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My Dream Of Wearing Sarees

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by iyerviji, Feb 24, 2023.

  1. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    It must be the dream of every individual to appear beautiful. How to look beautiful is the one of the most important questions. mind and finding out the ways to achieve the objective of having the body beautiful is the major look out of almost all of them.

    The simple way to look beautiful is to look natural. It is not true that wearing lots of makeup can really make one look beautiful. What is important is to look beautiful is by keeping the heart and mind pure in order to keep the inner self-beautiful and this in turn will attribute you with a body beautiful.

    Draping in a saree a woman looks beautiful. I had an aunty who used to bring us saree when she used to visit us. That time I was still in my teens. I used to think once I start earning should have many sarees and should wear different saree everyday.

    In the early stages it was not possible. Before marriage due to financial condition we used to get sarees only on Diwali . Me and my sister used to share the sarees. After marriage also it was very difficult to buy more sarees int he beginning. Once the children were born and they grew I got a chance to buy sarees more and used to like to collect sarees

    When I wasworking we had a shop nearby. Me and my friend used to visit the shop during lunch time and we became their regular customer. Whenever new types of sarees came they used to call us and we used to be the first buyer. Once they had taken my photo also as a regular customer and put it in their marathi magazine. I dont know where that photo is now but somewhere it is safe. I always used to get the best sarees. When I used to go to catch the contract bus ladies going for walk used to wait to see which saree I am wearing.They used to tell me they like my collection of sarees. Also the people residing near my office used to appreciate my sarees.

    During my brother in law's daughter's marriage my sister inlaw and her family went to Salem to buy sarees for the marriage. She told me also to come as they felt I am good at selecting. We went to the saree shop where they were weaving the pattu saree. I liked one blue saree which they just finished weaving and I took that saree and everyone liked it very much.

    Earlier I used to buy the sarees but after retirement I have got many sarees as gifts given for marriages. Now since I am not working not able to use the sarees. I wear only when I go for functions or marriages. Evening while going to market dont feel like taking out the saree and wear , so go in a simple saree only.

    Anyway I have worn different kind of sarees, different colours to my heart's content. FB_IMG_1677227125727.jpg
    gamma50g, godsgp, Laks09 and 8 others like this.

  2. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    Sarees are so elegant. I’m glad you could wear them to your heart’s content, Viji Aunty.
    Thyagarajan and iyerviji like this.
  3. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks dear
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  4. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    It looks like you are writing down the memory lines. I had responded in detail about your dream - look at feedbacks in

    Regards.God Bless
    iyerviji likes this.
  5. swarnamary

    swarnamary Gold IL'ite

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    well written vijima.. after reading this i should be aggresive enough to learn how to put saree on properly... :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  6. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    This is for those who did not read that time. Your memory is very sharp. I knew you will remember thatpost
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  7. beautifullife30

    beautifullife30 Platinum IL'ite

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    I knew we had something in common. I love sarees. I have been in love with them since childhood. My grandmother has a huge collection of sarees and as a child I grew up watching her select a saree takin time to understand the design, colour, border...you name it, she will look for all those.

    Maybe it was watching her or maybe it's the elegance of seeing a simple lady transform into this beautiful butterfly I am still in awe of these 6 yards.

    I bought my first saree with my pocket money for my farewell party in class 11. I still have the saree with me. I remember going to the shop with my grandpa to buy it. That was just the beginning. Over the next few years I amassed a vast collection which is so unique, atleast personally to me.

    Oh, it's not the design or the material that stands out but the story behind each of the sarees that I own. Almost all of them have a story.

    Like there is this beautiful off white coloured saree with mirror work which my husband bought for me for my birthday when we were dating. He took an advance of his salary to buy that saree for me. And once when he visited Kerela, he ended up buying around 6 sarees at one go.

    And the entire bunch of my aunt's sarees are with me now. And my grandmother's pattu saree collection is mine entirely since she bequeathed it to me. And the one of the most weirdest coincidence is my grandmother's mother's sarees which is to say my great-grandmother's pattu sarees are also in my collection.

    And my great-grandmother had some of the best pattu sarees imo. I mean, when I wear them, I literally feel like a princess.

    But the most precious ones are the ones my dad gave to me. He never bought any. But being a purohit, he usually got a lot of dhotis and sarees given for festivals. And whenever a saree was given, he used to save it up for me. They might not be that fancy or costly but to, well they are priceless.

    My wardrobe is now full and bursting but I just can't seem to stop buying when I come across something unique and which looks like it's just made for me.

    I wish I had a daughter to share this collection with her. Saree truly transcends generations.
    mbharani, Thyagarajan and SuiDhaaga like this.
  8. SuiDhaaga

    SuiDhaaga IL Hall of Fame

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    Last week we were asked to wear Union colors to the office to get a new contract with Management (strikes are forbidden).

    I took a cotton saree, blouse, matching chandelier earrings to the office and changed into them.

    I got so many smiles and giggles at the office.

    One desi lady outside my office complimented me.

    One Indian guy (from the same office building) wanted to talk to me in the elevator, but I didn't want to talk so I moved far away from him (we were getting coffee at the same shop under our office building). He ended up saying to me across the shop, "Happy Birthday"

    Anyway, our Union got a new contract. A Happy Birthday indeed!
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  9. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    Clad in sarees even mannequins have great eye-appeal.
    Back to back draping saree is an art and the skill to wear neat symmetrical pleats in front and on shoulder too.

    Some wear to cover midriff and some below navel depending upon their choice, weight & size I suppose.
    @iyerviji often writes about it so that new members enjoy reading her experiences and benefit.

    I learnt wearing saree from my mother and that skill was useful in stage dramas.

    I was in a role assisting a character playing role of a celebrated actress named JIL JIL RAMBA DEVI. It was directed by class mate Ramamoorthy and the annual day invitees included the chief guest - the late CHO Ramaswamy. A particular Act in the drama turned more hilarious when my saree slipped a little from waist revealing the trousers!

    The beauty in draping saree includes front and back as well.
    Here below in the image guess what is happening?


    Last edited: Jul 9, 2023
  10. gamma50g

    gamma50g Gold IL'ite

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    I remember going to silk saree shops with mom and helping her pick unique colors/designs. I inherited my mom's huge saree collection. However, I don't have any ethnic ocassions to wear them. For home poojas, I usually wear 9 yards madisaar. But no ocassions to wear 6 yard sarees at all.

    All my pattu sarees are sleeping in the cupboard. And I am more confident in draping madisaar vs 6 yard saree.

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