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LOVE ALL - Episode 3

Discussion in 'Saturdays with Varalotti' started by varalotti, Nov 23, 2008.

  1. aishu22

    aishu22 Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Sridhar,
    Wonderful! Sorry that i missed posting feedbacks to the first 2 episodes..neverthless i read them without fail.It was so gripping!

    Yams - You go girl..Shes rocking..May be should i call her Bharathi's Pudumai penn.The answers given to Eric were simply superb! My blood boiled when that "brat" asked such questions too..

    Let me tell you I saw Yams in this interview discussion.I gave a nice shot to one of my client in previous company when he spoke "low" about India.

    so Yams - Hats off to you!!

    I simply adored the conversation between Kripa ans Yams.It was a sisterly one and was well presented.

    The one which added more color to the concluding part was the scenes describing about E & Y. The much showed bandha ..posch office..LCD screen..Coat...Jackets..and conference room - WOW..Amazing description Sridhar!!!
    I loved it!!

    In all, gripping eposide again with lots of twist and turns...
    Waiting for the 4th one.
  2. smileypooja

    smileypooja Senior IL'ite

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    YAM made the country proud !!!

    Dear Vara..

    How are you?i am fine,...i am happy that my prediction came true regarding the dialogue between our yams and kripa...in my previous reply mail.

    yam had started the day on a bold decission that she would wait till kripa would get into a good mood...always our loving yam is holding a copy of Arivind's book's does he enter her life at a later stage.:coffee..i hope you find a good life partner for our yam too..who is such a wonderful lady full of love and care and the best part is she stands up for everything and is bold enough to face whatever comes her way...and brings all in her way....excellent quality...:bowdown

    your story indirectly explains the procedure to a novice person about how to register a website...that is a nice way of learning ...

    Coming to the registration of the site our yam was very choosy about the name of her site but,had to compromise for another name...of winningwomenworldwide.com...later as god answers all our prayers which came true to yam in the form of the kripa's maid's blessings.yam got her site name back by the addition of another lady to the site through her contribution and did not ask for a single pie to give that website....such a noble lady...

    The love was in the air the moment yam spoke to kripa...about her life,career and her future...the conversation between both was tooo good..

    here shobana also plays an important role by putting her across to eric...and there were many facts i came to know during their conversation like the Boston tea party movement-1776,about chinnaponnu at madhurai....and many more ..

    This line is really very true......."But in <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">America</st1:place></st1:country-region> you still worship that lady Ayn Rand who preached that personal gain is the only God and selfishness is the only religion.”

    I AM SO HAPPY BECAUSE OUR YAMINI MADE ALL OUR INDIANS PROUD.:thumbsup..she was successful not only in getting her dream project done but,gave a hope to all of us that presence of mind and boldness will always win...


  3. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Viji,
    thanks for the nice fb. Actually I want Yamini to be the finest character created by me. I am taking something from Sharada (The Haunted House) Swetha (Beauty and the Brain) Shalini (SHE) Priya(HE) Vidya (A Love Story) to give shape to this character. Nice to know that Yamini has impressed you.
    The actual IL has got two creators Malathy and Jey. I am combining them both into Yamini in LA.

    I don't know how to respond to such an outburst of love, viji.

    Thanks for those nice words. I had just budgeted one scene for the change of mind of Kripa. So I had to pour in all the strong words and sculpt the scene word by word. I would have edited that scene alone a hundred times.

    Thanks,once again, Viji. And thanks for linking that scene to our culture.

    Not at all, Viji. You have poured out your heart. When something is written directly from the heart, it's always proper.

    You are most welcome.
    Thanks for your love and blessings
  4. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Jenz,
    That's the greatest compliment you could pay to a writer. And thanks for choosing me for that. Because unless our writings disturb you, move you to do something, makes your blood boil, then we could as well write weather reports or something equally insipid.

    Yamini is such a positive force that she makes the world use Kripa's potential.

    I too wish that jenz. But you know I need the time to conceive and develop the child. For example I started writing the 4th episode yesterday night. I have spent two hours to write just about 1000 words. And don't we need a week's gap to just fondle the new born child?

    Thanks for the fb, jenz. Looking forward to that in the future episodes as well.

  5. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    You are welcome any time. But if you want bajjis, give us at least two hours notice.
    In fact when somebody called you EQ I had to pm somebody else to ask about the expansion of acronym. I first thought they are calling you so because your EQ is high. (EQ like IQ is the emotional quotient; it measures our ability to move with others) Now I am reading a book on the third Q, the SQ, the Spiritual Quotient. It's quite interesting.
    Then only my friend explained that EQ is Egyptian Queen.

  6. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    dear bas,
    We in madurai always think that kp has to be only in arakku colour. In fact when Madurai ladies go for saree-shopping they tell the shopwallah, 'show me a silk saree in kp colour' So green kp is as strange to me as a white crow.
    All said and done madurai is a small town a little behind is fads and fashions.
    So you got a kp on the day you married a kp.. ha ha.. you see I have used kp in both the senses in the same sentence. That's a kp for you. ha ha ha

  7. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Aishwarya,
    thanks. Never mind missing fb for the first two episodes. You made it up with a wonderful fb for this one.
    You are right about comparing Yamini to Bharathiyar's pudumaipenn. There are times we need to speak out our mind
    In 1993 I was touring England as a part of a Group Study Exchange team. I am not used to eating with spoons. So on a formal dinner given by the English people I spilled soup on my jacket.
    The English man sitting next to me had a derisive smile. I told him that at least I could manage this much with spoon. Will he care to try eating with his hand? He told me that he would do it in the next feast. It so happened the next feast was of Indian theme and our team members cooked the whole thing. And it so happened the same guy sat next to me. There was a side dish egg koftha to go with naan. This guy trying to eat a whole egg with his hands let it slip and the egg with all the masala dripping fell into his coat pocket. I had to take Herculean efforts to control my laughter.
    I told him later not to ridicule our English. (some of our team members were from villages and their accent was very high) I told him while we manage their language, they could never dream of talking half a sentence in Tamil.

    I had not been to E&Y. But I had been to PWC Singapore. Their office is in a 26-floor complex and they have all these 'bandhas'. That helped me describe the scene in E&Y.

    Thanks once again, for the nice fb, Aishwarya. That only increases my responsibility to write something equally good in the future episodes.

  8. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Re: YAM made the country proud !!!

    Dear Pooja,

    I am fine. Thanks for asking. You are right; your prediction about Yams-Krips meeting came true.

    Does Arvind enter Yamini's life at a later stage? Will I find a good life partner for Yams? Let these things remain million dollar questions while we continue with our story line, Pooja.

    What I am giving is only a broad outline of the procedure for website registration. That's what my web developers told me when they created a site for our CA firm.

    The American War of Independence started in 1776 when the Americans threw tea boxes into the sea at the Boston Harbour. That happened on 4th July, 1776 and that's the reason they still celebrate that day as their Independence Day.

    I saw our former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee falling at the feet of Chinnappillai (of Madurai District) for the noble service done by her. I just wanted the world to know about the noble lady and hence the scene.

    I have written some of the books of Ayn Rand. She's a powerful, prolific writer. When contrasted against the communist type of economy her approach looked good. But on the whole it told the people that individual gain is the only thing that is worth pursuing. That it is actually virtuous to be selfish.

    A wise man from the US talking of this melt-down said that all these things are rooted in greed. And Ayn Rand was the person who sowed the seeds of greed in the US.

    And you know Pooja, one investment banker Goldman Sachs dismissed one of its analysts who told in a TV interview that 'greed is bad'. And the reason they stated 'what he stated is against our company policy'. What does it mean - greed is good?

    Afte the fall of Lehman Bros, after the catastrophes happening in the economic systems of the world, we know how good greed is.

    That's exactly what I wanted to hear from the readers. When I wrote those lines my heart was brimming with pride. When I heard about the victory of Vishwanathan Anand, my heart was sobbing in pride. We are a great country, Pooja. The world is yet to understand us fully.


    Last edited: Nov 26, 2008
  9. apar_ram

    apar_ram Silver IL'ite

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    Dear Sri,
    Wonderful episode. The world needs more Yaminis to get the Kripas out of their hideouts. Liked the way Yams spoke to Eric trying to portray that not all Indians have an ulterior motive. I liked the way Kripa changed and embellished herself, showing that she is coming out of her darkness into the light shone by Yams. The maid's character was well brought out. Shobana too helped Yams understand some of the nitty gritties of running a business. It was a very fast read. You kept it very interesting, wanting to read more.

    One of the opinions i would differ is that, not all americans are into drugs and need shrinks. I have been living/working in america for the last decade and have wonderful friends and as such the general public here are not the way I used to think when I was in India. There are anomalies in all societies and the percentage here maybe higher. But in india people dont seek out help. Again with Ayn Rand and Dale Carnegie there can be 2 camps having different opinions.
    I am sorry if i offended you. I know you have the right to write your opinions in the But somehow when I read the generalisation i had to speak out. I stand up to the people here if anyone offends India or Indians at the same time I have so many people here wanting to visit India and learn more. They appreciate it so much.

  10. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Aparna,
    thanks for your kind fb. The first thing I want to tell you is that I will be the last person to be offended by differing opinions. This is a discussion board, Aparna and not a fan club.
    I was in the US for two months last year. (In fact I wrote a series of ten articles starting from Varalotti in the US 1..You may find that in the index of my writings.) I respect the American's regard for systems, their work ethics, their direct approach and above all the absence of hypocrisy.
    But an alarming proportion of them are depressed - may be because of financial insecurity, or the absence of adequate family bonding.
    And you are right about one thing. We Indians never visit a psychiatrist. Not only that, we ridicule those who visit them. Americans treat their mental illness in the same way they treat their physical illness. That's a good trait, no doubt.
    But the recent consensus is that the Psychiatrists have not helped Americans much in dealing with their problems. There is also a theory that the way psychiatry is practised in the US, it could be a hoax.
    I love Ayn Rand as a writer. She is great as an antidote to communism. I read her book The Fountainhead two times.
    But she holds the extreme view that any altruism is bad. That people like Mother Theresa are just fools. She has characters in her books who help others but in a foolish way. She could not capture the mind of somebody like Buddha, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Mother Theresa who found happiness in serving others.
    When her books became popular in the US, selfishness came to be promoted as a virtue. The same became the case with Europe as well.
    The first practical impact of her teaching was that the children did not take care of their parents in their old age.
    Sweden spends 70% of its GDP in caring for old people; but in India that is taken care of by the families, thus taking a major burden off the Government's coffers. I am afraid, though, that the trend is changing for the worse.
    About Dale Carnegie. Again when someone is about to start a job, when someone is extremely shy then he needs to read that book. But honestly Aparna, I am afraid that he is teaching insincerity.
    Dale Carnegie says that one has to hug one's spouse four times a day to sustain that marriage. I find that phoney.
    Ayn Rand and Carnegie have their places, no doubt. But when they are taken out of their places and made universal then that spoils the whole culture.
    I love the way you voiced your opposition. Mild, to the point and with soft words.

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