My Dog Is Sick

Discussion in 'Pets and Animal Lovers' started by abcd5, Mar 20, 2023.

  1. abcd5

    abcd5 Silver IL'ite

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    Our 14 years old pug mix, Bruno, was diagnosed with cancer 2 days before. He is sleeping, eating and drinking. The vet prescribed painkillers and some Chinese medication for internal bleeding. After hearing this, we are all devastated and not able to do anything. He has been with us for 14 years and he is my child. I don’t know how I’m going to get through this. We don't know how much time he has left.Our vet is recommending letting him go, and I also got a 2nd opinion and they said the same, but he is still happy and going crazy to get some table food. I know at one point I should let him go, but I am not ready yet to let him go. He is still eating, drinking and happy to go potty outside.Last Wednesday, he had blood on his stool and I did blood work and his white cells and liver function were elevated, so the next day we did ultrasound and found multiple tumors on his spleen and liver. We decided not to do anything because of his age. 2 months back, I took him for his annual exam and we did senior panel blood work and everything was good. Every March 29th we celebrate his birthday and last week I called and ordered a dog cake, but now I don't know if he is going to survive until then.
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  2. SuiDhaaga

    SuiDhaaga IL Hall of Fame

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    I cannot imagine the grief and torment you are going through.

    Pugs are very cute dogs.

    I hope to get a sweet doggie one day.

    I will try to help you, but I am no expert.

    Please let your sweetheart continue to frolick and play.

    Enjoy and cherish his sweetness.

    Please don’t put him down ( I guess unless he is crying in pain)

    I heard of someone who also had doggie who was getting very old.

    Eventually the sweet doggy rested in a corner for several days. Others says the doggie was trying to express, “please don’t worry about me, I will be with nature soon”

    Eventually the sweet doggie breathed his last.

    I wish I can give you reassurance and comfort. It is a nightmare when death is staring you in the face.

    ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
    abcd5 likes this.
  3. Srama

    Srama IL Hall of Fame

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    So sorry! Hugs to you. You will do the right thing when it is time. Hang in there and enjoy your pup as much as you can. Love to Bruno
    abcd5 likes this.
  4. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    I am very sorry to hear about your pup.
    If he has tumors in his spleen then your vet must have explained to you that these may rupture at any time. Please have a plan in place if things happen suddenly.
    abcd5 likes this.
  5. abcd5

    abcd5 Silver IL'ite

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    Thank you SuiDhaaga, Srama, and MalStrom

    Yes, they asked to check his gum and tummy. If it turned pale, they asked to take him to emergency. Our vet opens between 8am to 8 pm and after hours I need to take him to the emergency vet. Our vet also offered free checkups every 2 days and last Friday they said he has 2 months and yesterday they said he has only 2weeks. I have an appointment tomorrow to check him back. Yesterday he said his tummy is a little bloated and gum is also a little pale, but he is still eating well, drinking and going potty outside. I don't want him to suffer, and at the same I don't want to live with guilt. Last night my husband broke down crying and I don't think he is ready to come with me to say goodbye. When the time comes, I am planning to go alone or planning to take my 13 years old son.
  6. SuiDhaaga

    SuiDhaaga IL Hall of Fame

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    {{{hugs}}} to you Dear
  7. swarnamary

    swarnamary Gold IL'ite

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    my sister had a dog for a long time.. and couple of yrs back dog gota tumor on the nose its gone after a while and came back again and when they took to the doctor they said its fatal tumor and days gone by sis and bil thought to put the dog to sleep but eventually changed their mind and let is stay with the family actually dog did stay with them pretty well than what doctors predicted, one fine day its gone but my sis and bil are glad they did the right thing, they didnt see the dog struggling with pain...

    hope your pug stay with you all for little longer... hug and cuddle... if you feeling that bad you also need to think about your son too right...
  8. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    I know I am late to respond here and I hope Bruno is still doing well. I am fascinated to see how much love you have for your pet. Our pet Orion was diagnosed with Mitral Valve issue which is also known as Congenial Heart Disease. Unlike humans, they have not developed a procedure for pets to change the valve. Therefore he is on a medication called "Vetmedin" also known as "Pemobendin". For the past 3 years, he has this condition but the disease has not progressed any further and Cardiologist says it is remarkable to see that his disease not progressed one bit in the last 3 years. All you can do in Bruno's situation is to give more love and a good diet. As long as he is active, do not worry about Bruno. When Bruno slows down considerably and feels sick, you can always make a decision to alleviate him from the pain. He will definitely let you know it Bruno is hurting way too much. My best wishes.

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