ultimate resolution is immaterial. Just suffice to say, I have provided some exercise for them for the moment. [​IMG]

    That's enough. Don't ever rake your brain too much! See how I am suffering now!
    Enjoyed your fb,

  4. Arunarc

    Arunarc Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Pushpa
    I am the worst person to make these resolutions. I can't even think of a R of that resolution....haha

    Wish you and Uncle Happy New year.
  5. PushpavalliSrinivasan

    PushpavalliSrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Aruna,
    I wonder those who make a resolution really stick to it. In fact if we want to get rid of some bad habit or if we want to better our life by changing some of our attitude, we can do it on any day. We don't have to wait till New Year to make a resolution.
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  6. Mindian

    Mindian IL Hall of Fame

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    At last you know what resolution I have decided upon? As usual not to make any resolution and to break it.

    hahah pushpa ma'am you can include me in that list too. infact I posted top ten resolution ideas in my fb status but then realized that it was more easy to preach than practice.:))
    you just be yourself and have a lovely healthy year ahead , pushpa ma'am.you are great as you are.
  7. kkrish

    kkrish IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Pushpa ma'am
    Till last I was always making a resolution to not make any resolutions.

    This year I decided to make some for a change... let me see if i stick to them. Will let you know:)

    A Happy New Year to you ma'am and please do not think of depriving me of your articles. I enjoy them.
  8. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear PS madam,

    Happy New year and hope you had a good start to the New year. Whether we make a resolution or not, in a way we resolve to do something or not - you know what I mean! Well, I am used to making resolutions not on New Year's eve or day but as and when I am faced with different situations, the only difference being that these everyday resolutions, am not sure if I keep them for I have no way of accounting other than a similar incident happening again, which will remind me of my resolution at the previous instance! Anyways, the only resolution I remember making last year as a token start was to not pay any fines to the library (I will have to start a whole new thread to explain all that) - it was a silent promise to myself and fortunately I lived up to it till I reached mid Dec and then I ended up paying fines. You see the resolution had weakend a little by then and then there were many other happenings which supported my thought that I had come this far and because of unforeseen circumstances, I had to buckle!! Neverthless, I am happy I made that resolution - it taught me to be responsible in many ways and I am glad I tried. No doubt aboout that at all!

    This year, I was pretty clear that I will not set tone to how I want my year to be on the first day and ended up allwoing the day to offer what it had to - with my consent and against my will. It was an interesting exercise :)
    Did I ramble too much again?
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  9. vchelluri

    vchelluri Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Pushpa aunty,
    So many years passed in my life too without any new year resolutions. :bowdownI used to rake my brain in search of resolutions only to end up with no resolutions in final. Still I am happy with that and never cared for any resolutions on a specific day as I constantly attempt to make myself better and better without my conscious involvement and I like to bring a change in gradual and silent nature which yields me good results rather than sudden changes with so much of advertising which only ends up making oneself fool infront of others. As I am currently trying to improve myself in lot more things, I just tagged them as new year resolutions, but as per me they will be a gradual change for my betterment in person and life and I am least bothered about the time period or breaking on them in between as they will sure to occur as a gradual change in me though I stumble in between a number of times.
    You do have a good start for this new year without any resolutions.:thumbsup
    Well said that why to fuss on resolutions for new year. We definitely change our habits/include some new habits if they are must and in real need to us, whether it may be at the start/middle/end of the year is of meagre value. So why to think of resolutions only at the start of the year.:hide:
    Enjoyed well reading your post.

  10. PushpavalliSrinivasan

    PushpavalliSrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Mindi,
    You are right. Preaching is easier than practicing what we preach. So we should be careful before giving advice to anyone.

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