Mind Over Matter: The Meditation Club

Discussion in 'Education & Personal Growth' started by Gauri03, Feb 14, 2018.

  1. Joyoflife

    Joyoflife Gold IL'ite

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    A very insightful thread. My ways for mindful parenting are always being present and being a mindfull listener to my almost 7 year old daughter.

    By thoughtfully answering all her questions and curiosities. If don't have an answer telling her that mommy needs time to think or search for this one because it very important to give you correct and thoughtfull information.

    During meal times along with saying grace I ask her to ponder over that how many stores has her food come from( usually it's three stores indian/ veggie market and the grocery store) and how many people are involved in it including farmers, shop people, daddy's company etc etc that gives her a chance to think that how universe looks after us and how important it is for us to look after others.

    I do not work but I do a lot of volunteering at Buddhist temple and children's hospital sometimes I take her along which makes her appreciate many things.

    Along with many others which are already mentioned here in this thread by you and other members my favorite is our night time. After daddy reads her a book and tells her a story I do an inner garden story with her which is like a meditation in that one she has an imaginary garden where she has a compost in which she puts the weed of unwanted feeling or incidents which she didn't like ( like friend didn't agree to play/ teacher told me to work fast or find the answer myself or mommy got furious for not eating lunch) I find these too cute. And in that inner garden she also grows the flowers of good qualities.

    My another fav is making her close her eyes I gently put her hand in mine and make her mindfully feel mommy's touch. This one really relaxes her.

    I love mindful parenting. It creates a divine bond in children and parents.

    Mindful parenting is such a blessing
  2. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    It is strange V sir, I read this post and something happened this morning. Toby even though is fed dog food, every now and then gets pampered with what we eat. This morning, I gave him a slice of left over pizza with a couple of olives in them. I know he doesn't like olives but what kept me fascinated was his love for the pizza and his complete ability not to see what he does not like, just like the way you mentioned. It is their ability to see only what matters to them - food, the owner, that bird, bunny etc. That can be a very animal instinct or a very evolved way of looking at things. Thanks to that sense of discernment we have been blessed with. Our sense of discernment allows us to vacillate - making us feel there is more to look, accomplish or give up, making it fascinating for us to peel the layers - making us believe that we have this one lifetime to do that or many! I am not sure if we would be human without this and appreciate all those beings that do not have it. And our sense of discrimination is based on that sense of discernment we have been blessed with. We are blessed with too much sir and that makes us special!

    Viswamitra likes this.
  3. Joyoflife

    Joyoflife Gold IL'ite

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    1) What triggers my negative emotions quickly?

    Being judgemental triggers my negative emotions very quickly. I have improved a great deal now. Some how I have succeeded in giving myself a mental note that judgement is the only sin and when I am able to catch the unwanted J train something in me reminds me not to follow that path. Other than that messy house and delayed bed time makes me mad but recently I have started to realise that it's actually not worth to loose myself over this. So when there is mess in the house I do what I can and after that I just close my eyes to the mess.

    2) How my mind reacts when someone says something negative about us?

    Before It was something I just could not take , but these days I just let it go telling myself that the other person does not know us completely.

    3) What is my emotional reaction to a very toxic and hostile situation?

    I feel thankful that I have not been exposed to such situations directly. But thinking of some friends who have faced extreme situations I get badly depressed. This is one reason I do not watch news these days.

    4) Do I feel afraid or angry at any time? How frequently?

    I felt very fearful when my dad was battling with sickness. We were not sure if he will be able to make it. Chills ran through my spine seeing him so sick. I just couldn't imagine my life without him. Thank god he recovered but that pushed me into depression. I have suffered from moderate depression, so my brain goes back to that mode when it can't cope. I am working on that. I was an angry child when I was under the wings of my parents but Its been a while ever since I have felt angry.

    5) What do I do when I am at the peak of fear or anger?

    I focus on my breath and start affirming this too shall pass that gives me huge strength and provides insight to see that nothing lasts forever. In the moment of anger I just leave everything and go for a walk.

    6) What is our reaction if it is someone close to us and how we react if it is someone not too close to us?

    Usually it's pretty much the same.

    Viswa sir thanks a ton for giving a chance to dig a bit deeper on the inside.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2018
    girvani and Viswamitra like this.
  4. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    I had a very relaxing silent sitting and breathing exercise for 15 minutes. I visualized on inhaled breath going into my chest with bright energy while some toxic substance going out of my head as exhaled breath. It was very relaxing. I woke up at 4:30 a.m. after going to sleep at 11 p.m. but still I feel very rested. I have been waking up at 4:30 a.m. almost regularly and I feel something is urging me to get up and do something meaningful. Today is the first day, I got up at 5 a.m., started this exercise at 5:10 a.m. and finished by 5:25 a.m.

    Gauri03 and SunPa like this.
  5. salad

    salad Gold IL'ite

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    Good thread a lot to learn. I used to meditate but lost my touch inbetween now back again.

    Sometime i feel it helps me to relax. Even though not visibly, some where inside something positive is happening. So i made it a daily routine.
    Gauri03 likes this.
  6. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear V sir,

    I have been a morning person well, forever....not that I do anything meaningful but love it especially once spring is in the air and I can look forward to sitting out on my swing, enjoying the world around me.

    Anyways, this here reminded me of a quote I kind of read on a daily basis -

    “The breezes at dawn have secrets to tell you
    Don't go back to sleep!
    You must ask for what you really want.
    Don't go back to sleep!
    People are going back and forth
    across the doorsill where the two worlds touch,
    The door is round and open
    Don't go back to sleep!” - Rumi

    I first came across this quote listening/reading Dr. Wayne Dyer. All my friends think I am nuts to get up that early, relax and head out to gym to come back to my swing....but

    Enjoy your early morning mindfulness/meditation!
    Gauri03, Viswamitra and SunPa like this.
  7. Gauri03

    Gauri03 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Had been skipping meditation with the "I'm so busy, I don't have time to breathe" routine. Read this a couple of weeks back and it has stayed at the back of my mind.

    "Instead of saying "I don't have time" try saying "it's not a priority," and see how that feels. Often, that's a perfectly adequate explanation. I have time to iron my sheets, I just don't want to. But other things are harder. Try it: "I'm not going to edit your résumé, sweetie, because it's not a priority." "I don't go to the doctor because my health is not a priority." If these phrases don't sit well, that's the point. Changing our language reminds us that time is a choice. If we don't like how we're spending an hour, we can choose differently." - Laura Vanderkam, WSJ

    Hard as it is to admit, "not a priority" is a succinct explanation of most of my choices. I think I saw this in an old X-Files episode where one of the characters says that the secret to a better life is simple: Choose better. All day every day, at any given moment, choose better. Life in the end is the sum of our choices.

    Trying once more to choose better.

    4/16: 15 mins morning and 5 mins bedtime meditation
    silentlistener, Rihana, SunPa and 5 others like this.
  8. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    It is interesting that you write about choice while I have been mulling over this quote for a couple of weeks now - "We all make choices, but in the end our choices make us."

    Put the way you have put it from the article, oh boy!! Honest confession, I have never been a meditator but I do try to find my moments of quiet in a day, some days are harder than others!
    Gauri03 and SunPa like this.
  9. justanothergirl

    justanothergirl IL Hall of Fame

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    200% true.. every word in that post. If something has not happened its only because that task has not bubbled up to the top of my priority stack.
    Thanks for the post. Need to make my mental health a priority. A calmer JAG is easier on everyone at home. Will get back on track.
    Viswamitra, Srama and Gauri03 like this.
  10. Gauri03

    Gauri03 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    If you the liked the excerpt you will like the article. It's short and insightful.

    Are You As Busy As You Think?

    4/16: 15 mins morning and 5 mins bedtime meditation
    4/17: 20 minutes

    Daily Zen: Find three hobbies to pursue with passion. One to make you money. One to keep you fit. One to stay creative.

    It is a good feeling to know that I have found my three loves. My work is more than a job, running is more than exercise, and gardening is my creative outlet. I might find other interests along the way but for now these are all I need.

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