Need Some Suggestions For Starting My Home Baking Business

Discussion in 'Education & Personal Growth' started by mehtaradhikam, Aug 26, 2022.

  1. mehtaradhikam

    mehtaradhikam Bronze IL'ite

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    I really want to start a home baking business. But i don't know how to reach people.

    Today i made a big batch of chocolate walnut fudge, can i distribute it free in my society for some marketing? Or should i post in society group about this? I am starting really small, no idea how this will go. How ladies will perceive this?

    The main obstacle is transferrable job of my husband, otherwise I would have started it long back.

    So if anyone can help about how to just tell people about my business and how to spread the word, it will be of big help to me.

  2. Anusha2917

    Anusha2917 IL Hall of Fame

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    Make hay while the sun shines.
    As long as he's at one place just do it. When you moves you start again. I know it's painful but passion should drive you. :)

    Regarding the business :start now but start slow. Bake for friends, get togethers etc. Say for eg : when you friends meet , just suggest you'll bake some cup cakes and take it for them. If it's a birthday or anniversary of a good friend ,bake for them and send across a cake without making it obvious that you have a business intent.and Let the friends be your marketing agents.

    If you want to pursue this business aggressively no harm in putting it in society groups with attractive pics and a very attractive name.

    Healthy baking sell in my apartment complex. People want to indulge in stuff but in a healthy way. So whole wheat , brown sugar , millets flour etc sell in our apartment. I'm not asking you to do this but sharing as I see it in our apartment.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2022
    Thyagarajan and mehtaradhikam like this.
  3. mehtaradhikam

    mehtaradhikam Bronze IL'ite

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    Thank you for replying anusha. It is painful as you correctly understood me. This was the only reason I haven't started.

    And you know what happened today? I thought of starting from monday, and guests are coming on Wednesday . How i will start?

    So this is what my life has been about. Everything is fixed and something or other will come up.

    I know i can start next to next week, but why this keeps happening i don't have any idea.
    Anusha2917 likes this.
  4. DDream

    DDream Finest Post Winner

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    Use your social media pages for business. Whatsapp, facebook etc. Also, create facebook business page for baking business with details on whats available, contact details( check similar to get idea)etc. Post pics of your products. Find a name, for eg: '@mehtaradhikam bakers/ baking". That will help. Returning customers indicate success to some extend. Distribute info among friends or neighbors plus just samples.
    Dont give it for free once you start business. Also, give options so that customers can decide how it should look like. A page with images of cakes or products with different styles.
    mehtaradhikam likes this.
  5. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    :hello: @mehtaradhikam
    Make out an attractively worded small bit notice about business hours and ontact number with brief image of your product and give the bunch to a news paper boy to insert inside the paper he distribute i your area. A small amount for his services would be in order.
    Send a standard message with words that associate with your product taste in suitable font and colour send it via e mail to your friends .
    Use your phone to send sms to known friends of your intent asking for suggestions to improve business.
    Request your grocery shop to display your” notice”.
    At entrance door paste an imahe of your product announcing orders to be placed before ... mention hours ..
    Use society’s bulletin board to announce your business details and timings.

    Wish you all the best.
    Gid Bless.
    mehtaradhikam likes this.
  6. needawayout

    needawayout Silver IL'ite

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    I am not into business or baking, but what I have seen for starters is to collaborate with other small business owners nearby.
    Like my nearby tailor does this. She has this pickles business owner put up a notice on her shop. She gives falls and pico work for another lady nearby. So they collaborate.
    So you can check around and can ask if you can put up a little notes or a paper with your number on it.
    They can refer to her customers. There is a lady who sells curd and idli, dosa batter just on her front yard. There are other small businesses who work with her and she added counters for murukku and other stuff.
    Some people also go to super markets and give their products for sale there. Or even the kirana shops. (This actually a lady whom I know did it)

    I wouldnt suggest going surreptitiously if you are serious. I would suggest going and putting up a notice or something on your apartment(that would mean some tax). If you are baking a cake for free for a friend, then include atleast a visiting card to say that you are trying to build a business.
    Maybe a website for online orders would also work, but you need to ensure you deliver it right. A lesser cost factor is something you can work towards because that is mostly something that differentiates, of course with the quality.

    But like everything else, you need to start first, and then keep at it and relax.
    Thyagarajan and mehtaradhikam like this.

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