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Mananagement- Indian style!

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by kanaka, Jan 7, 2008.

  1. kanaka

    kanaka Bronze IL'ite

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    I have never been an ardent reader of fiction. My list of titles is so less- - --- -.Other than few titles like
    (1) There is no such place as far away/Richard Bach
    (2) Jonathan Livingstone seagull
    (3) Quiver full of arrows and few Robin Cook, my interest in fiction seems to be nil. Iam yet to to now the reasons. I prefer Alvin Toffler or any informative reading material
    My friends are surprised! Yet can',t diagonise the cause of my symptom/s
    Today I just forced myself to read the title 'The Monk who sold his Ferrari' /Robin Sharma. After reading this, Iam much convinced about my reflections on the topic'Gita- the Mother of all Management Gurus. Surprisingly the book more or less expresses my thoughts and also transcends the mundane thoughts of people like me.
    Our management experts dishing the western opinion need to unlearn, learn and relearn certain basic tenets of life from such books. This reminds me of a certain management Guru with whom I happened to travel. That Guru an Indian born presently at California tours all over India when he is on a vacation.
    To make it short, that gentleman started lecturing to our co passengers on Leadership and Motivation. A textbook explanation of Maslow's theory of Motivation and Leadership theories of all schools found in books dealing with the fundamentals of Management.
    My first impulse was to tell him that "Iam very good in that diagram of Maslow's theory
    But now since Iam no more a suitable candidate vying for an Executive Job preferred to remain silent.
    No leadrship theory can match our Indian philosophy of handling life.
    The book 'the Monk -- - - is very inspiring and inviograting. One can read the best management principles on managing oneself life which ill subsequently alter the life and thoughts of others. Concepts such as Matsktskstering the time and not Managing Times are very thought provoking!
    A book meant for all.
    I anticipated some heavy critcisms for the posting(Gita----------Management). Either some of the members doesn't seem to agree with me or still busy with the New Year Bash! kanaka

  2. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    hi kanaka,

    I love anything called books.so cannot confine myself to anything. I like future shock, robin cooks books have read almost all of them, ayn rand love her concepts of objectivism, like to read anything spiritual..

    If I assume, to know the person whom you are talking about, I also don't understand what is so captivating about his delivery that corporates lining for his appointments??

    Have read the monk who sold his ferrari.., who would cry when you die,family wisdom from the monk..... all of these are give an approach to live simple life with greater balance, strength, courage and joy.

    to quote his words that left an impact on me...
    Being an elite performer on the playing field of life is not about being perfect. Rather, it is about cultivating a mental focus towards mastery in every area of your life. It is about commiting yourself, from the core of your heart, to manifest and polish your highest talents and become the person you are destined to be."

    Mastery, managing your time,life,relationships, family everything is inside you...only self anaylsis and introspection will give you the answer...we don't have the patience and time do that....that is why we need most of these self help books....
    (these are again my views...)

    (P.S. last sunday i read about a review in two lines..about an indian author...the title was "I bought the ferrari the monk sold...." should just check it out...as the title was catchy...")
  3. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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  4. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    hi chithmam,

    I have read your review, and also my fb there is proof to that...:yes::tongue
  5. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    hi chithmam,

    I have read your review, and also my fb there is proof to that...:yes::tongue
  6. kanaka

    kanaka Bronze IL'ite

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    Dear Shanvy,
    There was nothing captivating. Sarcastically I meant the person concerned was just saying verbatim what has been found in the texbooks.

    When I said"Sir Iam thorough with the diagram it was a dig at him- It meant that he was trying to dish out some of his lecture notes. That's all. Thanks for the communication. Keep giving your comments, suggestions That's make me to write something.

    Please let me know the newspaper in which the review for the book 'The Ferrari I bought----- can be located!. Here in Goa i buy only 'Hindu'. kanaka:iagree:iagree
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2008
  7. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    hi kanaka,

    when i meant captivating...me too meant in the sarcastic sense only:queen..

    regarding the ferrari i bought from the monk was reviewed in the hindu only....

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