Lowest rating in appraisal

Discussion in 'Working Women' started by WorkingWoman, Jun 27, 2013.

  1. WorkingWoman

    WorkingWoman Gold IL'ite

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    I got lowest rating because of my poor attention at work over the period of last one year. I was not like this. Because of this rating now I am supposed to perform higher to save my job. I am in trouble :( I have been going through several personal problems at home and have a 4 yr old daughter. It is critical for me to save job.

    Just sharing my trouble with you lovely ladies. Please write some encouraging and inspiring lines for me so that I can work hard and get through the situation. Also share experience if any of you has faced similar situation. How did you cope with it?

  2. vidyarp

    vidyarp Bronze IL'ite

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    Dear friend,
    First of all, get rid of all the negative thoughts from your mind. If you keep saying to yourself that you have poor attention, then in all probabilities, it will turn out to be true. Start by believing in yourself. Keep encouraging yourself. You see, you are what you believe. If you believe you can do it, you can. If you think you cant, you wont.
    So self belief is the first part.
    Then step two - anaylze the current situation and instead of blaming yourself or the system or your environment, look at what you can do to improve it. Start with small things. Baby steps. You dont want to plan a complete overhaul just little things that you can do to make things better. The good thing is that these changes are small in nature but if they help you move in a better direction, you yourself will feel good about it. You will gain confidence in yourself. And once you have your self confidence back, its time to move to step 3 - which is making others also realize that you have the potential.
    Its one thing to be good and its another thing for the world to percieve you as good. So work on your image. You start by understanding what is required in the job and what are your gaps. Which are the areas you need serious improvements and what can you do to work towards it. Go talk to your boss. Ask for help. Let him/her know that you are keen to make improvements and you need their guidance.
    Final step - master your craft. Be good at what you do. Give it all your attention and efforts. Make sure your efforts are aligned with your boss's expectations. When the boss sees your efforts and hard work, things will improve. And once you spend that kind of time in your area of work, you gain the skill and expertise to deal with different things. And nothing brings more confidence and respect than expertise in your area. Knowledge is power.

    These are my thoughts. I dont know about others, but i have been through some tough spots myself and everytime i've been low, I've picked myself back. Am sure you will too.

    Good luck and take care. Remember life is all about choices. You can choose to be sad and play the victim of the situation or you can choose to fight back and be what you want to be.
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  3. Vemala

    Vemala Gold IL'ite

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    What was your rating in scale of 5 . Appriasals are tricky with difficult or emotional manager somes times.
    Many of us think that rating 3 is not good to get. Rating 3 is 95%. Rating 3.5-4 is 100%. Rating 4-5 is above exceptions. We may not fall always in the 3.5 and above.

    These apprisals are covered with Bell curve and peers are the best bet. If you compare with them, may be slightly high or slighly low. Some instances make you low due to personal or non intersting work. For that you dont need to blame your self.

    If you really have more stress and uanble to manager home and work, look for women friendly policy companies like IBM/Philips etc. They are very flexible and giving ample time to spend. They are giving breaks to women and asking them to work 4 days/week or 4-5 hrs in a day and 3-6 months off without pay etc. Salary will be calcualted accordingly.

    Some times apprisals are compromised. So dont worry. If apprisals rating is less than 2(out of 5) definitly look out some thing seriously. work towards it.

    Best of luck.
  4. shagydeep

    shagydeep Bronze IL'ite

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    Well it is all your fault. You need to give full attention on your work and have to perform positive...

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