Minimalism Vs Maximalism..

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by anika987, Jun 22, 2023.

  1. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    Each to their own.personally I still don’t know where I stand but I feel am on the pathway towards minimalism..

    What did I feel?


    1) Less stuff..easy to clean..less clutter and easy to organize.

    2) Lot of space and it helps me with anxiety.

    3) Lesser choices and no need to break my head on what to wear etc:)

    4) Savings are more and able to prioritize the money better.

    5) Minimalism is not just only with things but also relationships.Avoided or limited relationships which are not healthy for me.Much better life.

    5) More time and energy for things I like to do.

    In a nutshell…minimalism is good for people with an overactive mind and helps reduce stress.


    Honestly..nothing I can personally think of but maybe more stuff or more relationships could have their perks.

    So who are you? Minimalist or Maximalist!

    Just a fun thread:)
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  2. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    Minimalist for everything except my earrings, my books and all the plants I buy for my garden LOL.
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  3. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    It does not work in a family as each member has his or her needs. Thanks to social media, it is still more difficult to become minimalist.
    Individually, I prefer to be minimalist but what do I do with my relatives, friends, and family members, loading me with gifts every now and then and then making me reciprocate?
    Thyagarajan and anika987 like this.
  4. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    That’s a different thing I understand which one cannot avoids but generally at home you as a person..the amount of things you personally own or buy for yourself ..simplifying life in general is what am talking about
    HariLakhera and Thyagarajan like this.
  5. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    Minimalism tends to becoming a monk over time who with an ochre robe lives in a hut or hovel enjoys semblance of peace detached from mundane affairs. But Apsaras Menakas of the world bother & seduce minimalist Viswamithra-Rishis too and the latter returns to square one.( OP has already warned her thred is only Fun)

    A minimalist by and by only turns to a maximalist and the cycle repeated on and
    on . It is periodic. None can for ever turn strict minimalist for ever .

    Something or the other always lures the minimalist.
    But the I remember the Indian Railways Slogan.
    Have no doubt in it. Some years ago the slogan ‘Less luggage more comfort’ was to be seen painted in rail coaches. If one has and carry more bags, s/he need more luggage space and also one got to be extremely alert. If by chance traveller lose a bag, it spoils entire mood and s/he may start behaving irritatingly nettlesome throughout this journey.

    Those days it was a common sight to see people entering coaches with steel trunks and their entire household paraphernalia. Hence the slogan.

    It was not for nothing that Lord Buddha uttered that ‘ desires are the root cause of sorrow’. More desire means more discomfort.
    Less desire means heavenly bliss.

    There is a Greek story. A Greek saint had given up all his possessions. He was wearing a small piece of loin cloth (langoti) and had a small wooden bowl in his hand for the purpose of drinking water. Once when he was passing through a village, he saw a village man drinking water with his bare hands. A lady was pouring water and this guy, cupping his hands, was drinking water effortlessly. The saint caught the lesson immediately and threw away his only possession, the wooden bowl.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2023
    anika987 and hrastro like this.
  6. paru123

    paru123 Gold IL'ite

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    I am also confused about the two. My cupboard overflows with dresses. Whenever I buy, i purchase as if shops will never open from the next day. Though such shopping is only once or twice a year but it is too much for my wardrobe.
    I prefer rotating 2 3 dresses at a time at home as per season. My dresses dont tear much and also I do not face size issues as I prefer loose fitting ones. I dont like to waste time thinking what to wear. Same is the case while going out to. I prefer to stick to the usual 2 3 ones as per season.
    Recently I got an awakening as to why I should keep sticking to the same ones and why not wear each and every dress that I have bought. So now have decided to go out in colours and wear all the dresses that I have.
    anika987 and Thyagarajan like this.
  7. gamma50g

    gamma50g Gold IL'ite

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    @anika987 I desparately want to be a wardrobe minimalist. However, with my fluctuating weight, I have a ton of clothes from size S to size XL. They may be out of fashion, but I have a dress for every body type that I metamorphosize :tearsofjoy: into. If I were to keep only my current size dresses and give away the rest (Trust me, I reallly want to do that), then within next few months my current size will change and Ive to go wardrobe shopping again. And I hate doing that!!

    So I guess I will end by saying I am a minimalist in my wardrobe in the sense that I don't splurge on clothes. Most of my clothes are very functional. The grand ones are either my wedding dresses, or inherited from my mom or gifted by someone.
    anika987 and Thyagarajan like this.

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