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My First Books Are Out! Seek Your Wishes And Blessings!

Discussion in 'Varalotti Rengasamy's Short & Serial Stories' started by varalotti, Mar 17, 2006.

  1. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Most Gracious ILites,
    (thanks Prathi for the nice term, which, something tells me is going to stick)

    It is with great happiness that I am informing about the release of my first books ever. These are my short story collections in Tamil and are published by M/s Kavitha Publications, Chennai. The books are entitled "JANNAL" and "VISARANAI."

    Between the covers of these two books you will find almost all the stories written by me during the last 8 years I have been in this field. Of course some of the stories I have already posted the translations in IL. But many of them I have not, and in the case of some of them I decided not to, because these stories are a little bold and I didn't want to hurt the sensibilities of the ladies here.

    These books were released by my friend Mr.S.Raja, the person who is very popular in the Solomon Pappiah Pattimanrams. He is also acting in Rajni's film in the making, Shivaji. This man is Rajni's father-in-law in that film.
    I invited him because it was due to him that the books got published. A publisher had approached him with a request to publish the scripts of all his Pattimanram speeches. But this large-hearted man told them, ' My speeches are meant to be fun. First publish sridhar's stories and then we'll see about publishing my speeches.' In these days, in the fiercely competitive world of writing and publishing, such gestures are like those of Mother Theresa and Mahatma Gandhi.

    Today also happen to be my parents' 49th wedding anniversary. (ILites, don't try to guess my age with that statitistics) Mr.Raja came to our house and in a simple function he released the books.

    Left to myself, I will buy all the copies and send it to all the ILites free of cost. But my publisher warns me that unless the books sell on their own, he cant consider my next book. And he does not want to print more than 1000 copies. So that leaves us with the only option, ladies, that you may have to put up with the pain of buying the books.
    The two volumes JANNAL and VISARANAI cost Rs. 170/-

    Those of you who reside in Chennai
    can visit the publisher's office at the following address:
    M/s Kavitha Publications, #8, Masilamani Street, Near Brilliant Tutorials, T.Nagar, CHENNAI 600 017 Phone: 044 - 24364243

    Those of you who live in the other towns in India
    may send a DD for Rs.200 (Rs.30 for registered postage) in favour of M/s Kavitha Publications and send it to the above address. The books will be sent to you by registered post to your address.

    Those of you who live outside India
    may use this links and go to the site where my books are for sale, buy the books through card and they will be shipped to you within three days, wherever you may live:

    (For the book JANNAL)

    (For the book VISARANAI)

    My dear ILites, don't ever think that I am using the site to peddle my books to you. This is just an offer to those of who have read my stories and like it and those of you who are comfortable with Tamil to make all my stories available in one place. My friendship and affection towards each one of you will remain the same even if you decide not to buy my books.
    Please wish me and bless me on this happy occasion. If you buy the books do read them slowly, you can gulp a novel but not short stories - first read my preface and my bio-data and then all the stories. Whether you like the stories or not, please post a detailed review in this thread.

    Thanks for your time, ILites.

    with affectionate regards,
    Varalotti aka sridhar

    Last edited: Mar 17, 2006

  2. prathi

    prathi Bronze IL'ite

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    Dear Srdhar,

    My heart felt wishes on the publication of your books!! I am very happy and i am sue u will publish many more. I shall look forward to your english publications to read them. My respectful wishes to your parents on their 49th anniversary!! Shall pray God that they see many more together!

    Love and Regards,

    PS: Thanks for ur appreciation on the term "ILites":)
  3. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks Prathi For Your Kind Wishes!

    Dear Prathi,
    Thanks a lot for your kind wishes. I really appreciate the term ILites which rhymes with elites and aptly denominate the gracious members of this great forum.
    I'll surely convey your wishes to my parents. Thanks for not attempting to guess my age from the statistics I gave there.
    And, Prathi, the photo I sent to you first for publication in the site, adorns the cover of one of these books.
  4. prathi

    prathi Bronze IL'ite

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    I dint guess your age!!

    HI Sridhar,

    I din't take the trouble of guessing your age because u have already told it many times on this forum "27"!! ha ha ha

    Jokes apart, yes that photo was a good one and good that is on the coves!! Congrats once again1
  5. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    SridharBeta, chiranjeevi raho !

    Dear Sridhar,
    Since you seek for blessings, they are sent herewith !
    I just went & bought the 2 books from Kavitha. They were surprised that I came so early - I told them " enga oorkarar!".
    The reading will start today & as per your instructions, continue in phases - but if they are gripping, no doubt, in one session I will finish !
    I will post for the day & then start reading, to be on the safer side, I know what I will ultimately end up doing !
    My best wishes to your parents who are blessed with such an alrounder son !
    My greetings to your wife & daughter who are sharing your honours on this occasion !
    Love & regards,
  6. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Could Never Thank You Adequately!

    Dear Chitra,
    Thanks for the wishes and blessings. Will surely convey your wishes to my parents.
    And Chitra, you have rendered me speechless by your kindest gesture of buying the first set of books even while I was posting this thread. I could never repay for that act of kindness.
    As you rightly said please post for the day and then start reading. I know that the ladies the world over would have lit their hot plates and then flock to your columns to decide the menu for the day. So if you start reading my stories now, you will be making many ladies hungry. And I don't want to earn their hatred.

    Thanks once again for the confidence reposed in me and my writing. I am praying God that one day or other I should deserve this kind of love and affection.
    with regards,
  7. ambika ananth

    ambika ananth Bronze IL'ite

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    hearty congrats

    Dear Sridhar
    Heartiest Congratulations....we all share the thrill and excitement you are going through right now..!! Wishing you a smooth journey for higher glory..
    Though I cannot read Tamil, I will buy your books to present to my God Mother, an Iyer lady, to whom I already told about you, your writings and your popularity. I am sure she will enjoy the books and bless you to write more and more. Sridhar, blessings and best wishes turn stumbling blocks to stepping stones....Wish you many more achievements and honours to you friend...

    My respectful regards to your parents on this wonderful day- a testimony to their love and shared moments of joy and happiness..


    By the way...should the place read as " CHENNAI" instead of MADURAI in the address given below... ..?? Pls clarify, because I am asking my cousin to buy the books at Chennai outlet...

    Those of you who reside in Chennai
    can visit the publisher's office at the following address:
    M/s Kavitha Publications, #8, Masilamani Street, Near Brilliant Tutorials, T.Nagar, MADURAI 625 017 Phone: 044 - 24364243
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2006
  8. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks For The Kind Gesture, Ambika!

    Dear Ambika,

    I have seen it in my life, Ambika - but for the wishes and blessings of nice people like you, I would not have been alive today. Have gone through so much crises and was able to weather all the storms because the umbrella of all the blessings and wishes of nice people like you has always been with me.

    And thanks for pointing out the typo. Madurai, being closest to my heart, unconsciously slipped out in the place of Chennai. Have corrected it.

    It's a nice gesture to buy the books and presenting them to your Godmother. Convey my pranams to your God parents.

    I know a very famous man, Ambika. He is one of the best speakers in the world in Tamil and I have seen his audience being kept spell bound for hours on end by his speech. He worships Goddess Shakthi, Abirami. And in a press meet a reported asked him,
    'How come you speak so well? Why is your Goddess so partial to you?'
    You know what he said,
    'My Goddess had reserved all these talents to a really deserving soul. And that soul did something to displease my Mother. She, in the last moment, threw away the contents at me, as you would throw leftovers to the beggar on the street. I did not deserve them, but the fact my Great Goddess chose to throw that on my face made all the difference in my life. I'll take a million births just to grow spiritually enough to deserve Her gifts.'
    I am tearfully reminded of this event when you people praise me.
    Thanks and thanks again.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2006
  9. meenu

    meenu Bronze IL'ite

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    bhesh bhesh varlotti

    Dear Varlotti,
    I was just going through the active users column and imagine my happiness when I noticed that all our familiar friends are browsing your announcement about your books. How nice it is that you are so popular. At this rate you dont have to worry about the publishers loss. I am sure they will be shocked that the books get sold fast. I am planning to buy them this afternoon and I do hope they dont get sold out. My respectful wishes and congratulations to your parents on this occasion. It is a great wedding day gift.Inotice that you have to change the pin code number for chennai in your announcement.
    may Madurai MEENAKSHI bless you and your family with all that is best
    with regards,
  10. Sharada

    Sharada Senior IL'ite

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    Bring out the champagne!

    Truly happy and proud of all your achievements. I'll make sure that all my Tamilian friends read your books. In fact I'm going to strongly recommend them to the library I frequent. Just read your short story in the latest WE , "Flowers for a mother." Poignant. You are a master story teller.
    With champagne wishes and caviar dreams,

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