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My husband’s mistress

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Anandchitra, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. Anandchitra

    Anandchitra IL Hall of Fame

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    A controversial new book argues that infidelity and marriage are entirely compatible. Eric Anderson, Author of Men, Love and Reality of cheating, goes even further. He makes the extraordinary claim that Men have affairs not despite the fact that they love their partners but because they do.
    Research says that spouses are almost unaware of what’s going on at close quarters. Well the apple does not fall far from the tree woe me, as I was about to discover.
    I had not been paying as much attention to what was happening beneath my nose compared to what I read online. My husband is the jovial fun loving and easy going person who innocently took on gardening as a hobby. I nurtured the step into gardening as I was tempted with visions of luscious veggie and fruits.
    He started during the cold months and steadily got a collection of seed ready and a mound of rich mud strewn across the back yard. Soon our tables and every open ground space inside the house were overtaken by seeds being planted indoors.
    As soon as he came back from work he would walk around all the small disposable environment friendly cups holding seeds and would eagerly peek into each to see if they have sprouted. It was more likely his long nose made a dent in the soil than a seedling popped up.
    Over days and sometimes weeks the saplings did come up. This was when I noticed a change come over my dearly beloved husband.
    His mild mannered nature and smiling countenance disappeared when someone approached his seedlings. He became angry if we dare tried to touch his saplings.
    He exhibited symptoms of a new mother whose new born could be threatened.
    My son and I watched in apprehension at all these changes my husband exhibited but innocently assumed he was harmless.
    Everything started to escalate when the weather started to warm and he could take his saplings outdoors.
    Now he became so possessive he would let no one disturb his tender seedlings planted in their new home.
    Every day he would painstakingly see the young ones were doing well with enough water and nourishment. If even a harsh wind were to blow their way he would turn mother and hover over them and protect them with hastily wrapped sheets over their young heads.
    He seemed to live for his vegetable gardens. Gone were the days the two of us spent time drinking tea. Nowadays I had to take tea to the plants as he found it difficult to remain away from them.
    The romance progressed over the summer season. Soon his precious plants started to yield vegetables.
    He became a Proud Papa. We got fed up of hearing him boast of the powers of his plants. It seemed he could talk about nothing but the vegetable plants.
    Even from work he would call me to remind me if something needed to be done in the garden.
    I finally understood the meaning of the lines.. “Men have affairs not despite the fact that they love their partners but because they do”.
    Yes my husband has found love in the garden and with the plants because he wanted me to have fresh vegetables and roses and his love for me found a new expression when he enjoyed bringing them indoors to me.



    June2012 039.JPG


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  2. christine014

    christine014 Gold IL'ite

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    Hi Anandchitra,
    It's nice to see how endearingly you write about your husband. Reading this post made me feel warm and happy. I must say, I'm in love with your husband's affair, let the fondness prevail and the pictures are a darling. Thanks for making me smile.
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  3. Kamla

    Kamla IL Hall of Fame

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    Ha ha dear Ac!

    You too my friend?! My husband's affair has been going on since last year! Yes, it was only last year that he decided to share his love for me with a veggie patch and the veggie patch did its 'souten' thing upon me...it gave him immense pleasure!! Duly photographed and shared on all net places by me, a very tolerant and forgiving wife..:) I thought the one year's service she demanded from him would teach him a lesson and he would prefer to drink that tea with me this summer. But tell ya...she was more attractive and lured him away this year too!

    What once seemed like the fruits of toil turned out to be my punishment this time round! In spite of distributing the crop amongst neighbors, friends and the occassional stranger, my fingers and hands are a bit sore for peeling the endless snake gourd, ridge gourd, squash, karela and what nots!

    At least your post comes as a comforter! Nice to know I have company! :) :thumbsup

    L, Kamla
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  4. Arunarc

    Arunarc Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear AC...Hahaha
    Looking at the title I was wondering what AC has come up with, husband's mistress!!!!......hehehe
    Now I realise who is the mistress, Thank God mine doesn't have still but the idea has poped into his mind from last week. He wish to keep some plants in the gallery and all. I don't know when he is going to start. But sure one day it will come up...hehehe
    Lovely cartoons AC...haha You have to shout at him to come and sleep in the night ehh......[​IMG]
    2 people like this.
  5. outofthebox

    outofthebox Platinum IL'ite

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    Hi Anandchitra,

    What a "kindling" title, and that too in the Good to Read section :-D
    Somehow I knew it would turn out to be an anti-climax, and looking at the pictures, your husband's "mistress" has been so well taken care of, and if one were to have a mistress like this, I really wouldn't mind:thumbsup

    I really dream of having a garden like this some day, and my husband knows gardening already....so guess we won't be having a "third-person" in our lives :rotfl

    and oh, what hilarious cartoons you have put !!!
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  6. AkilaMani

    AkilaMani Local Champion Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Chitra,

    I was thinking it was more of hi-tech gizmo:bonk, but a veggie patchi:bowdown:bowdown too good!! the pics are lovely dear, think i had seen them in the gardening section. Happy to see them again:)
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  7. anjananathan

    anjananathan Platinum IL'ite

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    good one..
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  8. rgsrinivasan

    rgsrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Expected it to be a teaser of sorts, but could never make it up to see, the kind it belonged to. Nice one. Nice photos and of course, smiled at your sense of humour, AnandChitra. Once we love something, very soon, we tend to nurture it and wear all kinds of relationship. Isn't it? A mother, father, elder sibling initially and becoming the child later on, when it grows to a point where the child then becomes the parent now. -rgs
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  9. arch1209

    arch1209 Platinum IL'ite

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    While I don't agree with Eric Anderson :) I might be okay if the other love is such a beautiful garden! I am in love with your garden, cannot take my eyes off!
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  10. Anandchitra

    Anandchitra IL Hall of Fame

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    Wow What a lovely comment. Thanks

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