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LOVE ALL - Episode 5

Discussion in 'Saturdays with Varalotti' started by varalotti, Dec 14, 2008.

  1. Oviya

    Oviya Silver IL'ite

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    Thank you, SriPa, for letting me know the tradition.

    Your Dear DD.
  2. manasa_gs

    manasa_gs Senior IL'ite

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    Dear Sridhar Uncle,
    That was an another amazing episode. I loved the "Before a Hungry lion" part. Infact i read it so fast, i was thinking there was more to come. :)
    waiting for the other episodes.
    I read ur short story SHE, jsut loved it. I am sorry for mentioning about that in this thread, in one way i did not like the character shalini, but just loved the decision she took at the end. Hats off to her and her creator , ie you . :):bowdown
  3. smileypooja

    smileypooja Senior IL'ite

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    Dear Vara,

    How are you?I missed out on reading your episode as i went to have the darshan of Lord Venketeshwara at Tirupathi..I read it today and was very eager.... so the thrist was more and the twists and turns which are
    are a part of your story satisfied my hunger...:)

    Meet between our Yam and Arivind so sooon???before we enter into that romantic scene you played your trick by naming it a DREAM...bonk
    Oh my GOD!the conversation between Kalpana and yam was very hot.Rant..yams had lost her patience but gave a smart reply...

    The scene had lost its charm when yam became inactive ..which again became alive with kripa's entry...the chemistry between them is like two sisters in their last janma and meet again in this janma...:cheers
    The muhuratham was also fixed and the day was no far when suprises started pouring in for yam..hoarding at airport,near IT park....i hope its arvind?? or are you planning to give us a reverse suprise by introducing us to a new character??:idea

    The story written by KG is also very touching like the previous one-here,if i compare the moral of both the stories it is the same....PURE LOVE....where in the former story river ganges came down to purify herself ...here,the lord goes and resumes himself just at the command of his ardent devotee...wonderful stories sir....:bowdown

    Thankyou very much for making my day so special ....I am truly learning a lot of spiritual scriptures and the ART OF LOVE...how to love others.:thumbsup

    good day..

  4. Arunarc

    Arunarc Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    DEar Varalotti
    So the auspicious day has arrived at last.
    While reading about the met of Arvind and yamini, I thought she is really behaving that way but later her father had to wake her from that wonderful dream of her's
    poor soul.......haha
    Enjoyed reading KG's counselling stories along with his answers.

    Vashini you are giving us nice treat for us with nice poems in the end of the episode. It is like having an extra chocolate topping on vanilla ice cream...........hahaha
  5. apar_ram

    apar_ram Silver IL'ite

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    Dear Sri
    Wonderful episode!! Yams talking about her meet with Arvind, after the first couple of paragraphs I was thinking she should be dreaming.. as you wouldnt have them meet so soon. And so it was. It was sweet. Not for too long though, I like the way you have brought out Yams feelings and her patience!! The audacity of ArvindRant. How you have portrayed her feelings on seeing the secretary, and how she reacts as time goes on is really good. Makes you at mad like her too. Felt bad that our heroine was so down. But thank goodness kripa arrived with good news to boost yams up. Hmm yummy wheat halwa and keerai vadai.
    Wonderful story with kanikannan and Bhakthisarar. Helps me tell stories to kids at nighttime. keep them coming. A special thanks. Truly shows the billionfold love of the Lord.
    KG's advise was on the dot!! I am guessing the american company is doing the ads!!!

    Cant wait for the next one now..
  6. meenakshirajan

    meenakshirajan Silver IL'ite

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    Dear Sridhar,

    How I wish the dream come true. Anyway great start. Her reaction after meeting Kalpana was good. These kind of possessiveness is quite natural.
    I feel Lady like Yamini should not loose patience. Nice counseling from Parvathi.
    Sridhar every episode you tempt us with mouth watering menus.
    Kripa’s care for Yamini sounds good. So curious who is behind all these hoardings May be Aravind??
    Thanks for introducing KG. Bhakthisarar story was touching. Great treat.
    Once again Vashini’s poem was excellent. Thanks for posting it. It was a pleasure reading the episode. Thanks Sridhar.
  7. aishu22

    aishu22 Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Sridhar,
    This episode was too good.So the ice was broken!Arvind (through the lady secretary)and Yams wars of words were good to read.
    The meeting between the ladies were well described...

    K.G - he has become the hearttrob now! The kutti story was simply superb and touching.

    Thanks for the additional gift of those small stories in the avatar of KG.
    :thumbsup:thumbsup Episode.
  8. Kamla

    Kamla IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Sridhar,

    At last I could catch up with this week's LA.

    Loved the trap you set us at the start. I was about to criticize you for making Arvind drip with love. Oh, he goes overboard just because he too is a writer, thought I!! And it was a only a dream...:)) Nice one!

    I, for some reason, cannot understand how Yamini can fall so head over heels in love with someone whom she has not even seen or met. I can understand her falling in love with his writings, I can understand a hero worship..but..to be in love with him and also imagine the whole life with him... so much so even the mother concedes that sentiment and the father advices her to go for counseling for she is depressed for a day... sounds a bit far fetched to me. But then, I am too pragmatic I guess.

    The excitement felt by Yamini and co regarding the launch of the site was very infective and a certain excited energy was felt by me too. Those huge hoardings are surely a mystery and I am almost sure who was behind it! But I shall tell you whether my guess was right or wrong after you reveal the mystery to us.

    I am already a fan of KGopalan.."Before an hungry lion" was simply smashing!

    Need I add that I simply enjoyed reading about the Yathothakaari Perumal near Kanchipuram. These are stories that I have never heard and these little stories surely moves me to tears.

    I did add a couple of criticisms here to pep up my feedback Sridhar and I know that you will take it in good stride, I know you. Didn't want to make my fbs monotonous and saccharine every time:)

    L, Kamla
  9. Devika Menon

    Devika Menon Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Sridhar ( your wish is my command),

    Yamini’s dream shattered is not Yamini’s alone , but mine too and all those who read it. Your characters are always well clad like an ongoing display of pret collections
    The transparent violet saree is an interesting attire.

    Loved the outburst of Yamini. Whoever thought women were the meek and timid types silently accepting things doled to them can rethink. And Yamini is proof enough of that I like the strength in that woman. But the fiasco of her first prospective meeting with Arvind and the shattered illusions did affect her as it would affect anyone.
    We often perceive a lot about people . Have this idea about them, build our own illusionary world regarding their looks , personality , mannerisms , etc. and if our illusion is not in sync with reality the effects are quite devastating to the mind and heart.

    I completely agree that the heart being sensitive is Love’s greatest weakness and strength as well.

    Kripas caring attitude is so touching. We all need someone like that, makes life easier, the motivation, the encouragement when your chips are low. You never know when and how you meet your soulmate, but when you do the heart recognizes it and the bonding lasts a lifetime. I guess that’s what happened with Kripa.

    So your vadai and halwa find a place here too:))

    Wow the prelaunch meeting thoroughly excited me. It is as if Im launching something and the business strategies seemed so well worked out. All chalked to finesse.Im in love with Dr. Gayatri. Wish they were a plenty. Some good souls are definitely the need of the hour in this planet.

    There couldn’t be a better counsellor than KG, I believe, The way he answered the queries, no mincing words . Wow!! perfect.

    Loved reading about Bhaktisarar and Kanikanan.

    Hats off to your lines that HIS love for us a billion times more than our love for HIM.

    Devika Mol
  10. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Most Gracious ILites,

    Imagine your father/son/grandson/younger/elder brother/friend/fellow ILite standing before you with a sheepish smile. 'I've done something wrong. I'm sorry' is written all over his face.

    What will you do? Will not your heart melt for him? Well let it melt for a while while you hear what I say.

    I am standing before you to beg your pardon and asking for a few days of leave of absence.I am caught in a whirlwind of a project and at present have time for nothing else.

    Indhu knows about it and my time with her has been the first victim. Since last Saturday there had been no outings, no eating-outs, no viewing TV together, nothing.

    During these four/five or at the maximum six days I will log into IL. I will read whatever you have written in my forums. For when I get tired doing this project work your lines pep me back to action.

    But won' t be replying for it. Nor will I be able to post LA 6 as per schedule.

    What's that 'whirlwind of a project', varalotti, you may ask. I'll tell you by the first week of the new year.

    Now I ask all of you in the name of love to do three things for me.

    First pardon me with all your heart.

    Second, please do pray for me and for the success of this project.

    And the third, when you have some time to spare just write a few lines like 'It's ok varalotti . we understand. After all you are one of us.'

    That will be giving me the elixir I badly need for this project.

    Will you do them for me?



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