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Mathematics <vs.> Sankari -- A Moonlit Evening's Tale

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by ojaantrik, Mar 5, 2009.

  1. ojaantrik

    ojaantrik IL Hall of Fame

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    Re: Mathematics vs Sankari -- A Moonlit Night's Tale

    Yes Kamalji, paradoxes are the spice of life. Not just variety. Sankari has read this now and I think she enjoyed reading it. My son wrote back saying: What took you so long??? Rant

    I will call you guys after around five minutes or so. Have fun in the meantime.

    All the best.

  2. Sabitha_K

    Sabitha_K Gold IL'ite

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    Dear OJ,

    Wow ,what a masterpiece !

    The best part in the post is ,it is anything but humourous to the characters in it, but for anyone reading it just sends them rolling on the ground.Mathematics, Astronomy, English were the subjects you could think of discussing on a moon lit light with your wife.I salute your audacity but at the same time loved your sweet gesture associated with it.

    I loved the way you were able to sense her emotions which crescendoed to rage and the phrase 'mummy in a pyramid' is just out of this world and really hilarious to describe what Sankari was going through at that moment.

    Sankari , quite a unique name.OJ, very cute post and you have a very captivating narrative style.:thumbsup
  3. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear oj-da,
    I just loved this post of yours. You are too good & I just adore the way you write!
    I thought Shankari was a typical South Indian name!! That lovely sweet wife of yours must have been shocked by your words, call it behaviour that night, I am sure!!
    Now, she must be knowing you like the palm of her hand, am I right??
  4. ojaantrik

    ojaantrik IL Hall of Fame

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    Yes Sabitha. You got the point so correctly. I tried to maintain the humour, except I think for the last sentence. That is probably the key sentence. That's the one that contains the hint!!

    Sankari is not unique if you look at old Bengal. It is an old fashioned name, quite old fashioned. In my wife's generatio few women would have that name. That's what makes it sounds somewhat unique. I understand it is not uncommon in the South.

    Thank you for the kind words at the end of your fb.

    All the best.

  5. Kamla

    Kamla IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Oj-da,

    If I have been the cause however remotely for you to write such a delightful piece, I would like to be that cause again and again.:)

    Loved reading it. Like Sabitha so aptly put it, the humor may not have been prevalent between the young couple in the narration, but it was the most attractive factor for the readers.

    Once again you go to prove that men are indeed from Mars! Why is it such inanimate and intangible things attract you folk so much?! There she was, all present and beautiful and you had eyes only for the moon yonder..nah, it was not even the moon, but some particles which were not even visible!! Huh!
    It is not even like you are not a romantic. If so, you could not have described your lovely wife in those appreciative words nor could you have quoted Shakespeare!

    Well, why am I wasting time to understand this psyche. It will be just as useless as trying to decipher the hexadecimal! I should know better, else, I could have understood what makes my dear hubby go all gaga over the discovery of a new moon in Saturn's orbit!? bonk

    As for introducing us to Sankari, thank you, she sounds simply charming and just as helpless as I am! By the way, one of my close friend is called Shankari and she is from Karnataka. So the name is all too familiar to me and today, reading it in Oj's words, made it sound prettier!

    L, Kamla
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2009
  6. Kamla

    Kamla IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Oj-da,

    When I logged in and saw about this post, I read it straight away and gave the above fb. It is only later I discovered that this has been nominated for FP by no less than Cheeniya sir!

    Congratulations Oj sir! Looks like you have really found your niche! Don't say I didn't warn you about it all along!!

    L, Kamla
  7. ojaantrik

    ojaantrik IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Chithra:

    It's an honour to be visited by you. One's heart overflows with pleasure.

    Yes, I guess she was shocked, but I think she is happy that I have written this piece. Yesterday, first thing in the morning, I gave it to her saying, "I have a present for you!" She was surprised, but read with interest the print out I had ready for her. I even heard her calling up her friends to inform them about this event. And I think, after reading it, she has understood that some men at least cannot say things the way women might want them to. But they do say things a woman might want to hear. They may take a hell of a long time to come out with it, but better late than never, as the wise saying goes. :)

    I suppose men, or at least some men, don't want to spoil things by saying things which are obvious. They don't realize that even in mathematics, axioms need to be stated at the very beginning. You can't assume that the reader is aware of things which the writer is taking for granted. And that is a folly. These men are very careful in stating their axioms when they write their academic papers. They forget all about the necessity of clarifying their axioms as far as their relationship with their partners are concerned. What a pity indeed!!

    I have been told that Shankari is a typical South Indian name. It used to be a Bengali name way back in the past, at least a hundred years ago. But it is no longer fashionable. In my wife's generation chances are one in a million that someone would be called Shankari in Bengal. Incidentally, the name is indeed pronounced SHankari. For a reason I cannot quite figure out, Bengalis write it as Sankari. They don't write it that way in Bengali script of course. Same with my family name, which is Dasgupta. Any non-Bengal would pronounce it the way it's written. In truth though, it is pronounced DasHguptO, and written that way in Bengali. Indeed, even my first name, Dipankar, ought to be written DEEpAWnkAWr. But my parents told me to write it the way I write it even today! Most Bengalis would write it my way I think.

    All the best.

  8. ojaantrik

    ojaantrik IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Kamla:

    This is a reply to both your fb's. I was indeed delighted to see that Cheeniya took his time to nominate this post. It was a true honour. What's more, I even had an opportunity to speak to the great man over the phone yesterday, thanks to Kamalji, who is now camping in Chennai and eating all the good food at ILite residences!

    You are right. I have indeed found my niche and I think I have to slowly adjust mentally to the fact one good comment is worth more than a thousand indifferent ones. I can't figure out too clearly why, but it's a fact that I find a strange mental peace when I write at IL. If IL stays this way, I will never write anywhere else. However, given my passion for website construction and computer languages, I will build my own site too, simply to store whatever I write in one place and probably leave it as a present for my yet to be conceived granddaughter. She will be called Sakura by her grandparents and I am slowly composing my letter to her in the IL Blog space. It's taking a lot of time because I am dependent on someone else for the animated pictures.

    Going back to your comments on the post, I do agree that there is a fundamental problem with men. How should I summarize it? It may sound vulgar, but they often believe that "Ten birds in the bush are worth more than the one at hand!" And that is precisely what I tried to bring out in the story. I don't know if you read a translation of a Tagore poem I had put up at IL. Tagore gave words to these thoughts in his inimitable language. My translation of course cannot live up to Tagore's words. But it captures the spirit hopefully.

    I can understand so clearly your DH's obsession with new moons around the Saturn, when the ever present moon across the dining table stares at him dumbfounded. But, being a man, let me assure you that he keeps peeping at the only moon that really matters. He is probably too shy to let her know. He pretends that moons located light years away are the only ones he actually cares for.

    As I always say, had it not been for women, the world would have long ceased to exist. It's their down to earth practical wisdom that keeps the earth stick to its orbit. Galleleo might have found out that the earth waltzes around the sun, but it's womankind that decided who should compose the waltz. And that is where women always score above men. They give concrete shape to abstract nothings. Men design engines, women drive them!

    Best regards.

  9. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    Moral: Never indulge in hairsplitting when you are going for a walk with a lovely lady. Great piece otherwise.
  10. ojaantrik

    ojaantrik IL Hall of Fame

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    Absolutely right Balajee!! Just don't argue. Do only what you are rightly expected to do. Admire the lady!! :)

    Thanks for the fb!!


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