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LOVE ALL - Episode 5

Discussion in 'Saturdays with Varalotti' started by varalotti, Dec 14, 2008.

  1. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    My Dear DD,

    Thanks. I had to soften the episode with the dream scene. And nothing intensifies the frustration and anger more than an earlier dream and expectation.

    This sensitivity is an issue which we need to deeply think about. I have a friend who is into spirituality. His recipe for winning over the problems of life is to be like a stone come what may. I made it clear to him that I don't want to sacrifice my sensitivity for spirituality. A log of wood then would be more spiritual than us. That's not the point. Since spirituality is also a form of love, the most intense form of love, the sensitivity there is very high.That's why Aandal, Nammazhwar and others were virtually screaming in extreme pain because they could not be with their beloved, God.

    You are right about the first-aid administered by Ramamurthy and Parvathi.

    Yes you can surely meet KG and talk to him. I will tell him that my daughter want to see you and talk to you for hours on end. He'll surely oblige.

    Thanks for the great fb, DD.And sorry for the delay in responding to that.
    Your SriPa
  2. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear manasa,
    thanks. I am happy that you liked the "hungry lion" part. Shalini the main character in SHE is a character whom everybody loves to hate. But you know she typifies the struggle of every woman to find her own identity. I dramatised Shalini's case a bit more than necessary - live-in relationships, casual relationships,lesbianism and all - but all the women undergo a similar kind of a struggle.The setting and the events may be different but the intensity is the same.
    Thanks for the nice words, Manasa. And sorry for the delay in responding to your post.

  3. Lalitha Shivaguru

    Lalitha Shivaguru Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear Boost,

    Today you thought of responding to all our fbs and I thought of giving my long fb maybe in view of the looong weekend we are having.

    The opening was tooo enjoyable I was wondering why it is in Italics and was refreshing the page as something was wrong with my system. When started reading it I got to know that it was a dream.. poor Yams. I can understand when we meet a person whom we love so much and the reaction from the opposite person is lukewarm. No words to explain the pain the heart undergoes. Arvind coming out as what he is portrait looks very deceptive compared to his writings. But I always believe if you have Love in your heart then only we can write or talk about love but Arvind was quite contradictory or Yams misjudged the whole scene….let me not guess anything.. the creator knows best.

    This was wonderful… I loved this expression.

    Kripa acting as a catalyst for Yamini to spring to action was really a good move. The prelaunch meeting with mouthwatering yummies makes me hungry even now at such an odd time….have little mercies Sri.

    Now coming to the hoardings…. Who could have done that.. I have two guesses KG or Arvind or is it Ramamurthy? Now….wondering….I have started to thalai pichufyWitsend

    KG in the counselor role suits to a tee…. The punch line was great. Bhakthisarar and Kanikannan’s story was very beautiful. Kanikannan’s love for his guru made the emperuman to act to the dictums of the guru…. Wah wah wonderful. I am always touched by these stories..so Akshaya gets another story. Iam looking forward to KG more as I can have stories to relate to my little one. Sri be careful, we will all become a fan of KG then. Poor Varalotti…Big Laugh

    A nice episode ending very beautifully with a good poem from my dear sis. So looking forward to the launch now. Now for the Bad news Sri….. I am shifting my base to my mom’s place due to kids’ vacation and there is no internet there. Hence will miss the Sunday episode. I will post my fb on Monday without fail. I know the loss is mine but thought let me keep you informed.
  4. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Pooja,

    It was I who missed out on responding to such a wonderful fb. As you know I have posted the reasons for it.

    I am very happy that you had the Lord's Dharshan. That sure is a great blessing. By writing about it and by making me think about it, you have made my day special. Glory be to the Lord of Seven hills.

    I am happy that you liked the twists and turns. The dream scene has to be there so that the reality shines in contrast.

    Yamini and Kripa might have been sisters in their previous births. And since Yamini went out of the way to revive Kripa, the latter now has come to revive the former. There is a saying. Whatever we do, good or bad, we are not doing to others. But only to ourselves.

    Looks like KG has stolen all the hearts here. And he has become much more popular than your Vara. Well let it be. KG now has a dual role. The Religion as well as Counselling.

    Thanks for those nice words, Pooja.
    I didn't teach you or for that matter anybody the art of love. It has been there inside your heart. And reading stories like these it has come out. No one can teach another person how to love.
    Your words only show that you have a lot of love in your heart.


  5. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Aruna,
    That dream scene was a kind of teaser just to ensure that the ILites have a greater shock when Arvind refuses to meet Yamini.
    I am happy that you enjoy reading KG's stories. I now have a clear feeling that KG has clearly overtaken me. Well, he's a senior and I am glad to be overtaken by such a nice man.
    Vashini, well, I think that there is a strong telepathic link between us. For even without reading one word from the episode she selects a poem which fits like a glove.
    Happy that you enjoy the ice-cream as well as the topping.
    And EQ, sorry for the delay in responding to your post.

  6. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Aparna,

    thanks a lot for the nice fb and for the kind words. sorry for the delay in responding to your fb.

    there are people who think that dreams are unreal and that what's happening in the reality realm alone is real. Dreams are as real as the reality. And reality is as unreal as the dream. In fact one of our greatest scriptures the Mandukya Upanishad uses the dream analogy to make us understand the word of forms and names in the right perspective.

    When Yamini's love is frustrated when she finds that she was virtually humiliated at her lover's place she is naturally depressed. And having somebody like Kripa as her friend has really helped her.

    You know what makes me really proud and happy about writing LA? That our women are telling the stories to their children. Hearing such stories from one's mother is the best thing that happen to a child. I am happy that I have a small role to play in this great happening. Continue the good work Aparna. As far as I could manage I'll bring in a story every week.

    Honestly Aparna I have not yet decided who's doing the ads. I have had many guesses so far. I am yet to decide who should get the credit. Let's see.
    Thanks Aparna once again for the fb.

  7. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Meenakshi,
    You know something? I was very happy, thrilled to see your fb. It is almost half a page. You started with no fb, then a few lines and now half a page. I am very very happy about it.
    I can now include this in my CV - that I made a very silent woman talk long. ha ha ha.
    Life is a very complex thing and can't be bound by a set of rules that define rationality for us. I have heard people complaining that so and so is not reasonable or her act is not rational. But these complainants do not know about human minds, their complexity and the very rich hidden agenda the minds contain. If every one in the world is so rational and reasonable the first set of people who'd lose their jobs will be us - the writers. Yamini went to Arvind to invite him to the site. If that alone is her agenda then there is no reason she should flare up like this. What a poor writer like me could project only a hundredth of what is there in a woman's mind. So that's the background of Yamini's outbursts.
    You think Arvind did those hoardings.. but why should he? If he is ready to spend a few lakhs for Yamini why did he not let her meet him? Questions, questions and questions.
    Bhakthisarar is the name of Thirumazhisai Azhwar whose composition on God is called Thiruchandavirutham. He is one of the 12 Azhwars.
    I am happy you liked that and you liked Vashini's poem too. She has already sent me the poem for this week. I am controlling myself not to read that poem. For then it would influence my writing the next episode.
    thanks for the beautiful fb Meenakshi and sorry for the delay in responding to it.

  8. veni_mohan75

    veni_mohan75 Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear Sir,


    I'm speechless at this moment.

    Part - 13 of your episode 3 is excellent. A Royal salute for you.


    Veni Mohan

    A Person's true character can be revealed by what he does when no one is watching
  9. meenakshirajan

    meenakshirajan Silver IL'ite

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    Dear SRIDHAR,
    Thanks for your kind words. If I get such an appreciation just for few sentences I should start writing more. Definitely you can include about this silent woman in your CV. Your story makes me to write more. I am inspired by you and of course LALITHA.
  10. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    dear aishwarya,
    Thanks a ton for the kind words. And sorry for the inordinate delay in responding to them. Ladies meeting takes a lot of time for me to write. I have to balance between moving the story forward and also keeping the conversation natural and relaxed.
    I am happy that KG is overtaking me in terms of popularity. And happier still that you are enjoying KG's stories.
    And I think that stories are the best way to impart religious information.
    thanks once again for the fb, aishwarya.

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