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Lovely Angels called mothers

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by nandinimithun, Aug 17, 2011.

  1. nandinimithun

    nandinimithun IL Hall of Fame

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    Nandini, hey Nandini!! this was the way Recently a young mom holding a child with both her hands spotted me in one of the shopping malls and shouted in joy, it took me a minute or two before I could realize that it was none other than my classmate Ahanaa, we had studied in the same school from UKG to 10th std, she was looking pretty and had added lot of weight.

    I was excited to see her aswell, though I don’t remember having spoken to her for more than 5minutes during school days, things had changed now. We started recollecting our classmates and our teachers and all the fun time which we had as kids in school…. Ahanaa insisted that I go for an ice cream with her, since the climate was favorable for the same and me in the right mood, I thought an ice cream would be perfect
    I was so engrossed in conversation that I didn’t notice her cute little daughter who is 2years, she just came running after playing a horse ride nearby, I was so fascinated by her babbling cute words and angelic smile that I made her stand and clicked a photo of hers. Generally I tell kids not to address me as aunt and that I prefer them calling me as nandini but I couldn’t help her cute words and just smiled whenever the 2yr addressed me as aunt.

    I don’t remember the ice cream name but it was huge with all kind of nuts, jelly and lot of ice cream varieties in the cup, it was just a superb treat, and I was enjoying it . As we were having ice cream I noticed that my friend was not having her ice cream properly nor was she enjoying it, she was deeply observing her bundle of joy licking the ice cream, I asked my friend what happened and why was she not enjoying her ice cream, she replied ‘it feels satisfied to see my daughter enjoying her ice cream, without any worries and tensions about life, tomorrow she will grow up but I might not get to see the same innocence and tenderness in her, so I am looking at my daughter and feeling very happy to see her enjoy her life, my daughter should always get such special moments in life which she enjoys truly and without worrying’.

    After hearing this I was completely speechless, thank you god for creating wonderful angels called mom for us, who are so selfless and always shower true love.

  2. sreemanavaneeth

    sreemanavaneeth Gold IL'ite

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    Hai Nandi,

    Mother is always an ANGEL, LOVING, CARING,AFFECTIONATEetc., etc., We cannot
    define mother's love which is beyond our thought and uncountable my dear.Mother wants always her children to be away from worries and to lead a happy life. Right from the womb till we grow the un measurable protection a mother can only give. Too good blog dear
  3. shashiv

    shashiv Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Nandini,

    MOTHERS are always mothers no matter who they are.. They are our shelters... thinking for us in our sorrow and happiness... I really enjoyed your blog very much, very touching... thank you

  4. nandinimithun

    nandinimithun IL Hall of Fame

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    hi sree,

    very true mothers care for us even before we land on earth and till d time we fade away, they are so selfless.

    Hi shashi
    tmrw i mite become very old and feeble but still i remain a child to ma mom who wil care me love me and shower immense selfless love and affection on me.
    Thank u for liking my blog shashi

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