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My Experiances to become a successful enterpruner

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by subbutr, Sep 12, 2007.

  1. subbutr

    subbutr Senior IL'ite

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    My Dear Friends,

    During our Younger days, we had so many dreams, wishes to become,
    How Many of us are able to acheive that !

    It is never too late to make those dreams come true.

    As we mature, our dreams mature along with our interests.

    In our childlike imagination, we believed anything was possible and we never doubted those potential realties.

    In order to become that person, we must reconnect with our childlike imagination.

    Recreate those daydreams.

    Dream big and believe that everything and anything is possible.

    In that big dream is the ability to create what each of us is looking for.
    It is up to each of us, individually, to allow the dream, think about the dream, feel the dream, and act as if the dream is already a reality.

    In order to do this, we must take actual steps to make it so.

    Those 34 years to establish my business enterprunership as a manufacturer.

    I just look back.....

    I will share my own steps that I have taken as I prepare to have my venture in to my enterprunership in 1974.

    After My Educations, I Started my enterprunership with a Tool Kit for Servicing Imported Textile Machinery Accessories pertaining to Knotting & Splicing.

    With Just 2500 INR , took my first servicing job in Lakshmi Mills and during servicing , there was a requirement of spares, those days it was only imported and thought whynot we start our own.

    Then steped in to manufacturing and made those components indigenously.

    With in few years, to excel in quality, went in for Imported Raw Materials and followed the proceedures of Quality, workmanship and the economic viability to supply at most competitive rates.

    By the time, imported models of old era was stopped and there were many in the market for requirements of those models.

    Our Products by the time are accepted well and got recognized and well distributed on a national scale.

    Our own Indegenous units catered the market and accepted widely all over the country.

    Then we followed the developments taking place in that field and started all Import Substitute Parts and to-day , we are proud to be an established manufacturers and alternate suppliers to the Imported Units.

    There were many ups and downs while processing new models, yet we didnot lose the heart.

    We were able to succeed and overwhelmed with the responses from the local, domestic and Global Markets.

    We were able to have our own infrasturctures and go on concentrating on new developments, retaining the market share and saved huge Foriegn Exchange from the customers point of view.

    We were able to provide employment oppertunities for few families.

    This was possible , because of our determinations, dedications and devotetedness.

    Thank God for the Self confidence , he has given us.

    “Think from the end and act as if it already is so.”

    Hence my sincere request to the youngsters is to Spend time and energy making lists on how you can manifest that dream.

    If you don’t know how to get started, get together with someone you trust and respect and then brainstorm with them.

    Ask for help. Do the research. Read the techniques, market potentials.

    Make the list and take some action on that list.
    ( Both Plus and Minus factors )

    " Knowing What You Want and Getting It " with sheer determinations and act.

    At the end of the day, you too will be pleased when you realize that you can cross off many things on your list that leads you to the person you want to become.

    Create it daily. Dream it daily. Imagine it daily.

    Replace any energy you spend on thinking about people, places or things that upset you with imaging the person you are yet to become.

    This replacement of negative thoughts with positive creative thoughts allows the new reality to evolve before you know it !

    Have the faith and trust to do it.

    You will look back on your life with great perspective and I pray that none of us will say, “ I would’ve, could’ve, should’ve . . . if only.”

    If you really think from the end, then imagine that distant day as a wise elder looking back on your life and imagine that you are saying that you are so glad that you had the courage to step forward into the unfamiliar.

    Hopefully, we will all feel very good about our contribution to this society and to self.

    I believe there is a saying, “ Don’t die with the music still in you.”

    Make it happen. Start today.

    May we all find the courage to step outside of our regular thoughts and think new thoughts.

    May we have the creativity and motivation to happily create a new or better reality for ourselves and others.

    May we find joy, passion and happiness regardless of what we choose to do with our time and energy.

    Thank you all for the patient reading and hope some one will be beneficial.



  2. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    hi subbu sir,

    Again a wonderful post and a message there... lot of us definitely dream about enterpreneurship but few of us try.. those who try..get scared and stop at the first hit...they dont think..ok it was a hit..let me try...next time it will be better....
    and there are those who dont have the business sense ..start a business...then if they are not successful..switch off to another..without even looking back to analyze what went wrong at the first place...

    You take the risk you reap the rewards.....opportunity knocks the doors of everyone..only few lap it up.....
  3. subbutr

    subbutr Senior IL'ite

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    Yes dear Shanthi,

    Every efforts is worth unless tried...
    There may be initial obstacles, yet no point of diverting our goals to succeed.
    Explore all avenues with available resources pays in long run.
    Many people are scared to enter in to enterprunerships due to lack of knowledge or not willing to take risks.
    Thanks for the kind visit and comments.

    Last edited: Sep 13, 2007
  4. Vysan

    Vysan Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Subbu,

    I agree with you that we have to take our efforts to make our dreams come true.... But Risk taking is not possible by all.... When you have a family to support and who are dependent on you... You cant afford to take risk.....

    Thanks for sharing your experience....

  5. subbutr

    subbutr Senior IL'ite

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    Thank you dear veda for the kind visits and valuable feedbacks.

    Of course Not Everyone can afford to take risks, yet when we wanted to attain our goals, we have to be prepared & act.

  6. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    Wonderful story about ur life.God will always bless u,regards.kamal
  7. RamyaVaradharajan

    RamyaVaradharajan Bronze IL'ite

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    hello Subbu.. very pleasant evening!!

    Your sketch very keenly threw light on entrepreneurship. My goal, aspiration, zeal, zenith or what ever one might call it; is becoming an entrepreneur. To start my own laboratory in the field of Bio-technology and to reach heights.

    According to me; for any plan or a fully accomplished action one has to keep track of the following:
    (1) Strengths
    (2) Weakness
    (3) Opportunities
    (4) Threats

    This is called as "SWOT ANALYSIS". In management, SWOT is highly essential. Planning, Organizing. Staffing, Co-Ordinating and Leading forms an essential part of an Ideal Manager. If one strives hard to follow these, i think he/she can do wonders and cross milestones in career path!!

    For anyone who wish to be an entrepreneur; i just have a little to say. "Very little; but highly powerful".

    Keep telling yourself that you will accomplish your goal.
    Start acting as though you have already become an entrepreneur.
    Think about every action more than twice before doing the same.
    Try taking tiny risks so that you will be prepared for your future.
    Be a multifaceted person; think from different angles.
    Take ideas from all who surround you (even if its from a kid).
    SWOT out every action.
    Be prepared to face life boldly by accepting the facts of it.

    :) All these i practice:) Hope i will be able to share more when i become an entrepreneur:-D

    India needs entrepreneurs to strengthen her back-bone. Let us strive hard to enrich her diversities:2thumbsup:
  8. subbutr

    subbutr Senior IL'ite

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    Thank you dear kamalji for the nice gestures and let all in the universe be blessed to become self reliant to lead the wonderful Life's journey.

    I also endorse the views from our Ramya Varadarajan highlighting MBA's SWOT formulae's on enterpruneral & Management's ways to handle.

    Wishing our Ramyavaradarajan all success and our blessings.

  9. RamyaVaradharajan

    RamyaVaradharajan Bronze IL'ite

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    Hello Subhu sir, a very pleasant evening!

    Thanks a lot for your wishes. Sorry for the delay in reply :). Its always good to get hearty regards from dear ones!

    Take care

  10. So Sure

    So Sure Senior IL'ite

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    hi Subbu,
    Thank you very much for sharing your life experience with us.

    My son is doing his Junior year in high school and needs to decide what he wants to be. Your advice will be of great help to him. I copied it and emailed it to him. :goodidea:

    Please share more of your experiences, like very stressul times and how you dealt with them or decision making times, how to prioritize... anything you think is worth sharing. I'm sure there are many like my son and me who want to hear more.

    Thank you again.

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