For audio files of Narayaneeyam of all dasakams, please find below the link. Hope this finds useful for all of you. 1.
dear svasu84 pls try to get the cd of bhramashree venmani krishnan namboothiripadu...all the 100 dasakams are covered in a very clear has a divine feel to it..the other narayaneeyam cd's available have not covered all the dasakams..if u r from chennai i can even suggest places u can get it from..
there is also a malayalam music website called where u can search for with the words "narayaneeyam". but its not in the correct order and can lead to confusions.anyway i would suggest you to have a look.let the lord guide u throughout.
Why do Keralites worship killer of their Kings. Matchya,Kurma,Varaha,Narasimha,Vamana,Prasurama etc. so many times to eliminate rulers of Kerala.:coffee
They were south indians worshiping Lord Shiva , Loved very much by their subjects, Men of wisdom and Thapas, received many boons from Brahma and Shiva, their country was prosperous, why should Vishnu create his leela of pain on them, Anyway his Dharma stapana does not last long. Sobko Sanmati do Bhagwan we pray, but this lord of love want only war. :idontgetit:
Hi, This is Indhu. This message is to harih, from trivandrumI just joined indus page. I ended up in this page when I googled for narayaneeyam parayanam. I am from TRivandrum and am interested in learning to chant narayaneeyam. I learnt to chant the first dashakam from Shri NOchur Venkitaraman's mp3 which I downloaded. and since then have been searching for a suitable person to learn it, when I came across this post. I also saw that your father has agreed to initiate vidya into chanting. Would it be possible for you to enquire if your father would be interested in teaching narayaneeyam parayanam to me too? I used to stay at Vinayaka nagar and I think I am familiar with the narayana Iyer whom who have referred to as your father's friend. I would be extremely grateful if you could help me with this. Looking forward for your reply.
I am not from chennai, but my bro travels to chennai often. it would be great if you could let me know from where I can get.
Dear Indhu I have replied to your email with directions. You may revert at your leisure. Dear Guruvayoorappan bhaktas I am sharing an interesting anecdote I came across in the Maha Periyava forum. Once a lay disciple prostrated at the feet of Periyava with tears in his eyes. Periyava who was a Sookshma-Jnani asked him in a voice full of compassion “Is it paining u very much? “ To which the disciple said “Yes“. Apparently the disciple was afflicted by a painful disease. (Some say Cancer). Then Maha Periyava told him “Do not worry. Take down this verse from the Narayaneeyam. Recite it 108 times daily. You will be cured.“ About six months later the disciple again visited Maha Periyava. The great man recognised the visitor and asked him “How are you feeling now?“ To which the disciple replied “Gurunatha..With your grace I am fully cured!“ The verse given by Maha Periyava is Narayaneeyam (8:13) ie Asmin Paraathman nanu Paadma-kalpe Twamitthamutthapitha Padmayonih Ananthabhooma mama rogaraasim Nirundhi Vataalayavaasa Vishno!! The anecdote also mentions that - after the above mentioned episode others have also chanted this sloka with devotion (Sraddha Bhakti & Vishwasam) and reported recovery from ailments.
Very happy to be part of this thread... I have just started reading the Naaraayaneeyam and what a bliss it is !!! I am not too fluent as I do not know the exact recital method - I mean the sandhi etc.. but somehow I manage. Hope to get some CDs next time I get to visit Guruvayoor.. Thank you Harih for posting the anecdote .. it would be interesting to know more such anecdotes.