hello chitraji, i came to this site while i was looking for information on google and was really impressed with the information you shared with members. I registered to join the group and learn more from you. I was told by my astrologer to do durga puja during rahukala. I live in USA (EST) and to find the timings, i am using agastiar's rahukala calculator. but not sure if it is accurate because when i look up the calendars made for USA (EST) online, they show a different time. Can you help me with correct information on this? Most importantly, I want to know the sloka and procedure for the same. I am right now cutting a lemon and lighting a lamp in the inverted half lemon and reading khadgamaala. I am doing on a daily basis although i read it should be done twice a week. Please let me know a more correct procedure and information. Thank you very much in advance.
Hello Padmaa ! I am happy to welcome you to this beautiful forum ! Generally rahu kala Durga pujai is done only on tuesdays during rahu kalam. Mat be you are asked to do on fridays as well - this is one's choice. What you are doing is right. Chant the following shloka 21 times http://www.indusladies.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13296&postcount=70 Also chant http://www.indusladies.com/forums/showpost.php?p=21078&postcount=3 Khadgamala is also very good to be chanted. Since I live in Chennai, I am not competent to tell you about the U S timings. May be somebody else can throw you light on the same. Love & regards, Chithra.
Rahu kalam times Hello Padmaa, Take a look at this thread. It has a link to an online panchangam with the details for various places in the world. There are alot of east coast cities as well. Hope this helps. http://www.indusladies.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2908 Vandhana
thank you very much Chitraji, thank you very very much. Thank you too vandanaji, twinmom. Regards, Padma
Lakshmi Kubera Pooja in Tamil Hi, I am new this forum, Yesterday I got it registered here. I do not have words to praise you guys about the wonderful works. I am looking for Lakshmi kubera poojai details and photos of the God (Lakshmi Kubera). I would appreciate if any one share it. Thanks in advance. Birundha
Re: Lakshmi Kubera Pooja in Tamil Dear Birundha, Welcome to I l & to this forum. Please go to Deepavali Puja - Part 1 Deepavali Puja - Part 2 But I have given in english. Love, Chithra.
Re: Lakshmi Kubera Pooja in Tamil Hi chitra, Thanks for it. Do you know when Akshyathrithiyai is comming? Also if possible can you give the pooja slokams in tamil.
Re: Lakshmi Kubera Pooja in Tamil Dear Birunda, I will give you in tamil after I finish my Soundaryalahari work, which I am busy with, right now. You may have to wait till then. Love, Chithra.
Re: Lakshmi Kubera Pooja in Tamil Hello chitra Madam, I found the following website I do not know how to post the photos here. can you post it in this forum. www.webulagam dot com/religion/remedy/2001_06/12_remedy1.htm Thanks Birundha
Re: Lakshmi Kubera Pooja in Tamil Dear Birunda, According to our forum ettiquette, posting photos from another site is not allowed. Love, Chithra.