What's your experience in Meetup Group ? I went to meetups in tech related ones, organized in common places. Over all for tech related meetups it was satisfactory. Now I want to join a Meetup for playdate/ kid related activities. I want to know if it's safe and secure. I'm little doubtful since involving child. What have been your positive and negative experience with Meetup.com
I have also attended only tech related meet-ups and had positive experience. But not sure about others.
My kids' playdates are usually through her school/neighborhood facebok group/nextdoor. I have had nothing but positive experiences. My child usually tells me that she would like me to contact the mom of a friend she likes to play with and that is how I start. I haven't really used meetup for kids' playdates.
@Vedhavalli I have used meetup groups for mom-child activities a handful of times. It was a life-saver during my weekday work holidays to keep me sane (leave sink full of dishes and a messy home and instead shower, pack for half a day outing and head out.) The events were low-key - mostly moms running behind active toddlers, some pleasantries exchanged and some companionship shared - despite how different we all looked. It was a good feeling. I am still subscribed to them and join when I can. I have discovered some gems around my city that most people hadn't heard of. Our favorite outing was to a turtle farm in an older gentleman's huge backyard. He likes visitors and opens up his backyard for small group/private outings and regaled the kids and adults with stories of each one. The gentleman raises all these turtles in memory of his ex-wife who loved them. With regards to safety, I use a different email for joining meetup and don't share full last name. I don't ask questions on the public comments that "any" member can see - instead message the organizer directly. Also when at the venue - sometimes a huge park, I again private message - instead of public messages to find the group. Also I make sure I let H know where I will be.