Hi all, I want to know hoe the medicine jobs in west indies and how the MD doing there and the pay how will be? My cousin wants to go to there if any body knows the information plz post me and how much we need to pay there and if we apply for visa is it easy to get and for how many days we will get. plz reply me Thanks
Hi, My brother works in Trinidad in medical field. They useually don't have many exams to qualify to work. According to my brother, doctor jobs are very easy to get. U just have to send your degree certificates to apply for some certificate to work. So after getting cerf. they will issue visa. Your friend should first confirm it, then she/he can proceed. Good luck.
Hi Lak, Thanks for the valuable information after long time i got the response Is that Triniad in West indies and will they issue visa easily bcoz some times we will get reject right? how the pay will be for doctors will u plz let me know thanks
Hi, In Trinidad, they need doctors...Now they are giving visas very easily. Regarding to pay, pay is less comparing to USA doctor's pay. One more thing is security. What my brother says is he never comes out after 7.00pm in the night. If u come out, u can except to be robbed. That is scary. Why he went there is mainly to get visa to USA. Because he has to write somany exams to qulify for USA licence.For that he needs visa(atleast visitor visa) and getting visa from there is easy Regards.
Hi lak, Ya yesterday only i came to know that we will get visa easily from WI to USA that is why ther are preferring that. Thanks for the information bcoz my cousin attached the ticket to the Visa application and he submitted it and the ticket booked for the june 27th. will be there any visa interview tough no right? can he get easily? can u tell me? thanks
Yes now due to new healthcare reformation being passed by obama people see a lot of career options in medical healthcare services such as medical sales, transcriptions, billing , marketing and many more one could say that now it has got a very wide scope for making the career and earning more. if you are looking for for medical jobs within australia you could search for medical jobs australia and i could say that you will get a lot of career options with the results you will get alternatively you could check the link for more information.http://fastmed.org