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Navarathri Diary 2018!

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by meenasankaran, Oct 18, 2018.

  1. kkrish

    kkrish IL Hall of Fame

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    Hahaha ! Very refreshing to read your humor yet again Meena.

    Anu, Geetha, and Latha never made it to my home! Maybe they circumnavigated and went straight to Venus, sorry Veni's.

    Sundal? What sundal? Where I live, the majority of my friends are idli, dosa lovers and I grind batter by the vats; the home is humidified by the continuously steaming idli pan mingled with the oily smell of crispy dosa.

    Memory game is easy in my home. Every year it is the same 5 tiny steps with the same dolls. This year more than two ladies said, "oh, it is the same ..." I searched frantically for some place to bury my head in shame. Hmmm... no wonder Anu, Geetha, and Latha avoided mine.

    Next navrathri I am coming to your home; for the sundal. I am tired of idlis.
  2. meenasankaran

    meenasankaran Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear Kamala,

    I am thrilled to see you again after a long time.:hello: How are you?

    You give idlis and dosas for golu visitors?? Oh wow! You will be the star of our town if you ever decide to move this side. While we gobble down every morsel of sundal ever offered, even if we complain about facing certain unpleasant consequences later, we do yearn for golus that offer variety like yours.:thumbup: My subtle suggestions for folks to offer bajjis, pakodas and filter coffee instead of sundal and payasam have fallen on deaf ears so far.

    May the Goddess bless my town with many golus that offer yummy prasad in the future. :D:D Hope to see you in my golu soon Kamala. :)
    kkrish likes this.

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