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My Husband Doesn’t Keep Me Happy

Discussion in 'Interesting Shares' started by Thyagarajan, Jun 16, 2024.

  1. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    My Husband Doesn’t Keep Me Happy

    To bring about a positive change & outlook among couples in their daily life - a scene from a soul searching seminar:

    A lover who struggles to keep his wife/husband happy.

    The speaker put the question to audience..
    “Does your husband look after you happily?"

    The husband next to me sat up straight and confident .The reason i suppose is that the wife never complained to him. He was happy .

    But his wife stood up & said "No, my husband does not keep me happy ".
    The husband was shocked. But the wife continued.

    "My husband doesn't make me happy. But then I am happy.
    I mean being happy Not dependent on him.
    Myself Dependent.
    Am I happy? Relevant matter."

    "My decision is to be happy at every stage of life . If I am happy because of the next person, then what? If the material makes me happy, then so be it, If I'm happy at times , it means I'm in big trouble."

    "Everything around us is changing or disappearing or developing. People, wealth , my body, climate, my boss, pleasures.
    Friends, my physical and mental health is everything. It's a long list. Being happy no matter what the decision I made. If there is more or less , my happiness does not decrease . My happiness is whether I am going out, staying at home, poor or rich. It doesn't decrease."

    "I was happy before I got married and I'm happy now . I'm happy because I'm happy with myself. I love my life. It is not because my life is cake walk than others . Because I personally decided to be happy. I am responsible for my own happiness."

    "When I bear this in mind as a resolution , I remove from husband the responsibility that burdens
    me. It makes our life easier . That's why our married life is like this Happy years.”

    The applause rent the air.

    Don't leave the responsibility of keeping yourself happy to others.
    Do not give up the happiness in your heart , whether it is raining , sick, money, hurt or unloved . Be kind to yourself you will be happy within yourself as long as you respect . Happiness is within. Not outside at all.

    If every couple feel this way, i think life for them will be melody filled with serenade.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2024
    messedup likes this.

  2. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    Hi thank you @messedup for awarding click to the post. Do you agree with her averment?
  3. messedup

    messedup Platinum IL'ite

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    Yes, I do agree with this. Its a fact. Depending on others for our own happiness is not at all required. Still being social and living in the bounded environment of society always keep our expectations alive thats not so easy to leave completely. But yes instead of blaming other for that we should learn to live with ourselves. :blush::blush:
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  4. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    Hi thanks for he re response.
    messedup likes this.

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