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more ganesha stories.....

Discussion in 'Stories (Fiction)' started by sathya, Sep 12, 2007.

  1. sathya

    sathya Gold IL'ite

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    i have already posted quite a few ganesha stories before...now that ganesh chathurthi is round the corner.. i seem to be writing more and more...ganesh please help with your tusk pen yaa....


    Ganesha was excited to see the colourful rocks. The gushing waterfall and the tiny lake was a treat to the eyes. Creepers and flowering plants added colour. The birds sang in abandon. The peacock had a special dance to show of his beautiful feathers. A deer stood watching.
    Ganesha had never been to this place before he could bet his trunk that is place was not like this before. Anyway he was very happy. He jumped from rock to rock red to blue and green to yellow. He sprayed some water all over the plants.
    Behind the rocks there was a banana pile. Ganesha was curious. Who did the place belong to and those yummy bananas?
    The bananas were arranged like HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Only then did Ganesha realize that Ganesha Chathurthi was just round the corner.
    He couldn’t wait to lay his hands, nay, his trunk, on the bananas!

    Ganesha and the birthday surprise

    Ganesha friends were busy all day. They talked in hush hush tones. Running here and there. What were they up to? Ganesha wondered.
    Ganesha waited up to dusk and visited the spot on the sly.
    On what a surprise! Ganesha saw beautiful colourful rocks all over the pond. Rocks were usually brown, in different hues, but here it was red, blue, green and white. Coconut fronds were made into different hangings or flowers. Lots of clay idols of Ganesha were arranged on rocks, trees and ponds. Lanterns were made of Papayas.
    The whole place looked like heaven with colourful decorations.
    Ganesha happily jumped from one rock to another. He loved balancing before taking the next jump. He almost slipped once but luckily there was a tree close by and he caught hold of the tree with his trunk.
    And just behind the tree there was a huge rock on which were piled Bananas, Apples, Oranges, Grapes and some vegetables too. Wow! so it was a birthday treat from his friends. Ganesha could barely wait for the next day. His trunk kept trailing towards those tempting fruits
    The next day Ganesha pretended to be taken by surprise. His friends let him to the fruit arrangement. Ganesha loved this birthday best!

    Ganesha and the missing Modak

    Pooja was in full swing. The decorations over, the chanting of names had just begun.
    Jitji was in jitters. Now where did the huge modak disappear? The crowd was huge with many swaying to the tune with closed eyes. Jitji ran back to the temple kitchen. It was not there of course! He had just bought it in a closed vessel and kept it ready.
    Gosh! that cell phone was to blame. Somebody had called him to their house for pooja. If only he had not attended the cell in the temple during pooja.
    `Ganesha please help’ he pleaded. `Just a thought Ganesha did you eat it up?’ he asked silently. The idol didn’t seem to answer. Jitji ran to the kitchen again. Would it be possible to get a modaka done in a jiffy?
    Meanwhile Ganesha was having a slurpy time eating the modak. Bah! how hungry he was. They just show the modak, his favourite; chant something, and eat it all by themselves! not this time!. He decided! But how to help Jitji? Sure he was in a fix. May be he will loose his job in the temple.
    Ganesha ran to Parvathi. “ma got the modaka ready?”.
    Yes little one I’ll just steam it in a Jiffy Parvathi answered.
    “No need to steam. It is fine as it is”. Ganesha took the plate and hurried to the temple. He was just in time. Jitji was trying to open the vessel to check again with a hurried look. And Ya! the modak was back. Jitji was perplexed. “Thank you Ganesha”. I know it was some trick you planned as I was concentrating on going somewhere instead of watching the pooja. I’m sure I’ll be more attentive in the future and break a coconut as thanks he said silently with a sigh of relief.
    Ganesha had a tiny piece of modak placed near the idol. Sure tasted very good. People who received the modak as prasad were surprised. So tasty. The temple prasad had never tasted this good!. Jitji had more offers for pooja and he sent a silent prayer of thanks to Ganesha who was all smiles!


  2. sathya

    sathya Gold IL'ite

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    Ganesha and Jhula
    “Parvathi, any idea now to put a knot for this jhula?” Siva asked.
    Parvathi was busy cooking and in a hurry to get it over.
    “Now why do you want a jhula?”. She asked.
    “Oh! our little ganesha feels he has not been rocked to sleep like his friends. I heard him taking to his friend. So I wanted to give a surprise”.
    Parvathi put a saree and tied the knot. She pulled it hard to see if it was strong enough to hold Ganesha. Siva decorated it with flowers and chimes.
    “Parvathi be ready with some lullabies” he said. Parvathi was all smiles. When Siva did something he did it perfectly.
    Siva lifted Ganesha as soon as he arrived. “Want to sleep little one? he asked” Ganesha was surprised. He just nodded his head. Siva put him in the Jhula and started rocking. Parvathi was singing the lullabies. Ganesha went to sleep with a smile on his face.

    Ganesha and the little girl
    Ganesha liked the distribution of Modaks, the best of his birthday celebrations.
    There was a long que and little children were praying to Ganesha that they too get a share of the prasadam.
    Many people had ordered modaks for offering in the temple and were giving it to the crowd. Little rajam was delighted. She loved modaks just like little Ganesha. “Ganesha my dear friend not just one but more” she pleaded silently.
    Luckily she was in the first few of the long que Jitji thrust a modaka in her palm. She was so lucky, Rajam thought. “The modak tastes so good Ganesha you lucky one!. This modak is so tasty. No wonder you seem to like it ‘’ she said silently.
    The que was getting longer and Rajam thought she had no chance of getting a second one.
    Ganesha was also getting anxious. Although his little friend got one, He did wish he could extend his long trunk and give the little girl one more modaka.
    It looked as if it will rain and people wanted to get away with the prasadam. As they were undecided whether to wait in the que or move home there was a vacant space in the que as someone left. Rajam was quick to get in the line and within minutes she got another modak.
    Rajam was so happy that she got an extra one and shouted in glee Her friends came running. Rajam popped the modaka into her mouth.
    Her friends wanted to know how she got a second one. “Ganesha gave it she replied” happy. Ganesha was happy too.
    Rajam’s friends also joined in the que. There was quite an amount to be distributed. So everyone got atleast one. Rajam thanked Ganesha for two modakas. Ganesha was happy too!

  3. sathya

    sathya Gold IL'ite

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    Ganesha and the Banya tree

    “Hey Banya do you how to grow steps?” asked Ganesha. Banya was new to the surrounding. She was planted only a few years ago by someone who wanted to save the earth by planting trees.
    “Now Ganesha from what I see of other banyas I can grow aerial roots. Hang them down and in case the soil is suitable I root in to spread the root and branch out aerially too”.
    “Or Ganesha I can have twin roots hanging so you can make a jhoola and play in it with your friends” Banya said.
    Ganesha was not satisfied with the reply.
    “Grow as many aerial roots you want! I want a stair case like root. You can make it with several roots. Only start the lowest step from the roadside end. Curl as you go up in whorls and at the top have a central place where I can sit with my friends and chat”.
    “Ganesha, that will take years to grow. Your’s is a pretty tall order!”.
    “No Banya I will help you grow. I will send over Mr. Earth - eat - up and his gang. They will enrich the soil and I will call in the rains too. Ah. Yes I can do it by myself but Banya you doing it slowly in time will look great. Like Ma says patience!”.
    Banya agreed to the deal. Ganesha climbed the root stairs slowly and his friends followed him. More children from the neighborhood spent their time playing up the Banya stairs and tree. Ganesha planned to have more Banyas build stairs and jhoolas everywhere.

    Ganeshas Kitchen Garden

    “Ma where are those seeds you stored up for the next season?”
    “Ganesha what are you up to ? No digging here and there! Ma the season to sow has come I want to make a kitchen garden for you. You don’t have to go anywhere to get vegetables and fruits. It will all be available in your garden”.
    Parvathi handed over the box of seeds.
    “Now ganesha don’t put everything in one place. Plant separately and don’t forget to water them”. She said.
    Ganesha dug up small holes and planted the seeds. He made small boards and kept them near the patch. Snake gourd, Ladies finger, Cluster beans, Guava, Pomegranate,. The list was long. He watered the patches. Ganesha was tired. He took rest under the Mango tree.
    After a few days Ganesha’s garden was in full bloom. The plants loved Ganesha being with them. Ganesha liked watering the best. He just put his trunk in the big pond and swished away the water.
    Soon there were little snake gourds, Pumpkin, Guava, Banana, etc.,
    Ganesha made small images like snakes with snakegourd. By tying a small ring round the middle the pumpkin looked like a cat. Ganesha had more fun in the kitchen garden than with his friends. He surprised Parvathi with new varieties of vegetables and it was celebration time at home every day !



    if you liked it tell ganesha too....
  4. sathya

    sathya Gold IL'ite

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    Ganesha in a chariot
    Mooshaka was dressed up fine. “Ganesha hurry up” he called. `What is the hurry Moosha. Are you off to some celebration or party. You do look fine with that dress’ he said.
    “Ganesha I’m tired of carrying you all alone. So I have a surprise for you”.
    “Don’t tell me you have a car or bus like humans?” Ganesha asked.
    “Come on Ganesha” he pleaded Ganesha was dressed in flowing attire, glittering jewels and garlands. Parvathi was just waving to him to be off for the celebrations.
    Ganesha couldn’t believe his eyes. There was a cute chariot decorated with flowers and lights and about twenty tiny mooshakas leading it. Ganesha’s special escort Mooshaka was guiding them to pull the chariot gracefully!.
    Ganesha sat back to admire the surrounding. It sure was great to travel by a chariot!.

  5. Vysan

    Vysan Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Sathya,

    Firstly Great stories....

    Secondly..... There are so many stories on Ghanesha..... Why you have to chose it with modhakas only..... Me here can only imagine but cannot have....

    Thirdly Houw is this both the sisters write great stories revolving around food and ignite the hunger in poor Veda....

    Poor me..

  6. sunkan

    sunkan Gold IL'ite

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    yenna veda,
    break fast, lunch and dinner all ready variya mada mada nnu...sunkan
  7. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    hi satya,

    the stories are good..will give a copy to my son....:2thumbsup:
  8. Vysan

    Vysan Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Sunkan,

    Nakkula echil ooruthu..... My subconcious mind tells me veda...Bloody pack up and catch the next flight...

    Thanks for the spread....

    Counting the days.....

  9. sathya

    sathya Gold IL'ite

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    hello veda

    thank you for appreciating...
    this is the second set of ganesh stories
    look up the first set....

    perhaps you a ganesha too
    loving modaks
    you have to wink ganesh
    on the sly
    who knows
    he might be generous
    and send those modaks
    by post...right from his mom's kitchen...!

  10. sathya

    sathya Gold IL'ite

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    hello akka

    thats a treat...
    i wish you had added modaks too..
    then ganesha too
    would come a visiting..


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