Dear moms Here is my problem .My daughter age is 2 years 8 months.She is well potty trained.She never do accidents at home. We are sending her to Pre-School.But in school she is doing accidents and not telling to teacher about pee pee r poo poo.She is enjoying to go to school.Only one thing she scared of fulshing sound of potty. She cann't go bathroom alone always she needs my presense at home. How to stop this habbit. How to improve her braveness(I mean, to get rid of her bathroom flushing sound fear). Advanced thanks madhavi.
hi madhavi, It is good that ur baby learnt to go to potty in bathroom early,it is true that flush in the school sounds much.i have seen in my kid'sschool.the moment i flushed it ,my kid would jump and hug me out of fear.but soon the fear went by. i used to take my kid often to the bathroom and make her to flush even though she didn't wanted to pee .just like a game for some time and later looking at friends doing the same at school she learnt and slowly the fear has gone. even i never had problem with my kid,she is 3years old.the moment she starts feeling of something like pee or potty...immediatly she rushes to the bathroom . good luck, shashi.