Hi friends, I need sai baba Aarathi songs in Tamil which is sung during the aarthi in sai temples.Pls anybody having ot pls share here for me.I have searched in net But i didnt get.Thank u friends OM SAI RAM
Dear Sister, The 4 aarthi songs sung in BABA temples are composed in Marathi during SaiBaba's days, If I can understand right I guess to read it comfortably you need the marathi written in Tamil... If you are from Chennai then you can buy the book in Mylapore SaiBaba temple. Om sairam
Hi sister, thanks for ur quick reply.The arathi songs are played in Tamil only.I need that songs.Here in our town they are not available .I will ask someone to get me .Thanks sister
The Tamil translated aarthi songs (book) is avaibale in Sai Baba temple, Thanjavur, Madurai, Karaikudi and trichy I am not sure if you belong to any of these areas. Otherwise will try to get you a copy and PM you, May baba bless you in abundance. Sairam
Dear Sister, Saibaba aarthi in Tamil, Mp3 format or Cassettes are available in the following address: Chettinadu Cassettes Laxmi Nivas,N2, Sical Race View Apts No. 2 Race Course Road Guindy, Chennai Phone: 044-52020203 In the meanwhile If Somebody has a copy i will try to upload it for you, One small suggestion, please try to learn Maarthi aarthi also. Best wishes...
Dear Sister, Please note this address: Shri Shirdi Sai seva samaj, 9, Jeyshankar Street, West Mambalam, Chennai-33. Here, you can get the Tamil version Aarthi songs. Share the info. Om Sai Ram.
Dear Suryakala sister, In West Mambalam Shirdi Sai temple, Only Maarthi aarthi is performed, No Tamil aarthi songs are sung and moreover they dont have any stores which sells these items. Om sairam