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Mathematics <vs.> Sankari -- A Moonlit Evening's Tale

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by ojaantrik, Mar 5, 2009.

  1. Devika Menon

    Devika Menon Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Oj-da,

    I dont believe this . You actually spent errr wasted errr ruined yeah ruined the wonderful night discussing galaxy and constellation??

    And poets and planets and what else. Oh my God , so all men follow the same train. I guess they do. Im glad Sankariji was calm enough to say that she wasnt your student. I would've hit the roof top. Sent him spinning to a trip round the galaxy and sure enough he would see stars.

    What a lovely piece Oj-da. Made a very refreshing and humourous read.

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  2. jaijui0

    jaijui0 Senior IL'ite

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    OJ sir,
    well expressed as always .
    wat a show off u were in front of Sankari..!! and there she was waitng for u to be romantic , to sing some mooney songs in her ear ..lol! well she did serve dinners and lunches to u after the episode ..so count ur blessings , lol
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  3. ojaantrik

    ojaantrik IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Devika:

    Thanks to Sankari's calmness and patience I am still alive. I am not entirely sane of course, as most ILites who have observed me know by now, but I am alive and kicking.

    Well, I am stupid too I guess, or else the event described by the story would not have taken place, right?

    Hmmm... I guess all I can say in my defence is that I am at least honest. So, I owned up in an open forum! bonk

    All the best.

  4. mithila kannan

    mithila kannan Gold IL'ite

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    Dear oj,
    "And you know why the very basis of mathematics is illogical? It is illogical because classical mathematics assumes that the uncountable infinity can also be named particle by particle. It's called the Axiom of Choice. Without this axiom, which no one can prove, mathematics cannot progress a single step. Logic is just a convenient house mathematics chooses to reside in. In fact though, it's hopelessly illogical!"

    If my man had taken me to the beach on a lovely evening and uttered these words,I would have walked away,sure.

    I really feel very sorry for sankari,no wonder she shoutd at you.

    She was almost livid now with anger. "Why the hell should I want to know who shaves the barber? I don't even want to know any barber at all, whether he shaves or not. You go tomorrow morning and find out who shaves the barber. If no one else does, you do him the favour yourself."

    I could sympathise with her.

    Enjoyed the post.
    mithila kannan
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  5. ojaantrik

    ojaantrik IL Hall of Fame

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    Of course jaijui, I do count my blessings. And that was why I wrote this post. To tell you all, without hiding anything, that I have every reason to count my blessings.

    Yet, all of you seem to be laughing. So, despite the fact that I made a fool of myself, I am sure you enjoyed my discomfiture at the same time that you deeply felt for Sankari.

    Interesting. People are crying and laughing at the same time!! Isn't that funny?

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  6. ojaantrik

    ojaantrik IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Mithila:

    After scolding me, you say you enjoyed the post!! And not just you. All the ladies who made comments showed similar propensities.

    Strange indeed. Women enjoy the plight of the person they are scolding? :hide:

    And now, to help you scold me more, I just posted this.

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  7. knot2share

    knot2share Gold IL'ite

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    Oh wow OJji!!!!!!!!!! What a fantastic piece of writing. I loved it and of course the plight of Shankari is totally understandable...heheh. I can't believe that you could think of everything from Astronomy, Math, English to talk about and not say something to the mortal beauty who was sitting next to you and looking up at the immortal beauty and that too on a moonlight night......This was written a while back and possibly the incident also happened before that. I hope you have not wasted any or many more moonlit nights with Shankari. So sweet to read the lines where she had a go at you......:). Congratulations for the nomination of this thread. I am not sure if you did win for this post or not, but irrespective of that, it is a winner in all respect.
  8. ojaantrik

    ojaantrik IL Hall of Fame

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    @ k2s

    Dear Friend:

    Your fb brings back memories, both from the distant as well as the recent past. The distant past is where the story is located. Whether it was a real incident or not is another question. In a way it was real, but not each and every detail. I might have put together bits and pieces of things that happened on different occasions and built a whole story out of them! The recent past relates to the nomination you mention. I am not used to receiving too many fb's here or anywhere else, but Cheeniya did nominate and yes, they selected me. So, this was one of my successes at IL you might say -- whether I am overly popular or not.

    Doesn't matter. When I receive serious comments like yours, I am fully compensated for the lack of numbers. Recently, I have been thinking of writing another Sankari (or Shankari) piece. Let's see if I can build up a coherent whole!!

    Thank you so much for your kind appreciation.
  9. ojaantrik

    ojaantrik IL Hall of Fame

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    The last thing one should do is advertise oneself. But that is exactly what I am engaging in now.

    Sometime ago, Kamalji asked me to re-post a few of my earlier posts which new ILites haven't read. He thinks they might be interested. I think he is wrong of course. The proof lies in the fact that only two persons showed any interest at all in my recent post Maganlal Magicwallah. I had deliberately put up a fraction of it to find out if some at least would want to read the rest. As it turned out, some = 2. So, the rest of Maganlal must suffer the same ignominy that the character in the episode did.

    Nonetheless, there is no harm persisting. You need to be thick skinned enough. Not a hard job for someone used to being kicked. To use the fascinating English I learnt at this site, the "more harder" you are kicked, "the more thicker" you skin turns. On the other hand, it is clear that rules prohibit reposting. See, each new post means you get counted towards promotion to the next higher rank in this community. Silver to gold to platimum to halls full of fame. So, if you repost, then you are getting two points for the same post. An unpardonable offence, especially for people whose efforts to stick to this holiest of communities is treated as best with benign contempt.

    But you can cheat the system by adding an fb to your own post, as I am doing now and will be doing for the two or three other posts Kamalji wanted to read again. Of course Kamal is wrong as I observed and I think he knows how wrong he is.

    The important thing that I need to tell you in advance is that IL has, in its charitable best, mutilated the posts, sometimes beyond recognition. Nonetheless, however unfair the world may be, people don't usually wish to die. Same with me.

    Note that not all posts are reserved for mutilation. I happen to be amongst the chosen. I have been trying to draw the authorities' attention to the state of the matter. But very little happened except for empty promises from the people at the top that things will be looked into. Perhaps they will be someday. Perhaps they will be wiped out completeley as a punishment.

    In the meantime, here is one post for you to ignore.

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  10. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear OJ,

    Dont u worry my friend, things get slow down at indus, but it will pick up. You do ur duty by posting the old classic of yours, and i had the opportunity to reread this wonderful one, and for me too this was brushig up , and the barber takes the cake eh ! Superb i must say, well when i met harhsa the first time, the parents of both sides made us sit serpately, at a distance for us to talk and decide if we want to get marrried.

    Can u imagine half an hour i got to decide if this girl will be my life partner, HAHA

    i still dont remember what i saw in her and said yes, but yes she is the best thing that happened to me, she satys i asked her all stupid questions, and what dishes were ordered, i ate most of them without asking her to share with her.


    Cheer up OJ my friend pls cheer up, comments will follow, keep posting the old ones, please.



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