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Middle School Education In The Us

Discussion in 'General Discussions - USA & Canada' started by BhumiBabe, Apr 13, 2017.

  1. stephanjohn

    stephanjohn Senior IL'ite

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    Thank for giving collective information of schools. Hope everyone gets what they want.
  2. poppy2008

    poppy2008 Bronze IL'ite

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    Wow , my son is in middle school, this thread is really useful
  3. YoGirl

    YoGirl Gold IL'ite

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    What a wonderul thread and thanks to all who provided good info.

    My question is: How does taking swimming, martial arts, gymnastics, bollywood dancing classes during elementary school help academically for Middle school or high school?

    I see that club sports, band, traditional dance(arangetram) helps... but how do the above activities help? Are they only for personal development? Will all the time, effort and money esp for martial arts(taekwando, karate) worth it for academic credits?
  4. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    The academic benefit is not direct as in it counting for some credits. To do well in school and to grow into a reasonably responsible, thinking adult who is smart beyond books, it helps to have taken part in activities like you have listed. Elementary school is the time to try out some that are available in your area and that you can afford time and money-wise. At all times, be prepared for reflective quitting (quitting an activity if it is not beneficial to child). Strike a balance between teaching child to persevere and try an activity for a good amount of time and quitting when it is not helping child in any way.

    I would suggest being careful with selecting the activities to try. At a given time, one music/dance class, one or two sports, and one academic pursuit is more than enough. Swimming should not be an optional activity. It is best pursued till pre swim-team level as it is a key life-skill and funnily enough about the only activity which gets academic credit (it is a requirement in high school P.E.). I am very calculative about my time and the hassle of driving child around. Following the advice of one mom, I made sure my daughter completed the levels of swimming before menarche and before she became aware of the need to shave arms/legs for swimming. : ) The bathroom and swim place shower room dramas with older girls are not worth it unless the girl is into competitive swimming. Sorry, I digress. : ) Just that chlorine smell and a fussy child refusing to step into the wet-floor women's bathroom are hard to forget. : )

    No, most of these activities do not lead to academic credits. Though if the middle school has an elective that the child has pursued outside of school, such as art, photography, drama, then it helps. Also, starting in middle school, they have try-outs for school team and individual sports. If child has already done well in that outside school, it gives her an advantage.

    Yes, these are mostly for personal development. And for mommy to not wake up at 3am and blink at the dark ceiling, "Oh my God, my child is not doing this, not doing that...." :lol: Been there, blinked that. :facepalm:
    Amulet likes this.
  5. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    The average age of middle-schoolers is 11-14 years. Most classrooms do not have natural ventilation. 30 kids in a room. They are old enough to start taking care of their body odor. Showering everyday helps but is not sufficient. Help your child find the right deodorant or whatever and remind him/her to use that regularly.

    Just a suggestion from my friend who teaches math in middle school. : )
    Induslady, Amulet and Laks09 like this.
  6. gitagita

    gitagita Bronze IL'ite

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    My granddaughter has joined a new school this year in 7th standard. It is a public school. The school authorities conducted a test in math. The test is of 9th grade standard. She did good in the test.

    So she is placed in the special category and supposed to learn the 9th standard math. Her math class will be along with the 9th standard kids.

    We can opt out of this if we want.

    I know this is a common practice in USA. My doubt is what is the benefit in learning the 9th standard math in advance in 7th standard.

    What happens when she reaches the 12th grade. Will she run out of the math subject.

    Please enlighten me about this.

    Thanks friends

  7. nayidulhan

    nayidulhan Silver IL'ite

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    I am researching info and resources for Math & Science (especially Physics & Chemistry) for my daughter. She's a middle school (grade 6) student now.

    You said that your children have been solving R D Sharma since Class 5. Mine will start referring to R D Sharma from grade 7 onwards. :) Just saying. :)

    I have heard about books like Irodov and Resnick & Halliday for Physics. Could you please tell me from what grade these are referred to?

    Is there Irodov here please?

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