Dear iLites We are in the process of changing our Furniture & Curtains. Visiting showrooms, but could not just decide a piece. Either the color choice is not good, or the comfort level or the size and last but not the least the design, besides fabric or leather or half leather. Ladies, as many are posting asking for suggestions for various items, it suddenly clicked me to post here for your valuable ideas. Can you give me good suggestions ladies.......... please. Thanx Shanti
hai shanti.............i dont know any thing about want to see my new sofaset.pls click in this link sandhya
Oh Sandhya That was so so so so chweet of you. Your sofa is just fantastic. How much r u selling it for??????????? :hide: Best Rgds shanti
Shanti, Overall Chennai is not a good place to shop for furnitures :hide: You can visit Chennai Trade Center during the Home Expo exhibitions to get an idea of the different types of furniture/fabric/pricing and then decide. Sometimes they display very good pieces and you can pick one from there itself :thumbsup
hai shanti...........i am not selling yaar.if you like it i will made for you.have a look at my new work sandhya