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Need Spiritual Help

Discussion in 'Relationship With In-Laws' started by messedup, Aug 21, 2021.

  1. messedup

    messedup Platinum IL'ite

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    It's difficult to stay all the time with the person who always stay negative for you. No matter what you do. It's like it became their habit and basic nature.

    I have many goals to achieve many wishes to fulfill and many dreams to accomplish. I need A life to live. But these negative vibes taking all my energy. I always feel completely drained out. Not able to do the basic tasks effectively. Forget many things remain tired absent minded dicy and blank about my next step.

    Doing meditation from few days and it helps. But need some more help to get my life. If anyone has any idea of what should be done to stay away from the negative vibes all the time then please guide me accordingly. I am not able to take it anymore.
    chanchitra and SuiDhaaga like this.

  2. SuiDhaaga

    SuiDhaaga IL Hall of Fame

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    I need help with this myself.

    Someone suggested looking at this negative person as a stupid, ugly, mean animal who is doing it's thing. And if it helps you great. But at the end of day it is a stupid, ugly, mean animal.

    I am reminding myself this so I don't get sad, upset, etc.
    messedup and chanchitra like this.
  3. NOW

    NOW Gold IL'ite

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    When someone creates negativity towards you or you feel the negative vibes it is very important to not create the same quality of energy as them. Do not create feelings of fear, anger etc.. but create thoughts of higher vibrations like compassion, acceptance and your focus should be on protecting your positive energy . Just like how you try to defend yourself from a virus like corona .. similar process to first not absorb that negativity and then improve your immunity by doing more healthy things.. I heard this in one of sister B K Shivani’s videos. She has amazing content for all topics.

    I just want to add that this does not mean you take the abuse, injustice , people taking advantage of you but to first work on your inner strength to handle the bad person/situation without stooping down to the same level. It is very hard to practice but atleast creating awareness and observing how you react is a good start.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2021

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