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Mukesh Ambani and Vastu Shastra

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Kamalji, May 4, 2011.

  1. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    Mukesh Ambani and Vastu Shastra

    Today morning the papers reported as follows

    Mukesh Ambani has made the most expensive residential building in the World called Antilla. It is ready, but someone told him it is not Vastu friendly, and now that has MA worried.

    So he has now contacted the family Guru called Ramesh Ojha, their family friend to suggest something. Ramesh Ojha comes on Sanskar Channel for his religious discourses, and my mom loves him, but I have not heard him so cant say anything.

    Something was suggested , but MA wants the IPL to get over, and they are searching for the new date after that, for his wife Neeta is busy at the cricket stadiums.And these are areas where ladies will prevail more than the men’s.Men just put in the money, rest leave it to the ladies.

    What I don’t understand is, when Mukesh consulted the best architects in the world, why did he not consult Ojha or Vastu guys before he got it constructed ? And I don’t know if u guys remember, when anil and Mukesh were fighting after Dhiru’s death, their mother Kokilaben approached Ojha to help the brothers reach a settlement, he refused, then they approached Murari Bapu, he too refused, till KV Kamath, now the chief mentor of Infosys was approached, and he made the deal between the brothers.

    Vastu is something I don’t believe in at all. I have my reasons, strange ones maybe.Here are some of them. My mother stays on the 13th floor, the flat no is 49, which if u add up again comes to 13, but I have stayed in that house too, and it has proved lucky for all of us. Many would not buy this house .They say in the States, after the 12th floor there is 14th, 13 just does not exist eh !

    When land plots are cut in a colony, with a road in between two houses which face each other, say if one is east facing, the opposite one will be west facing. Assuming East facing is auspicious, u mean no one will buy the West facing ?

    That a Vastu friend house, there will be only births and no deaths, that there will be financial improvement always, and never losses ? If only births take place, soon that house will become a Hell, there will be no space at all, if old don’t make way for the new.

    A neighbor of mine staying on rent, built his own home a decade back, we went for the Greh pravesh, beautiful house, I heard a year later he spent a fortune on breaking and making the house again, parts of it rather, bcs a Vastu fellow told him to.

    Did that house prove lucky for him? NO. He has suffered huge losses in his business, and has sold his house, and now is back on rent, can u believe it . But I blame his habits of flying high, he has 4 cars and 4 drivers, and they spend like there is no tomorrow, even now in the rented house they have the same cars and drivers.

    Why blame fate, blame yr poor habits for yr financial condition, when u want to show off, and keep up with the Jones, u will borrow and spend, business is not like rubber, that it will continue to grow big, it has its low cycles too, ask me, I have seen the depts. Of life, we must learn to spend on what is must, and avoid the rest like plague.

    But some people live life on their own terms, they will say we get to live once, life life to the full, of course do so, but with yr own money, not on borrowed money.

    Nature takes its toll on everyone, even Rajesh Khanna today no body goes to visit him, he was more popular than SRK, or AB, look at Vinod K hanna, Dharmendra, same way is life. This is a cycle of health and disease, of births and deaths, of youth and old age, what will Vastu do with the law of nature ?

    But if people don’t follow Vastu, what will happen to these poor Vastu pandits, they will die of hunger.

    Architects charge u a percentage of the cost of making the house, and Vastu Pandits charge u the percentage of the destruction. !!!

    So friends do continue to patronize them, and disregard the ramblings of this old man.


    Girlfriend- You will always listen to me, never try to touch me, and never kiss me !

    Boyfriend – Behan tu Ghar ja .Mummy papa chinta kar rahe honge !!

    A friend told Ghalib

    “ Jo Sharab peete hai, unki Dua Kabool nahi hoti “

    Ghalib replied

    Jinhe Sharab mil gayi, unhe DUA ki zaroorat hi nahin Hoti !!!


  2. satchitananda

    satchitananda Finest Post Winner

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    Very aptly said. People should have faith in themselves and trust in God and an acceptance of the natural law. No one - no astrologer and no vaastu shaastra person - can change one's fate. These are only gimmicks to part people and their money.

    As for the Ambanis of the world, they have too much of money and don't know what to do with it. But their eyes will be blind to the needs of the poor. Have you heard of them doing any philantropic work like Bill Gates, JRD Tata and the like?

    Liked your jokes Kamalji.
  3. Coffeelover

    Coffeelover Platinum IL'ite

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    You are 100% right. Ambani should have consulted the Vastu guy before he started the building. Everything happens for a reason.

    I did not understand the joke because I don't Hindi. Could it be possible to translate it?


  4. sreemanavaneeth

    sreemanavaneeth Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Kamalaji,

    Well said. If they have got so much of belief in Vaasthu they would have consulted before. Amabni have got too much of money again he can
    construct a new one. If if pricks their mind people who are believing all these things they cannot keep quiet.

    your narration was too good.
  5. manjubashini

    manjubashini IL Hall of Fame

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    I dont know much vaasthu sasthra. Or dont believe in it. Those Ambani bros dont know what todo with their money so they build houses and round lattu behind jyothish. Why dont they help the poor inspite of doing these. they ll never ask a jyothish when to help and how to help is there any sasthra to help others and to get good will. But i liked the jokes. LOL .

  6. shakambari

    shakambari Platinum IL'ite

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    Nice thoughts,Kamalji.
    Not only Mukesh Ambani but many others are blind followers of Vastu.
    I feel it is a hoax bcoz the plot's ot main door's direction will not determine your fate -only your logical thinking will.
  7. kelly1966

    kelly1966 Platinum IL'ite

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    topic after my heart.. being an architect I face this Vaastu shatra requirements all the while.. do you know that apart from a few basic principles of design Vaastu shastra is mainly focussed on the plot and the building position... no 2 vaastu pandits will ever have the same view... to negate a fault they tell you to perform pujas and place some gold/ precious stones at diff places.. if by doing all this one could get out of the cycle of sorrow and failure then world would be a different place to live in!!!...
    as long as there are suckers and blind believers such people as vaastu pandits will survive and thrive!!
  8. Padmini

    Padmini IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Kamalji
    A very thought provoking post bringing out the effects of this Vasthu in today's world.People forget or forgo the real essence of this science.
    Vaastushastra as we all know is an ancient Indian architectural science. It contains principles to ensure a harmonious balance between man & nature thereby bringing happiness, health, wealth & prosperity. However people now have started practicing vastu more as a superstition rather than as a logical ancient science which is relevant to the modern world in a limited capacity.Vastu Shastra is the science of structure, formulated to help us live in tune with nature. It does not give solutions to your domestic or financial problems.There are several Vastu 'consultants' in India, some dubious, some genuine. Unfortunately, again many of the modern Vastu exponents are exploiting the layman ignorance and gullibility.
    With so much money in hand Ambhani can even build a new mansion!!
    with love

  9. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Kamalji, if only all these people were to just spend the money in charity instead of spending on these experts, they would be accumulating a good balance in their 'karma bank'. Like Padmini aunty says, I am sure all these sciences had their place in their time - it is unfortunate they are used now, under different circumstances to make a living by some. A house becomes a home with all the sweet memories and the positivity and the personal touch each member of the family brings in!
  10. Sriniketan

    Sriniketan IL Hall of Fame

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    Why blame fate, blame yr poor habits for yr financial condition
    Very truly said Kamalji...if we try to look at ourselves and improve further, many unavoidable things can be avoided through that..
    As you had become a hero in natpudan's post..you are delivering the punch dialgoue ha..

    Padmini ma, thank you for enlightening me of the origin of Vaasthu to make people like in accordance with Nature.


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