Miscellaneous philosophical topics

Discussion in 'Religious places & Spiritual people' started by Ashna, Nov 23, 2005.

  1. Ashna

    Ashna Bronze IL'ite

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    <CENTER>Philosophical Concepts </CENTER><CENTER>Soul (Atma) </CENTER>The true soul is beyond the mind and does not function through thought. It envisions things but as an unfoldment of the heart, not a structure of thought. The goal of the soul in evolution is merging into the divine of the inner Self. This brings about freedom from cycle of rebirth. To see our Self in all beings and all beings in our Self is the essence of life. Each soul has to grow for itself and must be free to gain the experiences it needs. Any soul can turn around and move to the truth.

    Liberation from the world is not abandoning the world but merging into the world and beyond, becoming the all. This state has been called nirvana, kaivalya, mukti, moksha etc..

    <CENTER>Karma </CENTER>Word Karma denotes an action that brings back results in this life or in the future life. The doctrine of karma (karmavada) is based upon the theory of cause and effect. According to this doctrine, God is not responsible for the pleasure or pain of His creatures. They suffer or enjoy owing to the consequences of their own bad or good deeds.

    Stored up karmic forces from past lives is called sanchita karma. When the karmic forces mature and starts acting on the mind and body, it is called prarabdha karma. Any action done in this life or its effect is called kriyamana karma or agami karma.
    Karma as a spiritual law, is not adjusted according to our various and conflicting definitions of success and failure. From an inner standpoint, the soul's happiness is often the suffering of the ego and the happiness of the ego is often the suffering of the soul.
    Ultimately we must go beyond all karma, good or evil. The greatest virtue does not seek to change the world or improve us but to rest in harmony with the peace of what is.

    <CENTER>Liberation (Mukti) </CENTER>Liberation is the highest goal of human life through which everything is accomplished. This liberation also called nirvana, kaivalya, mukti, moksha, can be brought about only through Self knowledge. All life is an experience to provide us with Self knowledge. To see ourselves in all beings and all beings in ourselves is the essence of life, hence from the highest standpoint, there is no birth and no death, no one who is born and no one who dies, there is only the unborn, perfect and infinite Self nature, beyond all limitations and possessed of all powers of Self manifestations.

    Liberation is beyond all states of body and mind and not limited by them. It is everything and nothing, everyone and no one. A liberated soul possesses divine qualities such as purity, omnipresence, omnipotence, and is beyond limitations. Moksha is attained when the individual becomes liberated from the cycle of birth and death.

    <CENTER>Sacred Symbol AUM (or OM) </CENTER>The most sacred symbol in Hindu dharma. Aum (OM) is the sound of the infinite. Aum is said to be the essence of all mantras, the highest of all matras or divine word (shabda), brahman (ultimate reality) itself. Aum is said to be the essence of the Vedas.

    <CENTER>Predestination in Hindu Philosophy </CENTER>According to the doctrine of predestination, every event in the life of an individual has already been determined by God -everything happens only according to God's will. Individuals do not have any control over events. In the light of the doctrine of predestination the doctrine of karma cannot be accepted as a valid doctrine and vice versa.

    Hindu dharma however, accepts both the doctrines as valid. The doctrine of karma is valid for a person who has the sense of agency or doership. Such a person holds himself responsible for his actions, whether good or bad. But through intense spiritual practice a spiritual aspirant's mind can be made to acquire higher and higher degree of purity. At a certain high level of mental purity the spiritual aspirant completely loses his sense of agency. He feels that he is only an instrument in the hands of God. At this high level of spirituality the doctrine of predestination becomes the only valid doctrine.

    <CENTER>Reincarnation (Rebirth) </CENTER>The true reincarnating entity is the causal body, wherein our karmic impressions are stored. There is not a simple correspondence of one soul or causal body or physical body. It is possible for one soul to take more than one birth at the same time, either high or low. Less evolved souls may only experience a prolonged deep sleep between incarnations. These usually incarnate into the same location on earth and seek a similar life experience. Very advanced souls may enter into a deep meditative trance and may reincarnate quickly. Souls of intermediate development may spend much time on the different levels of the astral planes to assimilate their life experience.

    "Why does a person reincarnate?" Hindu dharma says that the unfulfilled desires of departed people are primarily responsible for their rebirth. To understand this position, one should know about Hindu dharma's views on death and thereafter.

    <CENTER>Death and Lokas </CENTER>According to Hindu dharma, when a person dies, his gross physical body (physical body) is left behind and the soul with the subtle body (consisting of the mind, intellect, sense organs, motor organs, and vital energies) goes to a different plane of existence. Such a plane of existence is called "loka" in Sanskrit.

  2. sri_july27

    sri_july27 New IL'ite

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    hi ashna,

    what books do you read for spiritual enligtment? have u read the book "concentration and meditation " by swami sivananda? it is a wonderful book in very simple english .It actually tells us about life, wat we r here for , how we r actully wasting our time in worries, and running after money. Its a worth-reading book for beginners.it seems to be a bit more practical than other books which r quite abstract .
  3. kalpana

    kalpana Junior IL'ite

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    Forgiveness and love are great treasures of life

    Once a warrior asked a monk: "What is the difference between heaven and hell?" The monk replied: "You ignorant brute, you are nothing but a savage. Why would I waste my time on you?"

    Filled with anger and hatred, the warrior started beating the monk. After a few minutes, the warrior realised what a heinous act he was committing and stopped.

    The monk smiled and said: "That fit of anger is hell". The warrior was so ashamed of his violent act that he begged the monk to forgive him.

    The monk again smiled and said: "Your asking for forgiveness is heaven".

    First of all feelings of anger, hatred and vengeance cause damage to the physical body. Secondly, there is a karmic price one must pay when one is filled with anger and hatred.

    If we know this, we may think twice before sending out the boomerang of anger.

    Thirdly, when we act out of anger, we may set in motion a chain of violence from which we find it hard to escape, resulting in an even worse situation than the original injury.

    The password to God's abode is love. God is love and only love can reside in God's domain. Thus, for us to be fit to re-enter our eternal home, we must become all love. Anger and hatred are alien to the land of God.

    Forgiveness is the remedy for anger and this will help us re-enter the domain of the Lord. There are many spiritual benefits to practising forgiveness.

    First, we experience improvement in our meditation. We know how difficult it is to still the mind, we can maintain a calm mind by forgiving others as it brings spiritual benefits.

    Forgiveness decreases our karmic load. Because anger and hatred increase our karmic load; each day that we control our negative qualities is a day that we are lessening that load.

    Forgiveness is a good detergent to purify ourselves of karmic debts. Finally, one of the greatest benefits of forgiveness is that we become examples for others.

    Love and forgiveness inspire others to love and make the world a peaceful place. If we learn the art of forgiveness, we can transform our life and achieve our goal of self-knowledge and God-realisation.
    We should all try and practice this.
  4. sudhavnarasimhan

    sudhavnarasimhan Silver IL'ite

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    Re: Forgiveness and love are great treasures of life

    Hi Kalpana,
    That was a good one...have not read this one before. But a great explanation on why one must forgive and love all.....
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  5. Jananikrithsan

    Jananikrithsan Gold IL'ite

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    Re: Forgiveness and love are great treasures of life

    Hi Kalpana,
    You are right anger can spoil so much for us and it is better to think and act rather than repent later, that is why maybe it is called 'fit of anger'. Great post.
  6. kalpana

    kalpana Junior IL'ite

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    Re: Forgiveness and love are great treasures of life

    So true Sudha...if we practice to forgive and love all...I bet most of our day to day problems will vanish.
    I thought its worth sharing with you all.

  7. kalpana

    kalpana Junior IL'ite

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    Re: Forgiveness and love are great treasures of life

    Thanks Janani...you are absolutely right.I feel happy to know atleast someone thinks like me. Anger leads to distress...causing distress to oneself and others.

  8. sssaustin

    sssaustin Senior IL'ite

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    Re: Issues in Life - Possible Spiritual Way of Looking at Them

    Nice thread.And it gives life a new perspective and many young couple who are trying to conceive and are pregnant now would be very much benefitted.

    Pls continue with all the possible issues in life and a possible remedy for handling issues.

    Hats off.....
  9. Abha

    Abha Bronze IL'ite

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    Re: Issues in Life - Possible Spiritual Way of Looking at Them

    Hey Senthan

    There is a lot of depth in your post and the words you have written...

    My mom also used to say, that whenever a child is concieved with bad feelings that child is not likely to see the world...

    I heard of a couple, the wife got pregnant... in a few weeks of regular tests and ultrasounds... the doctor realised the Baby is not becoming a baby actually... but was just a piece of flesh with no arms or legs or face... so they had to get it aborted... But later on we got to know the relations between the couple were strained from a long time... probably their feelings at the time of their union wudnt have been good... that is what my mom said.

    and i strongly believe in this... but the explaination you have given is in a more wider perspective. this has really made me think.

    Children are the greatest investments, to say it this way. Everything parents do is for their children, they buy houses in good neighbourhoods, they earn so that children can have good education, in fact parents lives revolve arouns their children. But If the children dont turn out well in life that is the greatest pain for the parents... so everyone should concieve with the best of feelings. spouses should think of love they have between them and think of GOD.

  10. cheer

    cheer Silver IL'ite

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    Re: Forgiveness and love are great treasures of life

    Dear Kalpana, that was a wonderful explanation, we should avoid negative thinking & try to be more patient, kind to others. Forgiveness is really leads to positive side.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2007
    4 people like this.

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