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meet the Doc 5 a.m..........

Discussion in 'Nature Cure' started by sathya, Jul 10, 2007.

  1. sathya

    sathya Gold IL'ite

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    Meet the doc 5 a.m..

    No appointments
    no que
    No fees
    A doctor at home…..!!

    Why so early in the morning?
    That’s because you will have enough time to answer patiently the questions you are asked..!
    Up early?
    Brushed teeth. toileting over..?
    No no coffee yet..

    Sit in front of a mirror

    1. look into your eyes pull down the lower eyelid a bit. .what do you see…dark pink. red..or pale..? the eyeball white or yellow or red
    Pale you may be anemic or constipated heavily
    Pink..just ok need to take more vegetables and fruits..
    Red..fine you said it..!
    Eyeball white ok …yellow watch out see again if it turns more yellow maybe your liver is overworked or getting down…don’t smoke I hope and no booze too..?
    Eyeball red working late? Watching late night movies…quite often..watch out your health is taking a beating..1

    2. say haha to your cupped palm like the close up ad.. smelly…stinks…smells good
    smelly did you gargle that toothpaste well..?
    gums swollen, serrated tongue..?
    Stinks …you sure have some stomach problem…the food not getting digested properly……..
    overeating?...acidity high…drink more water…go on a low diet of fruits and vegetables…..or just fruit juice or salads.
    For swollen gums clear bowel with enema…chew on makoi or manitakkali leaves if you can get..or swallow a teaspoon on fenugreek seeds first thing in the morning everyday for atleast ten days…teeth getting a beating? Painful and slightly shaky?... chew on some guava leaves or pomegranate leaves morning and evening…and take some time brushing your teeth no hurry here..try brushing teeth with toothpowder and pointing finger go over each teeth in rotatory motion..gargle well if you cannot clean tongue with fingers get a nice tongue cleaner..and see that you take ten minutes to do this everyday so that the gateway to your stomach is all nice and welcome to the days intake..!

    3.put out your tongue…all white? Not able to clean it inspite of your tongue cleaner and brush…
    it could be acidity again.. indigestion and eating foods that do not contain fiber…love those cakes biscuits and bread don’t you?...try going on low diet..


  2. sathya

    sathya Gold IL'ite

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    more fruits and vegetables …

    4. colour and smell of urine…light yellow…dark yellow …almost colourless…stinky or slight odour of urine…
    colourless fine …no acidity…yellow …take care of health drink more water..bathe in cold water if climate allows…dark yellow and stinky high level of acidity.. dark yellow with burning…may be a sign of deep health problem..try taking fenugreek seeds with water…fast with fruit juice for a day or two ..apply a cold wet pack on the abdomen.
    5.cold and sneezing ..coughing too…think it is the weather…maybe but if it is cold outside..then you should go on low diet and possibly give your tummy a break and fast for a day or two on fruit juices..sneezing once or twice ok …body is pushing out toxins..cough too the same ..but if these persist..then low diet for sure..or fasting for a day or two..if the nose is too blocked try putting one or two drops of til oil or any edible oil..for cold ..fasting …take tulsi tea with ginger.. …boil some eucalyptus leaves in water and inhale the steam under a warm bedsheet..sweating follows and you get some relief from cold…an enema will clear the bowels of clogged matter..
    For incessant coughing try applying some castor oil on the throat…one tablespoon of fenugreek seed with a little cold water..and ofcourse fasting for a day or two..

    6.stools mushy, yellow or dark brown and smells like ****…haha..but ofcourse…but what if it smells like the whole garbage bin is in the bathroom…or have you not evacuated at all …may be in the afternoon …once in two days or more…
    Farting all day and it is troublesome in company of people? Take an enema immediately and clear that constipation.
    constipation is the mother and father of all health problems. Light yellow and just easy to evacuate …is ok …too dark or black and have to strain quite a bit to get it out and even after evacuation you feel some is left over and think it will `come again’ later … you need to take care of your health..and eating habits…a fast with vegetable or fruit juices for a day or two…take more vegetables in your normal diet..avoid refined …cakes biscuits, cornflakes…and overall a very sedentary lifestyle…become more active take to some hobby that involves staying outdoor..and get some exercise..

    7. Brushed your hair…looks fine the style too…a smile is all it takes to look happy…well your hair health is just fine…luster less hair..looks all knotty and lifeless inspite of all the oiling bathing and washing….if it not just heavy shampooing… you can be rest assured you can set that hair problem right…just take positive foods a teaspoon of methi seeds in the morning…oil hair if the hair suits you…have an oil bath atleast once a week..do not shampoo very often try besan or other natural products instead. If your hair looks all lifeless and you do have a run down feeling…it could be some deep rooted health problem..do take more care of your health with positive foods…change rising times to accommodate yoga and simple exercises under expert care…eat natural …more salads veg and fruits…take more greens. And most of all a positive outlook to life.

    8.aches and pain all round…is it just because you strained all day the previous day with new work?...then it is ok..or you had better take more care…check to see if you have constipation…do you feel hungry at all? A gnawing feeling inspite of taking some water
  3. sathya

    sathya Gold IL'ite

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    or light fruit juice…? If the aches and pains persist over days and you have not exercised or taken care of your diet you may be heading for deeper health problems.

    9.headache so early in the morning…excess food intake or have you been eating sweets chocolates chips and sodas more than your little stomach can take or digest? Go ahead and change your eating habits no more chips chips and yummies for quite sometime. .try taking positive food.. get rid of that constipation with more fibre in diet and an enema initially… start deep breathing exercises and yoga with guidance…

    Do not start deep breathing exercise and practice for long time without proper guidance..

    Although you can be your own doc for simple problems …people with serious heart kidney or other problems should not diagnose with just a few guidelines given here.

    Simple guidelines to stay fit..

    • Wake up early in the morning
    • Exercise with simple exercises
    • Practice Yoga for atleast twenty minutes (learn from a practitioner)
    • Go for a walk for half and hour in the morning and evening..walking is the best exercise that the lord himself created with pressure points on the soles which reach up and keep fit almost all parts of the body…some people have been known to get rid of that excess fat just by walking for half an hour morning and evening and said goodbye to obesity….!you just have to give it a try…it is easier to imagine beginning from tomorrow …begin today and see for yourself the results..!
    • See that you do not have constipation. .first take an enema …eat food with fibre avoid ….sitting in a chair sofa or bed all day..get around every half an hour breathe deep fresh ….air.
    • Include vegetable salads in your diet everyday…get the vegetables fresh…eating vegetables that have been stored in the fridge for more than four days do not have anything positive to give you…eat fruits in season and not the ones that have been stored.
    • Have a positive outlook at home office or other places.
    • Be cheerful.
    • Get it right….what is to be will be…so why fret and fume over things we do not have any control?
    • Don’t be a perfectionist….nothing in life is perfect…even the fingers of your palm each one is different and has different roles..the left hand cant do the things the right hand can…!so take it easy…this does not mean you have to be lazy…it is just that you have to be active..take an effort to get things moving in the right direction be it relationships, family, work or your health…
    • Smile …smile improves your face and health too…!
    • Kids have a way of spreading joy around..spend sometime with kids yours, neighbors kids or kids from the colony….or school.
    • Find time for yourself. sing a song ..bathe slowly ..drink that cuppa relaxing in your favourite chair.. find time to read a book.. talk with mom or dad or little ones. Do whatever you find relaxing, mood lifting and keeps you happy .and above all pep up for the next day..!
    • With the right kind of diet and a positive outlook you can cure yourself of cold ,obesity or cancer…! Just give it a try..!


    this is just a light hearted trial ...there are other health problems that are easily diagnosed and perhaps set right with just a few adjustments....
    wonder if this is of help to you...

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  4. Abha

    Abha Bronze IL'ite

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    Hi Sathya

    that was a very informative thread, would practice it for sure...

    I just wanted to ask, are the "methi seeds" supposed to be taken just like that, i mean i just have to swallow them or chew them, or i'm supposed to roast them before taking...

    Please let me know..

  5. Kamla

    Kamla IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Sathya,

    An excellent write up on how to be your own caretaker. A lucid write up with plenty of advice and tips. Are you in health related profession or is it that you are naturally thoughtful about how to live wisely? Well, I do think you are very much into the Art of Living, what with your love for nature and the natural surroundings and now this.

    L, Kamla
  6. vidhya20

    vidhya20 New IL'ite

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    the information is good1, n i will see to it that i visit my doc daily at 5.00
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  7. sathya

    sathya Gold IL'ite

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    hello abha

    methi seeds can be taken as it is with some water...soaked in
    water or curds and taken in the morning...roasted ground and
    taken ...perhaps the best way to take it would be to soak in a
    little water overnight and take it first thing in the morning with
    the water that was used for soaking....this is best taken for
    mouth ulcers, heat in the body ...dont overdo it..as all selfhelps
    have limitations..


    hello kamala
    my husband calls it the art of health..!...my husband comes
    from a family of nature cure followers..three generations..none of
    them vaccinated ...they dont visit doctors...cure any problem with
    help of nature...a whole lot depends on your vitality which
    again determines how fast you can cure yourself of a
    sickness...cold cough and fever belong to the acute variety and
    if you DONT suppress them you will not get the cronic ones
    like cancer tuberculosis or aids...

    hello vidya 20

    just twenty eh...sure the going is good..singing yourself
    free..aaha thanks for showing an interest in this ...

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  8. sunkan

    sunkan Gold IL'ite

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    atlast sathya,
    good u took up this subject, wondered why u were not pondering into it, as u r a bhandar of information and paatti vaidyam, u should share it here....good nice to see this post after a very long time...anyway better late than never...sk
    1 person likes this.
  9. Sriniketan

    Sriniketan IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks for the prescription. you had already said no fees.
    But we have to give something to the doctor otherwise it will not be nice.
    Our fees is a very 'big thanks".
    Keep posting some useful tips like this.
    Can you tell me what to do, as I have ankle pain whenever i get up and come down stairs for the first time in the morning?
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2007
    4 people like this.
  10. Padmash

    Padmash Platinum IL'ite

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    hi Sathya,

    thanks for such informative posts keep posting. can u post something like this to follow after delivery of baby what to do and when to do, it will be nice of u if u can tell this. but one request in post u give some alternative for methi seeds if [possible here we don't get it.
    2 people like this.

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