New Dog Owner Here. Cross Breed: Great Pyrenees- Mountain Cur

Discussion in 'Pets and Animal Lovers' started by Rakhii, Aug 13, 2018.

  1. Rakhii

    Rakhii Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Ladies, I am quite literally freaking out right now. 2 nights ago, we brought home a 7 month old rescue pup, a cross between Great Pyrenees and Mountain Cur. I know its not a common cross breed. We are so unprepared and this is so unexpected. We literally saw a "Free Dog" sign outside a what-looked-like a run-down town, about an hour north of our cottage. My husbands first thoughts were, 'why free' and mine were, 'is it possessed'. We went inside, mostly out of curiosity. I could see the owner was high, this pup was in a crate much smaller than what we would prefer and really...long story short, we took her; it was very clear in the first 4 mins that she hasnt been cared for there. Just like that, we decided to bring her to our loving home. here are my questions and I hope my fellow ILies will help me with this....
    I hope no one would judge me for this decision about being impulsive. I just saw an abused dog who needed a loving home and I decided to give her one.

    1. She has not been vaccinated or visited a vet before (we have an appointment today). Is 7 months too late?

    2. The owner said she is 7 months but she looks really big and she is so strong (I am 5 '1'' and she knocked me over. twice, when trying to get past me). Is this normal? I mean, she is a mountain cur and is strong; I wasnt expecting she would knock me over. Next time I will be prepared.

    3. She has been fed (according to her old owner), 1/4 of what she normally needs. When I went to pet-store, they recommended 1.5 C of food, twice a day. First day she was fed at her old home, so, yesterday I gave her 1.5 Cups in the morning (as recommend at pet store). She ate but she vomited. Should i be increasing it slowly?

    4. She is crate trained and she went to bed at 10 PM last night. I left the light on but not full, i dimmed it slightly. Do usually people leave the light on? Or just a bed lamp? She sleeps in her crate and she has comfortable bedding. I retained one of her old toys so that she wont feel lonely.

    5. For the walks, hubby and I work mornings at the same time 8 times in a month. So 8 days out of 31, she will be in her crate (pretty big) for upto 11 hours. The owner says its fine but I am thinking I will get a dog walker to come take her out around 10 AM. Which one would you prefer? Is she going to be OK in the crate for 11 hours? I am guessing no...right? At least for pee-break I need to let her out. Is dog-walker a solution or should i be looking at a doggy daycare? Note, this is for 8 days in a month. Other days, she will be in her crate for about 5-6 hours max.

    6. We have a fenced medium sized yard. we have some small plants but I am OK if the pup decided to walk over them. during mornings, I am thinking of letting the dog in the yard for an hour while I get things ready for work. In the evening is when I properly take her out for a walk for 45 mins. Is this a good plan??

    7. Pee/Poo. I am unable to figure out how would I know if she needs to go. This morning at 5 AM, she let out a little bark. I came running downstairs and thought she needs to pee. She went outside by as soon as I bought her in, she poo'ed. Damn...I should have stayed out longer. Do you all have a place where they go pee/poo in the yard?? about 7 hours between the time they last went to the time they need to pee again?

    Please help a new dog-mamma out.

    P.S: Both kids have grown up with dogs around (our daycare lady has 2 dogs) and are very excited.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2018

  2. Rakhii

    Rakhii Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Last edited: Aug 13, 2018
  3. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    Congratulations on your new pup, and thank you for getting her out of a bad situation.
    To answer your questions:
    1) 7 months is not too late. The vet will give her all the necessary shots and a thorough physical exam.
    2) Pyrs are a huge, majestic breed so a large size at a young age is to be expected. The vet will also be able to estimate the age. Make sure you get a good leash or harness for walking as they are very strong dogs.
    3) Give her the amount of food she has been accustomed to. Increase the amount only if she looks skinny, and do it slowly. You will want to adjust the amount as she grows but don't go just by the amount printed on the dog food bags. Feed as high-quality a food as possible. It will avoid a lot of other health issues. I use to check ratings of the food. Many vets are not very knowledgeable about nutrition and will often push the brands of foods the reps advertise.
    5) 11 hours at a stretch is too long for a crate. A dog walker for those days is a good idea.
    6) Its fine to leave her in the yard as long as it's securely fenced. I would supervise in the beginning to make sure she's not going to jump or dig her way out. You could put her on a long cable tie out if she has a tendency to escape, and till you get used to her habits.
    7) it will take some time to potty train her. Consistency is key, as well as praise and reward when she gets it right. You can try taking her to a specific spot if you would prefer that. Mine goes where she likes but she has a few favored spots.
    Pyrs are herding and guard dogs and take their job seriously so your pup may bark a lot.
    Enjoy! These are gorgeous, good-natured dogs.
    Amica and Rakhii like this.
  4. Rakhii

    Rakhii Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Thank you so very much Mal! I greatly appreciate the insight. Please see my response above.
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  5. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    I didn't get insurance for my dogs, but it is certainly a good idea. Make sure you get one that does not have too many conditions, and get the extra rider for cancer. The costs for that or any major surgery can be catastrophic. Embrace and VPI are good companies to start with. Does your employer offer any benefits for pet insurance? Make sure the premiums make sense over paying out of pocket though.
    I would be wary of dog parks till you have your pup better socialized. I have seen too many irresponsible owners at dog parks and the bigger dog automatically gets blamed.
    Do you have a local Pyrenees rescue or club? You might be able to find some events you could take your pup to, like hikes. A Facebook group for the breed can be useful for general advice.
    Your plan for potty training is perfect. She will soon adapt to a routine. When you see the vet make sure to do a stool test since puppies often have worms.
    It's great if your dog doesn't bark! My friend had a Great Pyrenees and I just loved that dog!
  6. getstrngth

    getstrngth Gold IL'ite

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    COngratulations @Rakhii for getting a new pup. Really happy for a new addition in your family. I have a German Shepherd. She is 3 yrs now. Got it when she was 8 weeks old. Malstorm has addressed most of the points.
    I’m just going to add on few.
    * Check with the food brand. I give mine Red Fod naturals. Get large breed rice and chicken / turkey etc. Also when you are changing food brand you need to start with small quantities. I have cooked rice and boiled chicken for her. I give her boiled egg daily. When she is sick I give her yogurt rice. Surprisingly she enjoys so much . I avoid canned food as it is too much sodium. My friend cooks daily for hers. She enjoys human food. Whenever I make pasta , order pizza , chipotle or Indian snacks murrukku mixture she needs her small share.
    * give her treats to train her to pee and poop. Like mine will stand near the door and bark. I can differentiate the bark sound. My friend’s will ring the bell. Every time say pee /poop and wait for her to complete. Give her a treat that way she will be able to relate. Until she gets trained , you need the crate after that she will be big for that. Also crate can be useful when you are traveling and staying in a hotel. Mine no longer stays in her crate.
    * Rescue dogs are more affectionate and protective . My friend’s dog is cross of Great Pyrenees lab and German shepherd. They are big dogs. You just need to train them not to jump on anyone. Get a collar and a leash.
    * talk with your husband and vet if you want to fix her ie in terms of reproduction. I fixed mine at 7 months. Now I regret . I should have let her be normal as I want to enjoy her babies.
    * dog walker is good idea. Since I didn’t want dog walker I leave her in dog care / boarding for dogs when I need to travel. Sometimes my friend takes care. She enjoys at my friend’s place as she has her friend. You can try rover similar to Airbnb.
    * I don’t allow mine to bedrooms. Too much hair everywhere so I trained her. Before going to bed when I sign off she will look at me till I go to my bedroom and then she goes to her bed.
    * watch ceaser Milan show on NatGeo channel. He teaches how to train dogs.
    * take her to dog park so she can socialize with other dogs.
    * key is make her understand you,your husband and kids are leaders. This way she will not push you. Pet store offers 8 weeks class for 1st dog owners. Try to take the class.

    I hope I didn’t scare you with too many information.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2018
  7. Rakhii

    Rakhii Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    @MalStrom and @getstrngth sorry ladies, I couldnt respond. I will, soon.
    Went to the Vet, she has worms and too many things going on right now. I will respond soon.
  8. getstrngth

    getstrngth Gold IL'ite

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    Don’t worry she will get better. Give her yogurt rice. Mine had worms too. Let me know if you need any help.

    I forgot the following points.
    Once a month bath is enough. During summers you may need to grow. Them. They have fur so no frequent baths. They shed during every season change. Keep combing their hair to control and trimming nails. After a bath give her tic medicine that will avoid her getting infected from small infections.
  9. Rakhii

    Rakhii Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Thank you. Its getting slightly better in the sense that i am able to cook balanced food for her; yogurt I am not too sure about the dairy part. lol

    I actually lost this thread! it took me forever to figure out where pet section was :(
  10. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    I subscribed to the Whole Dog Journal and they are an excellent resource for health and training tips. If you follow their Facebook page they often have articles on how to make raw and cooked homemade diets for your dog, health advice and general wellness tips.
    I give my dog probiotics and kelp powder (Solid Gold Sea meal) with every meal, as well as fish oil (Grizzly wild pollock oil). It keeps her digestive tract healthy and the coat glossy. The most convenient way for me is just to order from
    NaturVet Digestive Enzymes Plus Probiotic Dog & Cat Powder Supplement
    We have ticks and heartworm here, so I give medicines for that every month, K9 Advantix Plus and Heartgard. I don't know if that is an issue in your place since Canada is much colder. Be wary if anyone suggests Trifexis for these problems. There have been several reports of dogs getting allergic reactions to Trifexis, fatal in some cases.
    Also ask your vet about getting her spayed at the correct time. It will be better for her health.
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