Lunch Carrier Service To Old Age People - New Idea For Women Looking To Make Money

Discussion in 'Entrepreneurship' started by skalluri, Oct 3, 2018.

  1. skalluri

    skalluri Gold IL'ite

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    Hello all,

    Now a days life is busier than before, old age people are living alone because their children settled in far away places , also most of the old age people wants to live alone independently, but as the age matters it could be either wife or husband living alone when other passes away, or in some cases children don't care them or in some cases they don't have children to depend.

    In any case, old age is the stage everyone has to go through and it is the stage when they need help.

    As many old age people are suffering being alone at home and not able to cook by themselves, it will be good if someone cooks food for them food on regular basis, by delivering the food daily, this kind of service is available in some places, but very negligible.

    I see this is most useful service and excellent opportunity for women at home(home makers) who wants to make money being at home, they can make money by cooking food at home and delivering to old age people by charging money , it is a great service to old age people.

    If you are looking for a money making service, think about it. look for any old age people around you and get in touch with them , spend some time with them and talk about this service .

    I thought of sharing this idea to all because at least some help to old age people is a great help and God will definitely bless when we do service.
    drdiva and Rihana like this.

  2. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    A good idea for women who like cooking to explore. Like all small business ideas, it needs some research and planning.

    First off, it should be looked at as a business venture. Not mixed up with being of service to old people or society.

    Some thoughts in random order:
    - there must be reasons why the service is not widespread. look into why haven't more people already taken it up.
    - it involves lot of physical work, and cannot necessarily be completed when children are at school.
    - most old people have diet restrictions and (caste, religious) preferences about who can cook their food.
    - older people are particular about what they would like to eat. Younger working people would simply be glad to get healthy, homemade food and more willing to adjust.
    - logistics involved are complex. storage and inventory management of perishables is a big one.
    - some people may prefer only freshly cooked food, nothing made previous night and refrigerated.
    - takes time for this business to start making profit. husband and other family members might not be patient.
    - getting people to pay on time is a challenge.
    - too much work to do alone. more suitable for household that has multiple women able to cook or contribute in other ways.
    - social aspect. also known as log kya kahege. what will people say. no job is too lowly, but we live in a society. in some circles, such a home business could result in people looking down on you. sad, but true.

    Not to discourage the idea .. more like highlighting some challenges I saw friends face when they started similar business.
    pumpkin01, shravs3 and Shanvy like this.
  3. skalluri

    skalluri Gold IL'ite

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    you got offended? :) you don't need to respond if you think it is not good idea,

    I know there will be many financially poor families where housewifes are ready to take up this job to support their families because I have seen it in Hyderabad and thus enquiring if available in Gudivada.

    Yes I am doing the service which I can do in my life. thanks.
  4. skalluri

    skalluri Gold IL'ite

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    My idea is not take up really like a business but start in small range to supply to 1 or 2 people and explore how it goes, I have seen families who is doing this business in Hyderabad, then I thought all the people who are looking to make extra money to support family may take up this, thus sharing the also helps the old age people.
    olyfree likes this.

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