Mulligatawny Soup

Discussion in 'Cookery Contest Recipes' started by vatsi, Dec 22, 2005.

  1. vatsi

    vatsi Bronze IL'ite

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    Mulligatawny Soup

    1/4 cup toor daal
    1 tbsp. cauliflower, chopped
    1 potato peeled, chopped
    1 onion finely chopped
    1 carrot coarsely, grated
    1 small piece white radish, grated
    1/4 piece green cooking apple, chopped
    1 tbsp. celery finely chopped
    1/2 tsp. curry powder
    1/4 cup thick coconut milk
    1 tbsp. butter
    Pepper and salt to taste

    For the Coconut Milk
    Soak 3-4 tbsp. grated coconut in 1 cup of water for an half hour.
    Grind in a mixie using the same water. Strain to extract the milk.
    Repeat process with the residue twice. Press out till residue is crumbly.
    Use milk as mentioned in the recipes.

    Wash daal, add potato, cauliflower and water.
    Pressure cook till very soft. Leave to cool. In a blender, blend it to a smooth paste.
    Heat butter in a sauce pan, add chopped vegetables and apple, stir fry for 4-5 minutes.
    Add blended stock. Stir and bring to boil.Simmer for 5-8 minutes.
    Add curry powder, salt and pepper to taste.Stir in coconut milk.
    Serve hot.

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