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My equation with SIL- husband's sister

Discussion in 'Relationship With In-Laws' started by cheenu123, Oct 23, 2015.

  1. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Keep it simple. Just make the darned call every Sunday. Nothing more, nothing less. Attempt a call to her every Sunday. If conversation happens, keep it brief.

    Did she call back, didn't she, what did she say, what didn't she say, how/why did she say... any such dissection will wipe out your compromise. Just make the call. And be done with it. Husband is not so stupid that he doesn't already know the drama. He is simply caught in the middle.

    There are some chores in life we do because they need to be done. This is one such for you.

    Over time, you could skip a call or two and whatsapp instead.

    Keep the timing of call a bit unpredictable. Or else you don't call at the usual time, and they'll have reason to criticize.
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  2. Jazmine83

    Jazmine83 Gold IL'ite

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    men are the happiest when we make an attempt to gel with their family...

    It's just a call. Just make it. Some part of our work, we absolutely hate...like the commute or office politics, but we kinds endure that for the greater benefit. This is just like that..

    Just so you feel better...my sil called me some nasty nasty names..not in front of me, but to a friend who is also my friend. This was when my partner told his family he is in love with me....about a year later..she apologized. I accepted her apology and we are in talking terms...

    sometimes we just have to do these little things and these little things are pretty much what can make or break a relationship
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