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My Toddler Is Making Me Crazy

Discussion in 'Toddlers' started by sanjuruby3, May 9, 2017.

  1. sanjuruby3

    sanjuruby3 Platinum IL'ite

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    Hi all,
    My 2.5 yr toddler is making me crazy and do not know how to control her. Specially from past few days or week, her new tantrums have started. She screams like crazy on every small thing. Screams at top of her lungs, with face turning red and tears all over .
    Early morning she will get up and start screaming for 1 thing or another. Top of that she starts hitting us, specially me. I am like her enemy now.

    I live with her most of time and she loves her dad more. I am not jealous but she does not respect me at all. I scold her or stop her from something then I am the worst mom. I try all ways like positive way, not just directly stopping. We go to stores outside and she will stray herself and I have to run or chase her. I ask her to stay with me or atleast answer back when I call her.. no. Lets go back home no..
    She wants milk in purple sipper, and that is dirty but no. She just had milk before bed and brushed teeth, she asks milk again (little), we say no because she brushed and will pee but no..

    Morning she gets up and picks up tab. I tell no, not as morning first thing..she hits me. So whole day TV or tab or phone or car tv or back tab.
    We are planning to increase number of days at daycare but can not go full time as its expensive for us.

    Top of that, she is un-training herself for potty. She won't tell us that she needs to go and when I ask her, no and immediately, after 1-2 minutes, she wets herself. Its happening almost everyday now. Sometimes 3/4 times/day in a row and don't want to wear diapers. Even though at daycare, she regularly take kids, most times, I bring her back, she is wet.
    I feel bad that her water consumption is reduced by us for same reasons.

    My H like many men does not have much patience so mostly he follows her and she follows him.
    OUtside home, in front of others, she is such a sweet girl, can not fights and gets pushed easily. At home, she is tigress. We go to library and she grabs computer there for games. She does not know how to play/on it. So I go near her (before she asks), she starts kicking me to go away. She fears, I will take is away. I feel insulted because she screams loudly in quiet library.

    For all these reasons, I do not want to go alone with her anywhere as its always battle. Then at home for dinner, she wants TV on.

    Please help. How to stop her screaming and screen habits.
    Umanga likes this.

  2. Umanga

    Umanga Gold IL'ite

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  3. Umanga

    Umanga Gold IL'ite

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    As they say, it takes a village to raise a child. Your little girl is living, breathing proof of that maxim.
  4. BhumiBabe

    BhumiBabe Platinum IL'ite

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    I noticed experience caregivers (like my son's daycare nanny and my mom), talk a lot to the child. They get them to express their thoughts and ideas which helps them relieve the negative energy. When I am driving my son around, I would talk to him and ask him questions. He would try to answer (he's not a big talker) and answers with grunts, grins, and pointing. In the mornings, I struggle to get him to do what I need him to do, but when I talk to him, and make him feel empowered, he is much more cooperative. Like choosing his own clothes, or what snack he wants to eat.

    My son also like watching tv, but I control what he watches and sit with him. We talk about the program, and when the program is done, I will tell him that they are going to sleep, and that he should say bye-bye or good-night.
  5. naturalkind

    naturalkind Senior IL'ite

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    Basically she is testing you. If she screams and you bend over backwards to make her stop screaming she knows screaming is equal to get whatever she wants. Let her scream give her time out, for her age 2-3 mins of time out is correct. And time out time starts only when she settles down, i.e. if she moves from her place before 2 mins are done 2 mins start again. Find a safe corner and let her be there screaming/crying don't budge. And same with tab/tv time she should not be watching more than 20 mins of tv/tab time. Make sure even you too don't use tab/phone in front of her. For how long will she cry or throw tantrums?? I know sometimes 20 mins only seem unrealistic and even it is difficult for me to adhere to that rule but nothing wrong in trying.
    Umanga likes this.
  6. ashneys

    ashneys Platinum IL'ite

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    This seems to be a power game n she's testing her limits. When She feels she's getting away with one thing, she will try d second thing, den d third n it goes on n on.

    U need to control this behaviour now, hittin / kickin u is not acceptable at all, weder it's at home or public. Hold d hand or leg dats hitting u, not letting her wiggle n stare into her eyes n say no.

    Let her scream all she wants. Don giv in. Dis can b a tough one wen she turns pink n all. But if she's not getting any more attention wen she screams, she will eventually stop. Tel her no fun outing at all for her till she stops screaming. U can put her in her room wen she starts screaming n Tel her dat she can talk with u wen she's done screaming n only then will u listen. Don give her anything, even d essential stuff, wen she's screaming.

    N if u want her off gadgets, hide d gadgets. U can't expect a kid to hav self control wen she sees one rite in front of her. Kids can b relentless wen it comes to gadgets. So dats completely under ur control.

    Regarding the potty training, show her some videos n books dat relates to the kids. Say only babies wet their pants, big gals won't or smthng like dat in a way she relates. Dis can take some time.

    A kid cannot be controlled by noice n force alone. Dey wil b like "uh ya she screams for everything" n won't even hear us. So It's thru love as well. Love does not mean giving in to tantrums, it means doin stuff together n most importantly, communicating with her. Like, really talk to her like u do with an adult but on topics related to her, do stuff together, read together with funny voices. Do arts n crafts together, u can even cook n clean together. Hav a 'lovey dovey' time wer u jus share hugs n kisses n tumble around d bed tickling each other or chasing each other around d house playfully. Since she's challenging u so much n seeing u as d enemy, Make sure she sees u a person who loves her a lot, But will stop her from any wrongdoings. Love n discipline has to be a balance, more or less of any one side is gona b a disaster.

    D parent dat stays at home with dem tend to b taken for granted at times, don give in. It's jus a phase, der r gona b many like dis. U jus make sure u r der to guide her in d rite direction evrytime.
    sindmani likes this.
  7. sanjuruby3

    sanjuruby3 Platinum IL'ite

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    She is turning into a complete rebel. I am turning stone to her demands now. I can not believe this 2.5 yrs old, how much strength she had in her lungs to scream and stamina to cry. I sometimes cry seeing myself failure as a mom. I want to get out of house and start working because she is making me feel so un respectable and undesirable.
    Umanga likes this.
  8. paru123

    paru123 Gold IL'ite

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    Op, u need to give her complete care love and attention. Stop looking into your mobile or any electronic gadgets in front of her. Speak politely and nicely with her. Kids does these kind of things to grab attention. Give in to her demands or let her win sometimes. Before blaming your child you need to first correct your behaviors. You said she wanted to drink from a dirty sippy cup. If it was dirty why was it in front of her, whose mistake is that? If she doesn't brush her teeth one day, nothing is going to happen. Why do you create so much of stress for yourself. If she strays in the stores, tell her nicely that you won't take her out next time and stick to that for a week. Instead play with her inside the house. Be her best friend. You can slowly change her behaviour. Be very nice, extra gentle with her. Make her your first priority.

    A friends son was behaving exactly the same way you dd behaves. She started giving importance to him, talking nicely, treating him with respect as if he was somebody else's child and within 2 days she could see the change in his behaviour. Hide away all tab mobile etc and give your 100% to her. You too can see the change in her. She is craving for love and attention.
  9. viki123

    viki123 Silver IL'ite

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    I think restricting electronics and lack of interest in other activities are making her do these. My DS to does these acts when at home. Few things that worked for me.
    1. Deleting everything from my mobile and not using it in infornt of him except for phone calls
    2. For Tab, when my DH goes office he will keep it in his bag and take it with him (At least act and hide from his view). Once my DS realized it not at home he went back to playing with other toys.
    3. Involve them in your activities like helping you in small thing etc.
    4. Give her fav toy as treat instead of TV. My Ds likes bubble gun, if he behaves good he will get it to play with for 30 min, no restrictions applied on mess created.

    Tell ur DH strictly to follow these and not go give into her demands. If she cries let her cry, by giving in she is getting around every thing by crying.

    I know it is very tough at this stage but we have to find ways to deal with it.
    blindpup10 and sumzaya like this.
  10. jskls

    jskls IL Hall of Fame

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