Need Advice!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy & Labor' started by life_voyage, Sep 19, 2010.

  1. Priya_Mommy

    Priya_Mommy Gold IL'ite

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    I think you can choose best among good hospitals in Hyderabad.
    If you feel Banjarahills is far from you, then go for Dr.Fernandez Hospitals which is well known hospital for maternity. Its there in Abids.
  2. PavitraVenkat

    PavitraVenkat Gold IL'ite

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    Congrats on your +ve home preg test. I suggest that you meet a gynae at the earliest n have a UPT done. Since you've mentioned that you have few complications, its better not to delay. You should be starting with folic acid asap and also try on improving your haemoglobin count. I had my UPT done after 10days of LMP since i was doubtful. So its not necessary that you need to wait till 6 weeks. Its just UPT.

    My gynae is Dr.Nirmala. She works now in 'Kamineni Hospital', King Koti.
    She is an excellent gynae though young. She is very friendly. Not worked up. She spends very good time with each of her patients.

    This is my experience with her - I'm with her for a little over a year. I was diagnosed with PCOS last Aug ( got married in june last year). I even had my huge cyst and a right ovary removed. I was under her treatment since my diagnosis of PCOS. And if I have conceived within a year despite having only 1 ovary and PCOS, its purely coz of her good guidance.

    So, all the best. Don't worry. Everything can be set well. :)
  3. life_voyage

    life_voyage Senior IL'ite

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    Wow! Pavithra... Congrats to you too.. :) and thanks a lot for the guidance..

    I still haven't finalized on a doc yet so thought of consulting with the nearest one. She examined me and asked me to come for an ultrasound on my 7th week. The scan requisition slip says "first trimester TVS" and on top there was this heading - "TWIN GESTATION" anybody knows what this means? and any idea why she would ask me to scan soo early?

    Also today my psycho mil made a huge drama and made me really tensed. My hands started shaking in the process of controlling my anger and I cried badly later on. Im really concerned now if this will or has affected my baby! What should i do to control anger and how to handle psycho ppl during pregnancy? I have completed 5 weeks now.

  4. PavitraVenkat

    PavitraVenkat Gold IL'ite

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    ur welcome dear :)

    As far as i know, a scan is recommended at 7th or 8th week to confirm the pregnancy. UPT is just a hinter to tell you about your pregnancy. your scan would show the presence of the sac and the yolk. it also helps in knowing about the possibility of twins. Thats what twin gestation is about (possibility of having twins).

    Ignore what ur MIL says. you know why god has given you 2 ears???? hear from one and leave the unwanted from the other :)

    You should try and control your emotions esp during pregnancy. My gynae advised me to "BE SELFISH DURING THIS PERIOD. BE SELFISH FOR YOUR BABY." Whenever you get angry, just go to a calm room. Count 1 through 10. Calm your mind and think about your baby. Once you start thinking about your baby, baby's well being, you'll automatically get over those emotions.

    Also try and listen to good music. You can listen to light music, instrumentals, carnatic music. In stores, you get "garbh sanskar" CDs. If you dont find at stores, download from net. Listen to them as it is good for your baby.You can also visit the "garbhasanskar' site. There is a very good PPT about pregnancy, baby's mental growth and lot more. Read that PPT atleast once. You can also get the PPT online on Scribd.

    Read good books. If you are interested in the mythology, read those books. They are good. These days you get them in simpler language at stores. Do not read books that have violence or that aggravate your emotions.

    Happy pregnancy. :)

  5. life_voyage

    life_voyage Senior IL'ite

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    Thank u soo much Pavi!.

    I found out about this twin gestation too. God, I wish I'm carrying only one. I have heard there are too many complications for the fetuses in twins. fingers crossed!

    As for the emotion handling part, I followed your advice... its helping me a lot these days.. but i wish my mom is here as opposed to my mil, there is nothing like mom's care during this time.. :(

    And hey i did buy Garbh Sanskar CDs.. they are very relaxing! I'm starting 7 weeks today..

    i also went to kamneni hospital.. just to see the distance... it is very very far from my place :(... i think fernandez hospital is near that too.. do you know any other hospital/dr near maradpalley? my hubby feels the nearer the better.. right now im going to parvati nursing home in vikram puri. does any one know if good?

    lots of luv,
  6. PavitraVenkat

    PavitraVenkat Gold IL'ite

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    tan, ur welcome dear :)

    Lets see what god has instore for you...but if its twins...its just double delight...u'll find difficulty once they are out..both wud almost feel hungry at the same time...feeding cud bcome a prob and can sap ur energy..but there is still the double joy they bring in :)

    n ya..every pregnant woman would want to be with her mother at this time...MIL can never become mother to us...know matter how close or good they are...there is a different kind of bonding and closeness to our moms...after ur 3rd month u could move to ur mom's place...i'll be moving in a week or two...actually my parents have taken a house on rent here so that i wudnt have to go to their place...they are shifting here for good..

    n reg u said...nearer the better....i also moved from chennai to hyd last year after my to this am not aware of good clinics or docs...may be you can check out Yashoda Hospital which is very close to marredpally...but its better if someone knows some gynec personally rather than experimenting with gynecs now...lets see if someone answers ur query abt gynecs near marredpally...
  7. life_voyage

    life_voyage Senior IL'ite

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    heyyy nice pavi... u r from chennai too? i'm from chennai and we recently moved into hyd too.. kooool! ur parents are moving to hyd just for you????? lucky you!!! Im happy for you..

    My mom is still working, so she cant come and stay with me here... as for going to chennai, i can go only after 3 months. But my hubby wants me to stay with him for the entire pregnancy.. he takes very good care of me and he is too good. so im torn between these 2 imp ppl in my life.. :( only prob in staying here are these differences with mil... i just feel these days one should be mentally relaxed and really happy!

    My scan is on 11th Oct.. I'll let you know once i find out if everything is ok.. :) like you said eager to see what god has in store for me..

  8. PavitraVenkat

    PavitraVenkat Gold IL'ite

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    hi tan...
    yeah..though am basically frm andhra, i was born n broughtup in chennai...i spent my whole 26 yrs in tamilnadu....ofcourse taking out few years/months for the time i spent outside the country on work basis :D
    as soon as i got married had to shift here and was really reluctant coz i had got used to chennai and cudnt even think of life outside attached to the place :D

    and abt u moving to ur mom's place...heres wat i think you can to ur husband a little later though not immediately telling him that this is ur first pregnancy...n as far tradition goes the first pregnancy should be at mom's place...tell him that though u dont wish to move away from him for a long time but this is the best thing for a girl in her pregnancy to spend those days at mom's sure he wud understand...

    know wat?? even my hubby was like dont go n stuff after 1-2months into pregnancy he immediately agreed saying ur happiness at this time is of utmost importance...

    so dont worry..just talk to ur guy and see :)

    all de best for ur scan :)

  9. life_voyage

    life_voyage Senior IL'ite

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    hey pavi,

    just wanted to update... i had my scan done finally.. yesterday i saw a beautiful tiny baby.. with a tiny heart and it was beating... :) i was so excited.. im keeping my fingers crossed for it to be healthy, lucky and beautiful!. And hey that thing abt twins became false.. :) its only one. i was soo happy, now chances for everything to be normal is high, tats why!

    as for my parents part, i have convinced them to come here.. in case they cant then i will go there.. i have told that to my hubby.. tat is also convinced! :) but me being jumpy for everything still continues.. like i get angry soon, irritated soon and cry also soon.. :p guess hormones are taking a toll on me! hopefully everything goes well! Im also having horrible gas and bloating issue! coping up somehow..

    how are you? is everything ok with your pregnancy?

  10. PavitraVenkat

    PavitraVenkat Gold IL'ite

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    hey tan,

    am so happy for you :) i know its really exciting to see ur baby and also hear the first heartbeat...its one of the most wonderful experiences :):):)
    sure ur baby will have the bestest health, would be most beautiful and is very lucky to have mom like you... :):)

    i know its very easy for me to give advice on controlling emotions...but then its difficult sometimes even for me to overcome that...surely harmones play a major role...slowly try to overcome..tats all i can say :)

    am also happy that ur parents are coming down...have fun time :)

    now abt gud...with this 30th i would be completing 4 months...i have triple test and a scan scheduled for next week...just hoping that everything would be normal...btw my parents are reaching hyd by this thur morning...will move to their place once i start with my 5th month...

    all the best for a happy pregnancy... :)


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