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Love/need Or Something Else

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by HariLakhera, Jan 28, 2024.

  1. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    Interesting dialogue between spouses in old age.

    (A few days back I heard someone say why we weep when someone close dies and the answer was two reasons. 1-what will happen to me? 2- I wish I could do something. This reminded me of my old post.)

    Husband-“Did you say something?’

    He asked peeking his head out from the rumble of crumpled newspaper in his hands.

    Wife-'No! Nothing ' she replied glancing aimlessly toward the ceiling.

    (This is the beginning of the opening of the closed chapters of their long married life. This gives them extra ammunition to pull each other down in their way, of course. But there is a big BUT! The last lines speak about why they need/love each other)

    'What nothing? If you do not want me sitting here and reading the newspaper, say so. Why talk in metaphors?'

    'You don't seem to be reading the paper?'

    'Why do you say that?'

    'The TV is on with that stupid tick-tok cricket match showing you can't do both together'

    'So you want me to watch those silly sil, dil, mil sops!'

    'I didn't say that!’

    'You don't the to say anything, your body language says everything, I know you!'

    have 'Really! When was the last time you looked at me?'

    'Forget it'

    'Forget what? How can I forget what you told me when we first met?'

    'What did I say?'

    'That you will ever keep me happy'.

    'I don't remember what I or you said some sixty years ago. I can't even remember what I ate for dinner yesterday

    'So you want to say my cooking is not worth remembering!'

    'Do you remember what date was four days ago?'

    'Must have been, let me think, what date is today?'

    'I know, I know. It was my birthday and you did not even wish me. I have been waiting and waiting. And you remember what I said 60 years ago!'

    'You know I am not good at numbers, you could have reminded me or given me some hints!'

    'Very simple excuse! ''So, you don't want me to sit here, okay I will move into the bedroom. We have only two rooms, where else do you want me to go?'

    'You were not born a princess. It's enough for two of us'

    'I was a princess for my parents, you made me maid'

    'I did the best I could'

    'So did I'

    'Forget about it. Let me go out and breathe some fresh year.'

    'And gossip with that fatty Panwala !'

    'What is it to you? ' opens the door and goes out.

    'It is raining outside, take this umbrella and don't break your bones, the road is slippery'

    Hm. This is possibly love.
    Viswamitra likes this.

  2. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Hari Sir,

    I consider the whole conversation as love. It gives deceptive appearance that it is a quarrel between two elderly couple but it is purely love.

    "Did you say something?" means I am eager to listen and have a conversation with you.
    "No, nothing" is a statement, "So am I and why don't you initiate a dialogue?"
    'You don't seem to be reading the paper?' - means it is more meaningful to have a dialogue with me.
    "Why do you say that?" means I will close the newspaper if you like to have a conversation.
    'The TV is on with that stupid tick-tok cricket match showing you can't do both together' - means it is better to have a conversation among us.
    'So you want me to watch those silly sil, dil, mil sops!' - I also feel the same way when you watch the TV serials.
    'I didn't say that!’ - means my suggestion is to have a conversation with me.
    'You don't the to say anything, your body language says everything, I know you!' - means I know what you want but would like you to say it explicitly so that I can feel that love.
    'Really! When was the last time you looked at me?' - means when we have conversation I expect you to look into my eyes.
    'Forget it' - means this is not the outcome I expect but only love.
    'Forget what? How can I forget what you told me when we first met?' - means I am still soaked in what you said when we first met.
    'What did I say?' - means I would like to hear it in your own words.
    'That you will ever keep me happy' - You mean so much to me for what you said then.
    'I don't remember what I or you said some sixty years ago. I can't even remember what I ate for dinner yesterday' - means I am glad you remember that even though my memory is fading. You are precious to me for remembering it.
    'So you want to say my cooking is not worth remembering!' - means I would also like you to appreciate what I cook as I still love you so much and do it with devotion.

    'Do you remember what date was four days ago?' - 'Must have been, let me think, what date is today?' - 'I know, I know. It was my birthday and you did not even wish me. I have been waiting and waiting. And you remember what I said 60 years ago!'
    - 'You know I am not good at numbers, you could have reminded me or given me some hints!'

    means I would have been happier if you had wished me in my birthday. His wife's response means I am sorry for forgetting it and had you given me a hint, I would have expressed my love for you readily.

    'Very simple excuse! ''So, you don't want me to sit here, okay I will move into the bedroom. We have only two rooms, where else do you want me to go?' - 'You were not born a princess. It's enough for two of us'

    means "In my heart you are always a princess no matter whether it is reflected in material things we have."

    'I was a princess for my parents, you made me maid' - 'I did the best I could' -
    'So did I'
    - means We both love each other and that is what matters.

    'Forget about it. Let me go out and breathe some fresh year.' 'And gossip with that fatty Panwala !' - means My apologies and I don't like to aggrevate you any further on this. Let me step aside to give a little bit of me time for you.

    "It is raining outside, take this umbrella and don't break your bones, the road is slippery" means I might have forgotten your birthday due to old age but I love you dearly with my whole heart. Please take care of yourself and you are precious to me as well."

    If this conversation is not love, what is?
  3. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    ( I may not say I love you but I need you, as much as you need me, and do not forget that. Caring for each other is love.)

    Many thanks for your detailed reading and comments.
    joylokhi and Thyagarajan like this.
  4. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    :hello: Kudos to your skill depicting the message of a acrimonious dialogue of couple in love-ridden or in platonic love.

    Many couples in almost all age groups would often have dialogues seemingly of acrimony but when summed up - it underscores the profound love that one has for the other. They always hand an umbrella to the other and utter word of caution or warning!
    When things normal with her, she would call spouse in endearing terms but when she is anguish-filled, she would invariably begin the dialogue
    By calling his name softly or loudly depending upon intensity and depth of disatisfaction, she would establish her pov or remind him of her polite instructions remain unheeded.
    It is common knowledge that modern husbands amidst tough life a d chores hardly remembers dates of anniversaries birth or death and dates of WEDLOCK a d or divorce. The nimble brained spouse's often throw hints from time to time even days ahead of such days fall due.
    Whether hinted or not hubby's are expected to atleast remember those 'red' or 'green' dates lest silent treatment would follow.
    Her anguish would increase when husband demo started his ability or capacity to recall retrieve from his memory as to when birth anniversary is due of few popular actress's.
    When the husband met with silent treatment in force, he wrote a note on a piece of paper "wake me up at 6am as I hv to leave for office early tomorrow".
    When he woke up in the morning, the time was alteady over half past eight. Enraged, he shouted at his spouse, loudly demanded to know why she did not wake him up on time. She with an "ear to ear smile" just pointed her index finger to the fridge door affixed with magnetic note pad. He saw and read it and struck his forehead with palm repeatedly.
    It was written in bold:
    " Now time is 6. Pl Wake up".
    HariLakhera likes this.
  5. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    Dear @Viswamitra sir
    I enjoyed your paraphrasing every dialogue appear in
    OP's post with emergence of masked or hidden meaning of love affection. It exudes love and only Love.
    It reminds me of the a anecdote in which a man attempts to observe fast on vaikunda ekadasi fast a d how is loving wife coax him by and by to drink and eat. I do remember your thought provoking hilarious comments therein.

  6. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    The dialogue between somewhat or vaguely vexed couple is seemingly insinuation but the undercurrent of love and affection are deeply hidden.
    The world cries and sob when loved-one is lost or expired. I heard among muslim community there existed a tradition to whine around the lady who had just delivered the baby and not to cry when someone goes to heaven (or hell).
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2024
    HariLakhera likes this.
  7. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Shri Thyagarajan,
    Thanks for your feedback.
    Wife -husband relationship is complex. Two individuals come together to be with each other for life. At least that is what they were told and vowed to. Then comes a day when all looks to be over and waiting for final goodbye. All these years, each one of them looked after each other and their children but never said 'I love you' to each other.
    Now they realize that this taking care was nothing for love. But again they refrain from accepting it.In any case, it is too late. Now is the time to make sure that the other is there to give company. That is all needed.
  8. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    This was somewhat a tribute to fighting couples who need each other. There was a Hindi movie where Amitabh Bachchan and Sharmila Tagore play main role as aged couple. Wife keeps on coaxing her husband to take his medicines on time, eat properly, sleep on time and like. Husbands gets irritated and wife says, I am asking you not because I care so much about you but because I am afraid what will happen to me if something happens to you.
    It may sound selfish, but it can not be denied. In any case, what is love? It is nothing but taking care.
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  9. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    Super. I did see that wonderful movie in theatre Broadway at TT Dadar near Thilak Bridge. But unable to recall title. A solid example thanks to u. It looks like love between a couple is not unselfish. They care for each other and at the same time worried about self. Do we hv any such scenes from epics Ramayana & or Mahabharat? Was Droupadh love for her husbands and vice versa - was it pure love or selfish.
    HariLakhera likes this.
  10. HariLakhera

    HariLakhera Finest Post Winner

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    Ramayana- Every character in Ramayana is unique. No one wants to be Kaikai but there are many Kakaies around. Sita's love for Rama is beyond love. It is total dedication.
    The closest to modern-day couples come to Mandodari and Ravana. Both try to convince each other but in different ways. Mandodari tries her best not to take the fight with Rama and is very concerned. Ravana only spoke about his powers. The wife is concerned about her life after Ravana. Ravana is trying to convince her that nothing will happen.
    Draupadi never expected what happened to her but she tried to be honest to each of her 5 husbands. In the same way, the husbands behaved but could not do anything when she was humiliated by her husband and thereafter the Kauravas.
    Thyagarajan likes this.

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